Although it's been a productive year, I have nothing publicly to show for it...but I am hoping 2015 will be a more "visible" year. This year I started What's in a Name, Extenuating Circumstances, Lapdancing 06, Grimm Fairy Tales 03, Assumptions, Space Odyssey, and a few other outlines...and although none of them got published in 2014, they are ripe to be posted come I am hoping it will be a banner year.
I went from unemployment to once again employed...and although I'm still reeling from 6 months of no income, that too will be all caught up come the end of February, so that will give me a bit more peace of mind.
I wanted to wish all of you die-hard fans a very happy holidays...for me, it will be CHRISTMAS, but for others, whatever your beliefs or traditions, I wish you a happy end-of-the-year celebration! I wish I had something more to give, a story, an image, but know without you, the fans who have stood by and visited the site even when things were at their worst, you kept me going, and it is much appreciated!
Happy Holidays everybody!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Not looking good for an end-of-the-year release :(
Although I was able to work on Lapdancing 06, Extenuating Circumstances 01, and What's in a Name, I didn't have nearly the time I wanted and looking at it, I wonder where the time went. I typically get so absorbed in the stories when I am writing I don't pay attention to the time, and although I put in a lot more effort this weekend, it didn't seem like enough.
With Christmas coming and my family visiting through the New Year, it's unlikely I'll be having a release until after they leave. My apologies, as I wanted to get SOMETHING out this year (seeing as it was a completely null year), but isn't happening :(
With Christmas coming and my family visiting through the New Year, it's unlikely I'll be having a release until after they leave. My apologies, as I wanted to get SOMETHING out this year (seeing as it was a completely null year), but isn't happening :(
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Off my game...
I've been a little "off my game" lately. This past weekend I worked a bit on What's In a Name, a little bit on Extenuating Circumstances, and a little bit more on Lapdancing Girlfriend 06...but nothing seemed to "click" with me.
I ended up on the couch watching bad Netflix movies, LOL and it was rather relaxing. All the stories are coming along, but guess I needed a break.
Sunday was a bit more of the same, played a bit of games online, worked a bit on the What's in a Name, and then continued my couch potato movie marathon, hehehe.
Things are moving forward, so that's good, just not as fast as I'd like, but couldn't really force myself to do something that in the end should be fun, not a job...
I ended up on the couch watching bad Netflix movies, LOL and it was rather relaxing. All the stories are coming along, but guess I needed a break.
Sunday was a bit more of the same, played a bit of games online, worked a bit on the What's in a Name, and then continued my couch potato movie marathon, hehehe.
Things are moving forward, so that's good, just not as fast as I'd like, but couldn't really force myself to do something that in the end should be fun, not a job...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Follow the Muse....
This weekend was one of the most productive weekends I've had in a while writing-wise. I spent ALL DAY Sunday writing, and writing, and writing.
It wasn't Lapdancing Girlfriend, it wasn't even Extenuating Circumstances, LOL. For some reason I woke up at 3am with an idea and scene in my head for What's in a Name and HAD to get out of bed, go down to the computer, and start writing, even before my first cup of coffee! And then I spent all day working on it.
It was some MAJOR progress, but nothing I had planned on working on. Sometimes I just have to go with the flow and follow my Muse.
It was actually therapeutic. I spent the ENTIRE day writing, times when I was searching out music, then incorporating that into the story, and then more and more writing. I went through 2 bottles of wine and about 3 pots of coffee...finally quitting around all said and told put around 20 hours. As I said, very productive, just nothing I had planned or what anybody is expecting.
The reason this post is coming on a Wednesday and not earlier is I started thinking WHY I enjoyed writing this weekend so much. Lately it's almost been a subconscious act to find something else to do so I wouldn't have time to write.
As I thought back, the last time I had such a relaxing binge of writing was back in JUNE of this year. Since that time I've been so focused on getting Lapdancing Girlfriend 06 out, or Extenuating Circumstances 0101-0103 out, the writing has been more of a job or chore, and not the original reason I started writing Annie Babysits the kids almost twenty years ago.
I do it to relax, to escape from the day-to-day grind, from worrying about money, or kids, or whatever.
For the first time in months I ENJOYED writing again...and had almost forgotten how gratifying, relaxing, and therapeutic it was.
It is not that I'm changing gears or plans or anything, but I need to get back to my where writing was fun again. This coming weekend I'm not going to PLAN on writing on any particular story...I'm just going to go with the flow. If it turns out to be Lapdancing 06, fantastic; if it turns out to be EC01...again, great. But if it turns out to be Annie, Dreams, Grim Fairy Tales, Lifeguard, or any other of my currently outstanding stories...or even *gasp* a new story...I'm not going to mind. I'm going to write and ENJOY it, not feel like it's an obligation I have to do.
I had almost forgotten how nice it yeah, I'll be writing. What it will be, dunno...but I will guarantee it's going to be good ;)
It wasn't Lapdancing Girlfriend, it wasn't even Extenuating Circumstances, LOL. For some reason I woke up at 3am with an idea and scene in my head for What's in a Name and HAD to get out of bed, go down to the computer, and start writing, even before my first cup of coffee! And then I spent all day working on it.
It was some MAJOR progress, but nothing I had planned on working on. Sometimes I just have to go with the flow and follow my Muse.
It was actually therapeutic. I spent the ENTIRE day writing, times when I was searching out music, then incorporating that into the story, and then more and more writing. I went through 2 bottles of wine and about 3 pots of coffee...finally quitting around all said and told put around 20 hours. As I said, very productive, just nothing I had planned or what anybody is expecting.
The reason this post is coming on a Wednesday and not earlier is I started thinking WHY I enjoyed writing this weekend so much. Lately it's almost been a subconscious act to find something else to do so I wouldn't have time to write.
As I thought back, the last time I had such a relaxing binge of writing was back in JUNE of this year. Since that time I've been so focused on getting Lapdancing Girlfriend 06 out, or Extenuating Circumstances 0101-0103 out, the writing has been more of a job or chore, and not the original reason I started writing Annie Babysits the kids almost twenty years ago.
I do it to relax, to escape from the day-to-day grind, from worrying about money, or kids, or whatever.
For the first time in months I ENJOYED writing again...and had almost forgotten how gratifying, relaxing, and therapeutic it was.
It is not that I'm changing gears or plans or anything, but I need to get back to my where writing was fun again. This coming weekend I'm not going to PLAN on writing on any particular story...I'm just going to go with the flow. If it turns out to be Lapdancing 06, fantastic; if it turns out to be EC01...again, great. But if it turns out to be Annie, Dreams, Grim Fairy Tales, Lifeguard, or any other of my currently outstanding stories...or even *gasp* a new story...I'm not going to mind. I'm going to write and ENJOY it, not feel like it's an obligation I have to do.
I had almost forgotten how nice it yeah, I'll be writing. What it will be, dunno...but I will guarantee it's going to be good ;)
Friday, December 5, 2014
Entering "the grind" LOL
All this week I've been pounding upon the rough draft of Extenuating Circumstances 0101, editing the rough draft and then transcribing it on the computer (as I cannot take digital copies into work).
Last night I got home and needed a break, so blew off the dust (figuratively) on What's in a Name? and starting re-reading that. Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm smoking when I read some of these as I ended up almost rewriting half the paragraphs. The general gist of the story remained the same, but the grammar and run-on sentences made me wonder if I actually wrote them, hehehe.
So things are moving forward with EC0101, as well as working a bit on some old stuff for a change of pace.
This weekend I plan on putting the nose to the grindstone on EC0101 and getting all my edits transcribed. There's still half the story I need to edit, but if I can get this mound of scribbles transcribed I'll have hit a major milestone in my goal to get at least one story out this year! Of course, with the holidays, who knows what can happen. Supposed to meet some friends for lunch Saturday, have another friend who may call on me to work with them over the weekend, as well as getting the house ready for my kids to visit come Xmas. Still, I want to get EC0101 through its paces so hoping to get some time to work on it as well!
Just letting you all know where I'm at. I still am not giving an ETA on anything, but do want to let people know what's been going on and that I've not let things slide any more than they have!
Oh, and one other thing...there have been a few inquiries on posting images for EC0103 (third part of Ch. 01). The main reason I have not is that entire part of the chapter is all sex, so any images I have for "inspiration" can't be posted you'll just have to wait on that ;)
Last night I got home and needed a break, so blew off the dust (figuratively) on What's in a Name? and starting re-reading that. Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm smoking when I read some of these as I ended up almost rewriting half the paragraphs. The general gist of the story remained the same, but the grammar and run-on sentences made me wonder if I actually wrote them, hehehe.
So things are moving forward with EC0101, as well as working a bit on some old stuff for a change of pace.
This weekend I plan on putting the nose to the grindstone on EC0101 and getting all my edits transcribed. There's still half the story I need to edit, but if I can get this mound of scribbles transcribed I'll have hit a major milestone in my goal to get at least one story out this year! Of course, with the holidays, who knows what can happen. Supposed to meet some friends for lunch Saturday, have another friend who may call on me to work with them over the weekend, as well as getting the house ready for my kids to visit come Xmas. Still, I want to get EC0101 through its paces so hoping to get some time to work on it as well!
Just letting you all know where I'm at. I still am not giving an ETA on anything, but do want to let people know what's been going on and that I've not let things slide any more than they have!
Oh, and one other thing...there have been a few inquiries on posting images for EC0103 (third part of Ch. 01). The main reason I have not is that entire part of the chapter is all sex, so any images I have for "inspiration" can't be posted you'll just have to wait on that ;)
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Slowly moving forward...
With the holidays upon us time seems to be getting more and more limited and the end of the year fast approaching! I still hope to get at least one, if not ALL parts of Extenuating Circumstances 01 out by the end of the year, but just need to time to edit it before asking a few people to review.
When I'm not working on EC01, I'm working on EC0201 (Ch. 02, Part 01). It's coming along nicely as well, but I have only been working on it when my eyes are bleeding from editing EC01, LOL.
Had a good run on making some graphical images over the holiday...I had not touch Daz Studio in over a month, so was nice to deflate that built up creativity for a while. Now I need to put together a Christmas image or two, hehehe.
So as usual, making progress, but nowhere near as much as I'd like!
When I'm not working on EC01, I'm working on EC0201 (Ch. 02, Part 01). It's coming along nicely as well, but I have only been working on it when my eyes are bleeding from editing EC01, LOL.
Had a good run on making some graphical images over the holiday...I had not touch Daz Studio in over a month, so was nice to deflate that built up creativity for a while. Now I need to put together a Christmas image or two, hehehe.
So as usual, making progress, but nowhere near as much as I'd like!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving (US)
Wishing everybody in the US a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Probably not going to be writing much this week, but when I have a the free time, if I'm not rendering graphics I'll be writing...
Probably not going to be writing much this week, but when I have a the free time, if I'm not rendering graphics I'll be writing...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Baby steps....
This weekend I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted. Although I worked a bit on Extenuating Circumstances, compared to what I got done over the week it was next to nothing :/ Was able to work on 0101 (Chapter 01, Part 01) a bit yesterday and hope to continue with the editing the rest of the week. I don't have plans for Thanksgiving, so hoping to get some writing done then as well before the holiday rush is upon us.
I still want to get ALL of Chapter 01 published this year...but each day makes me wonder if I'll hit that personal deadline. I should be able to get SOME of it out, but not sure about all three parts. Then again, Part 01 is the largest...the other two really are minor compared to it in should go faster once I get through the mountain that is Part 01!
And then it will be Lapdancing 06's turn!
I still want to get ALL of Chapter 01 published this year...but each day makes me wonder if I'll hit that personal deadline. I should be able to get SOME of it out, but not sure about all three parts. Then again, Part 01 is the largest...the other two really are minor compared to it in should go faster once I get through the mountain that is Part 01!
And then it will be Lapdancing 06's turn!
Friday, November 14, 2014
So far a productive week!
This week with Veteran's Day (thank you all for your support) it's been pretty slow at work, as such, I have actually gotten a LOT done in terms of writing. Nothing that anybody might be interested in, much of the time I have been spending editing the hard copy of Extenuating Circumstances 0101 (Ch. 01, Part 01) and then transcribing it. But again, progress is progress and every little bit of time I put into it means the closer it is in getting out to a few people for review and then published on Literotica!
In addition, my Muse has been lighting a fire under my ass in terms of the rest of Extenuating Circumstances. This entire week I've been expanding my outline of the entire story on how it will flow. Last week I had some major writer's block not only for Chapter 02, but the continuation of the story. Thanks to some suggestions by Captain Billy I now know exactly how Chapter 02 will pan out. It will probably be another 2-3 part chapter (seems to be the trend with the EC story thus far), but it will tie in nicely with a few more references to Lapdancing Girlfriend and the "Diamond Universe." LOL.
I'm still not sure how much Lapdancing and Extenuating will cross into each other, but at least there will be some references into the two...but as to whether Diamond will meet up with her sister in either story I still don't know.
Although I HATE giving ETA's, my goal is to have EC 0101, EC0102, EC0103 AND Lapdancing 06 out before the end of the year. I hated realizing I haven't published ANYTHING this year, so hope to end the year with a bang and get out a few stories. Again, no hard and fast promises, but I have a dream....
In addition, my Muse has been lighting a fire under my ass in terms of the rest of Extenuating Circumstances. This entire week I've been expanding my outline of the entire story on how it will flow. Last week I had some major writer's block not only for Chapter 02, but the continuation of the story. Thanks to some suggestions by Captain Billy I now know exactly how Chapter 02 will pan out. It will probably be another 2-3 part chapter (seems to be the trend with the EC story thus far), but it will tie in nicely with a few more references to Lapdancing Girlfriend and the "Diamond Universe." LOL.
I'm still not sure how much Lapdancing and Extenuating will cross into each other, but at least there will be some references into the two...but as to whether Diamond will meet up with her sister in either story I still don't know.
Although I HATE giving ETA's, my goal is to have EC 0101, EC0102, EC0103 AND Lapdancing 06 out before the end of the year. I hated realizing I haven't published ANYTHING this year, so hope to end the year with a bang and get out a few stories. Again, no hard and fast promises, but I have a dream....
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Even weeks I've done nothing, that isn't necessarily true...
I've received a few e-mails that lends me to believe my last few posts were somewhat misunderstood.
When I say I worked a little on a story, what that typically means is I've invested anywhere from 1-2 hours a day on it. This is usually during the week when I am at work, where I will do some editing to the printed hard copy of my stories fixing grammar, spelling, and overall continuity of the story.
For example, to take a paragraph from Extenuating Circumstances 0101 (Ch. 01, Part 01). Here was the original paragraph:
In the evenings, time permitting, I typically do the transcribing like above, where I'll take the hard copy and put the changes into the digital format. So again, it is not like I'm not doing anything, I try to keep up with things as much as possible. I have about 10 pages of Extenuating Circumstances to transcribe and unfortunately, about 100 pages of Lapdancing Girlfriend to transcribe...wish I had a secretary, LOL. But of all the time I am writing, this part is the most "work" in terms of being less of a hobby and more of a job...but it's an evil necessity.
Weekends is when I typically write new stuff. Many people have suggested "why don't you set aside an hour or two specifically for writing." While that's all fine and dandy for edits like I mentioned above, when I write "new stuff" and my "Muse" hits me, I write for 10, 12, even up to 20 hours straight! At that point I am "in the zone" and writing madly. Typically those moods hit me in the morning and unless something happens to break it up, I'll continue writing.
I cannot sit down for an hour or so and write anything new, as my thoughts get way too ahead of myself and if I did that, scenes would be disjointed and nothing would flow together for the story. That's why I need a full day free...I just cannot write for short spurts at a time. If I DO have small periods of time, it's spent transcribing like mentioned above.
Basically the whole point is even when I haven't done much, I'm doing SOMETHING. And all of that is progress. I may have not posted a story for a year at this point, but it's not for lack of not writing. Yes real life has interfered at time with unemployment, illness, and visiting family, but if you look at week to week, there are very few weeks where I have done NOTHING related to writing.
I am trying, but sometimes the Fates and stars don't coincide...but believe me, I want to get stories out as much as you, but I want them to be from ME and not just something mass produced and riddled with errors and imperfections where I feel I've posted shoddy work.
So yeah, it takes a while to get a story out, but when it is, you have my promise I have put as much time into it as possible to make it something I'm proud to reveal to the world and more than just something to get off on.
Just wanted to post that, as some of my emails lend me to believe people don't think I've done anything for weeks on end in terms of writing. I may not post how much I've done or even at times whether I've done something, as the transcribing part to me isn't noteworthy, but rest assured I rarely let a week go by where I've done nothing!
When I say I worked a little on a story, what that typically means is I've invested anywhere from 1-2 hours a day on it. This is usually during the week when I am at work, where I will do some editing to the printed hard copy of my stories fixing grammar, spelling, and overall continuity of the story.
For example, to take a paragraph from Extenuating Circumstances 0101 (Ch. 01, Part 01). Here was the original paragraph:
Part of her anxiety was not being comfortable flaunting her body so openly. Normally her attire was conservative, and when she was more 'properly' dressed she did not mind the glances of other men--even a a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive. But dressed in such a revealing outfit definitely changed the rules of the game, so-to-speak. Under other circumstances she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, and although many of her outfits were tight-fitting and showed off her body, even the sexiest outfits she had worn exposed less than a quarter of her body, whilst her current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically naked before every pair of male eyes in the room.Reading through the hard copy, I made the following edits:
Part of her anxiety wasEven then, when I transcribe it to the digital working copy, I make changes. Here is what I consider the "final" edit, prior to some of you getting a chance to review/edit it:notbeing uncomfortable flaunting her body so openly. Normallyher attire wasshe dressed conservatively, and when she was more 'properly' dressed sheso did not mind the glances of other men--even a a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive. But dressed in such a revealing outfitdefinitelychanged the rules of the game, so-to-speak.Under other circumstancesWhereas ordinarily she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, and although many of her outfits were tight-fitting and showed off her body, even the sexiest outfits she had worn exposed less than a quarter of her body, whilsther current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically nakedbefore every pair of male eyesin the room.
Her anxiety arose from being uncomfortable flaunting her body so openly. Normally she dressed much more conservatively, so did not mind the glances of other men—even a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive. But being dressed in such a revealing outfit changed the rules of the game, so-to-speak. Whereas ordinarily she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, her current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically naked in the room.On average I will work on a story for 1-6 hours A WEEK at work. It's difficult sitting at a desk working on an erotic story and people walking around. For one thing, I don't want them to see what I'm writing, and for another thing, I don't want to be sitting there with a hard-on, LOL. But rest assured, when I say I worked on something "a little" I am putting several hours investment on a story.
In the evenings, time permitting, I typically do the transcribing like above, where I'll take the hard copy and put the changes into the digital format. So again, it is not like I'm not doing anything, I try to keep up with things as much as possible. I have about 10 pages of Extenuating Circumstances to transcribe and unfortunately, about 100 pages of Lapdancing Girlfriend to transcribe...wish I had a secretary, LOL. But of all the time I am writing, this part is the most "work" in terms of being less of a hobby and more of a job...but it's an evil necessity.
Weekends is when I typically write new stuff. Many people have suggested "why don't you set aside an hour or two specifically for writing." While that's all fine and dandy for edits like I mentioned above, when I write "new stuff" and my "Muse" hits me, I write for 10, 12, even up to 20 hours straight! At that point I am "in the zone" and writing madly. Typically those moods hit me in the morning and unless something happens to break it up, I'll continue writing.
I cannot sit down for an hour or so and write anything new, as my thoughts get way too ahead of myself and if I did that, scenes would be disjointed and nothing would flow together for the story. That's why I need a full day free...I just cannot write for short spurts at a time. If I DO have small periods of time, it's spent transcribing like mentioned above.
Basically the whole point is even when I haven't done much, I'm doing SOMETHING. And all of that is progress. I may have not posted a story for a year at this point, but it's not for lack of not writing. Yes real life has interfered at time with unemployment, illness, and visiting family, but if you look at week to week, there are very few weeks where I have done NOTHING related to writing.
I am trying, but sometimes the Fates and stars don't coincide...but believe me, I want to get stories out as much as you, but I want them to be from ME and not just something mass produced and riddled with errors and imperfections where I feel I've posted shoddy work.
So yeah, it takes a while to get a story out, but when it is, you have my promise I have put as much time into it as possible to make it something I'm proud to reveal to the world and more than just something to get off on.
Just wanted to post that, as some of my emails lend me to believe people don't think I've done anything for weeks on end in terms of writing. I may not post how much I've done or even at times whether I've done something, as the transcribing part to me isn't noteworthy, but rest assured I rarely let a week go by where I've done nothing!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
November, the time for THANKS!
I was looking through my stories section and realized I have not posted a new story this entire year. I've worked on a shitload of stories--Extenuating Circumstances, Lapdancing Girlfriend, Annie Babysits the Kids, Grim Fairy Tales, Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise, Assumptions, Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing, Dreams, Galactic spy, Halloween, What's in a Name, Lifeguard Gets Wet...but I have yet to finish any of them.
One of the reasons has been being unemployed for 6 months and although that may equate to a lot of time, obviously my mindset put me completely off from getting anything actually done. Then work came in, in between there I've had family visiting for months, being sick, etc. Seems I'm giving excuse after excuse, and for that I apologize. Things just so far haven't melded together.
I'm getting close with both Extenuating Circumstances and Lapdancing Girlfriend...and I hope as much as you do to get those out before we'll see.
But I wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming here and checking back on updates. I may not be focusing at the time on your favorite series, but everybody still returns and haven't given up, and for that I thank you. I don't consider myself a "good' writer...although many of you will disagree. But the bottom line is this being a hobby, I haven't put 100% of my time into writing...but I'm still progressing forward with each story. And again, I want to thank you all for your patience...God knows it's been a lot with not having posted a full story since last year!
So thank you...and I hope now that work has settled down, Fall and Winter are upon us, that I have more time to sit down and write, write, write, write, write!
One of the reasons has been being unemployed for 6 months and although that may equate to a lot of time, obviously my mindset put me completely off from getting anything actually done. Then work came in, in between there I've had family visiting for months, being sick, etc. Seems I'm giving excuse after excuse, and for that I apologize. Things just so far haven't melded together.
I'm getting close with both Extenuating Circumstances and Lapdancing Girlfriend...and I hope as much as you do to get those out before we'll see.
But I wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming here and checking back on updates. I may not be focusing at the time on your favorite series, but everybody still returns and haven't given up, and for that I thank you. I don't consider myself a "good' writer...although many of you will disagree. But the bottom line is this being a hobby, I haven't put 100% of my time into writing...but I'm still progressing forward with each story. And again, I want to thank you all for your patience...God knows it's been a lot with not having posted a full story since last year!
So thank you...and I hope now that work has settled down, Fall and Winter are upon us, that I have more time to sit down and write, write, write, write, write!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Still progressing...
Got to work on both Extenuating Circumstances as well as Lapdancing Girlfriend. Nothing new, but am slowly going through my hardcopy edits and transcribing them to the computer. Had to take my car in for service and took my laptop and got quite a bit done, LOL!
Fall is steadily disappearing and winter is's going down to 30 tonight! Pretty soon snow!
Halloween had about 30 kids...last year I had well over 50, so not sure why it was lower. Did not have as many little kids (4-10 range)....most of them were somewhat older...even a few girls I'll probably go to hell thinking about...but they were definitely way too old to be trick or treating, LOL.
Finally caught up on all the hours I missed while being sick, so I'm hoping evenings I'll get shit done so I have weekends to pursue writing and graphics.
So having some progress, just not as much as I ever want to have done :(
Fall is steadily disappearing and winter is's going down to 30 tonight! Pretty soon snow!
Halloween had about 30 kids...last year I had well over 50, so not sure why it was lower. Did not have as many little kids (4-10 range)....most of them were somewhat older...even a few girls I'll probably go to hell thinking about...but they were definitely way too old to be trick or treating, LOL.
Finally caught up on all the hours I missed while being sick, so I'm hoping evenings I'll get shit done so I have weekends to pursue writing and graphics.
So having some progress, just not as much as I ever want to have done :(
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Slowly making progress...
I hate sounding like a broken record when the updates are similar. Made some headway with Extenuating Circumstances....actually started Chapter 02 because I wanted to jot down some thoughts I had after a particularly racy dream, hehehe. But then I went down a tangent I wasn't planning and may scrap most of what I wrote because started to sound too much like Chapter 01.
Still no progress on Lapdancing...but hopefully my Muse will return in full force soon enough to get things rolling again.
Beyond that pretty much took it easy over the weekend. Watched a few movies, read a little, cleaned the house, played some computer games, but didn't do much "creative." Overall I spent about 2 days on writing, but as I said, after I trash what I probably will trash, it was not very productive.
Still working on the rough draft of Chapter 01 and my hard edits...and hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to get some better steam rolling!
Still no progress on Lapdancing...but hopefully my Muse will return in full force soon enough to get things rolling again.
Beyond that pretty much took it easy over the weekend. Watched a few movies, read a little, cleaned the house, played some computer games, but didn't do much "creative." Overall I spent about 2 days on writing, but as I said, after I trash what I probably will trash, it was not very productive.
Still working on the rough draft of Chapter 01 and my hard edits...and hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to get some better steam rolling!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Weekly Update....
This weekend was an "off" weekend in terms of being pretty atypical. Friday night I was up the entire night tossing and turning...not sure what triggered my insomnia but I was so looking forward all week to sleeping in Saturday, only to be foiled, LOL. I finally caught up from missing out of work with the flu, so after 2 weeks of several 12-13 hour work days was hoping to just relax...but that wasn't in the cards.
As such, Saturday I felt like ass...just could not get involved in anything. Basically watched some television, did some housework, and chilled.
Sunday I was able to get some things done. I decided since it's already past the middle of October to scratch my Halloween story until next year. I just didn't see the value in submitting it, even if it were polished, and have it be posted so close to the deadline and miss out on any votes it may have hopefully next year.
That meant I was able to work on Extenuating Circumstances a bit. I am working on polishing up the rough draft of Part 1 and am about 25% through with it. I still have to transcribe my corrections to the computer, but I'm hoping I'll be able to send out a few drafts for editorial comments soon! Parts 2 and 3 are not as involved as Part 1, so they should be following soon after.
Then it will be back to Lapdancing and hopefully we'll see at least one, if not two stories released from me by Thanksgiving. Again, that's not a hard ETA, LOL....but I will make the attempt ;)
As such, Saturday I felt like ass...just could not get involved in anything. Basically watched some television, did some housework, and chilled.
Sunday I was able to get some things done. I decided since it's already past the middle of October to scratch my Halloween story until next year. I just didn't see the value in submitting it, even if it were polished, and have it be posted so close to the deadline and miss out on any votes it may have hopefully next year.
That meant I was able to work on Extenuating Circumstances a bit. I am working on polishing up the rough draft of Part 1 and am about 25% through with it. I still have to transcribe my corrections to the computer, but I'm hoping I'll be able to send out a few drafts for editorial comments soon! Parts 2 and 3 are not as involved as Part 1, so they should be following soon after.
Then it will be back to Lapdancing and hopefully we'll see at least one, if not two stories released from me by Thanksgiving. Again, that's not a hard ETA, LOL....but I will make the attempt ;)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Small Update...
This weekend I caught up on everything that slipped from when I had the flu...laundry, cleaning the house, shopping, etc. In order to make up for the lost time at work I pulled 12-13 hour days all last week, so by the time the weekend came, I needed to just chill out. As such, I didn't get any writing done...not even opening it up for a quick read :(
That's just the way things go some Muse may take a vacation and I'm left with nothing. I didn't even do any 3D Graphics this weekend, and had plans to enter at least 3 Halloween contests...but I just could not find the interest.
Instead once I had a few moments to myself I relaxed by playing a few video games.
So sorry nothing to report on advancement. My goal is still to try and knock out my Halloween entry, but if I don't work on it this coming weekend, it will be too late to worry about it and I'll let it sit another year :/ That's good news if I do, as I'll redirect my focus back to getting out the first chapter of Extenuating Circumstances and Chapter 06 of Lapdancing Girlfriend...but sucks in terms of getting something out by the end of October :( Just not "in the mood" lately...
That's just the way things go some Muse may take a vacation and I'm left with nothing. I didn't even do any 3D Graphics this weekend, and had plans to enter at least 3 Halloween contests...but I just could not find the interest.
Instead once I had a few moments to myself I relaxed by playing a few video games.
So sorry nothing to report on advancement. My goal is still to try and knock out my Halloween entry, but if I don't work on it this coming weekend, it will be too late to worry about it and I'll let it sit another year :/ That's good news if I do, as I'll redirect my focus back to getting out the first chapter of Extenuating Circumstances and Chapter 06 of Lapdancing Girlfriend...but sucks in terms of getting something out by the end of October :( Just not "in the mood" lately...
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Update 2...
Still convalescing over this flu. Saturday and Sunday I merely slept and rested all day. Monday I went into work...BIG mistake. I spent the entire day trying to keep my stomach from rebelling with what little tea I gave it and got nothing accomplished. Later that evening I was able to keep down some crackers and ginger ale, then progressed to bananas and bland yogurt.
Today (Tuesday) I'm staying home from work and letting my body recouperate.
As such, I've not gotten any work done on writing or graphics...sorry, just haven't been up to it :(
Hopefully this coming weekend I can try and catch up on everything!
Today (Tuesday) I'm staying home from work and letting my body recouperate.
As such, I've not gotten any work done on writing or graphics...sorry, just haven't been up to it :(
Hopefully this coming weekend I can try and catch up on everything!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
First, my apologies on no update for two I mentioned had family visiting for most of that mother left last weekend, so nothing got done other than chilling out from her visit. I love her to death, but we are both at the age where after a week's worth of time together, we start getting on each other's nerves, hehehe. It's as much both of us used to living alone than needed the weekend to "decompress."
I had an urge to work on the rest of Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01 and got most of Part 3 completed. I really only have 1-3 pages to go before it too is complete. I'm still going to release the chapter in three parts as it is way too long to be a single submission. Part 1 is the longest, but combining them would make it even longer and there are logical divisions within this story that make a three-part chapter feasible.
It's October! That means Literotica Halloween Contest! There are already a lot of submissions, so I am going to put the final touches on my submission and get it in ASAP...that means everything is on hold (EC and Lapdancing) until I can get it in. The sooner it is submitted and can get votes, the quicker everything else will fall into place. I only have about 3-5 pages to write, so it should go by quick, then do a quick review and submit it. My goal is to get it done this weekend, but that all depends on how I feel.
In addition there are several 3D Graphics contests I am working on images of them I'll post here after it is done, LOL. I have two personas for my is the "cleaner" side of things, and the other is the DocCIS side...and that one I'll share as it is more erotic :p But working on those as well, so that will take a bit of my time...
I have the flu. Ayup, woke up Friday feeling like somebody had taken a bat to me and beat me all night. By the afternoon it worked into a fever and felt completely miserable...until the fever broke late last night. This morning I feel alright, but exhausted--sitting at the computer for only an hour has wiped me going to lay back down soon as I finish this. I'm going to try to get the Halloween submission done today, but I may end up being a couch potato and just taking it easy :(
Will let you know how things go this weekend...but right now, too tired to even think about sitting at the computer much longer....
I had an urge to work on the rest of Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01 and got most of Part 3 completed. I really only have 1-3 pages to go before it too is complete. I'm still going to release the chapter in three parts as it is way too long to be a single submission. Part 1 is the longest, but combining them would make it even longer and there are logical divisions within this story that make a three-part chapter feasible.
It's October! That means Literotica Halloween Contest! There are already a lot of submissions, so I am going to put the final touches on my submission and get it in ASAP...that means everything is on hold (EC and Lapdancing) until I can get it in. The sooner it is submitted and can get votes, the quicker everything else will fall into place. I only have about 3-5 pages to write, so it should go by quick, then do a quick review and submit it. My goal is to get it done this weekend, but that all depends on how I feel.
In addition there are several 3D Graphics contests I am working on images of them I'll post here after it is done, LOL. I have two personas for my is the "cleaner" side of things, and the other is the DocCIS side...and that one I'll share as it is more erotic :p But working on those as well, so that will take a bit of my time...
I have the flu. Ayup, woke up Friday feeling like somebody had taken a bat to me and beat me all night. By the afternoon it worked into a fever and felt completely miserable...until the fever broke late last night. This morning I feel alright, but exhausted--sitting at the computer for only an hour has wiped me going to lay back down soon as I finish this. I'm going to try to get the Halloween submission done today, but I may end up being a couch potato and just taking it easy :(
Will let you know how things go this weekend...but right now, too tired to even think about sitting at the computer much longer....
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Just a warning...this will be a slow week...
My mother is coming to visit for the next week, so this weekend and part of next will be a bit slow in terms of getting anything done...just wanted to give everybody a head's up so you know what's going on. Writing an erotic story with my mother around just ain't gonna happen, LOL ;)
Monday, September 15, 2014
Not much accomplished this weekend...
This was one of those weekends I had high hopes for...had so many things on my list I knew I wouldn't finish them all...and ended up not finishing any!
I did work a little on EC01...but not enough that I could say I made any progress with the proofread. I was in one of those funked moods so watched Captain America (both movies) and then Kill Bill (both movies) it was more of a couch potato weekend than anything. Everything I tried to start I just wasn't "in to it" if you know what I mean.
This coming week is going to be pretty unproductive as mother is visiting for the next week so doubt I'll get much done until she leaves.
Will just have to see. With both EC01 and EC02 rough drafts completed, they should be pretty quick to knock out the review. Then will be working on Lapdancing 06 until it's done...
I did work a little on EC01...but not enough that I could say I made any progress with the proofread. I was in one of those funked moods so watched Captain America (both movies) and then Kill Bill (both movies) it was more of a couch potato weekend than anything. Everything I tried to start I just wasn't "in to it" if you know what I mean.
This coming week is going to be pretty unproductive as mother is visiting for the next week so doubt I'll get much done until she leaves.
Will just have to see. With both EC01 and EC02 rough drafts completed, they should be pretty quick to knock out the review. Then will be working on Lapdancing 06 until it's done...
Friday, September 12, 2014
So I had an idea for a new story...I know, I know, not another one, LOL. But this one is a bit of a stretch from my normal erotica. My heart has always been towards fantasy and sci-fi, and although I have one story that I've been working on for a while that I intend to eventually get posted, I was thinking about something else.
This is NOT going to take the place of my other stories...this is something a bit further down the line and just wanted to bounce ideas off people as it is in the VERY EARLY stages of planning and such.
It is along the same lines as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon V, and so forth. I was thinking of two factions...not sure yet if they are all based upon one world, two worlds, or a whole "federation" of planets. There is a war between two opposing factions, and there is a "magical" order on each side trying to protect their faction.
The side are male, the other side are female. For thousands of years men have dominated the planet/planets/galaxy/whatever and the women finally had enough and want equal rights. They do not necessarily want to rule, but to share. The men see the women only as their workers and playthings.
Think of it as a "sexy Star Wars" type story.
I also plan on illustrating it...even toying with it being more of a comic type series...but I enjoy writing too much, so it would probably be a story with illustrations.
Thoughts? Again, this is not going to interfere with my other stories, as those are going to remain the priority, and this I am planning on being a big project...just wondering on people's thoughts.
This is NOT going to take the place of my other stories...this is something a bit further down the line and just wanted to bounce ideas off people as it is in the VERY EARLY stages of planning and such.
It is along the same lines as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon V, and so forth. I was thinking of two factions...not sure yet if they are all based upon one world, two worlds, or a whole "federation" of planets. There is a war between two opposing factions, and there is a "magical" order on each side trying to protect their faction.
The side are male, the other side are female. For thousands of years men have dominated the planet/planets/galaxy/whatever and the women finally had enough and want equal rights. They do not necessarily want to rule, but to share. The men see the women only as their workers and playthings.
Think of it as a "sexy Star Wars" type story.
I also plan on illustrating it...even toying with it being more of a comic type series...but I enjoy writing too much, so it would probably be a story with illustrations.
Thoughts? Again, this is not going to interfere with my other stories, as those are going to remain the priority, and this I am planning on being a big project...just wondering on people's thoughts.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Well this is unprecedented....
As I mentioned, my Muse lit a fire under my ass on Extenuating Circumstances, finishing the first part of Chapter 01, which has three parts to it.
Well, she didn't let me sit still, as I ended up writing part 2 in 2 days!
Yup, finished the rough draft of it as well! Now granted, this second part is "short"...only being about 6-8 Literotica pages, but still, writing a story in 2 days is pretty impressive for me.
Both parts are still ROUGH DRAFTS so I need to go through them this weekend, but expect to see them soon! :D
Well, she didn't let me sit still, as I ended up writing part 2 in 2 days!
Yup, finished the rough draft of it as well! Now granted, this second part is "short"...only being about 6-8 Literotica pages, but still, writing a story in 2 days is pretty impressive for me.
Both parts are still ROUGH DRAFTS so I need to go through them this weekend, but expect to see them soon! :D
Monday, September 8, 2014
Still plenty of momentum!
As I mentioned in my previous post, I finally finished the ROUGH DRAFT of Extenuating Circumstances 01...which is a major milestone in terms of the next published story for me. I now have to go through the first editing pass to find all the blatant errors and such...then offer it to a few select individuals for a proof-read to see if
there is anything they would change. At a point that I should have it released in the
next 2-3 would hazard it to be published before October...
The main push getting Chapter 01 done was my Muse lighting a fire with thoughts of scenes for Chapters 02 and 03. I've already plowed through ten pages (Word format) of Chapter 02 without pause, and even took a day off of work to continue the trend!
Afterwards, it will be back to Lapdancing I am 90% complete with it as well. If I'm lucky, there will be THREE releases from before the end of the year (this, Lapdancing 06, and my Halloween story).
On another note, had a comment from a frustrated user who believes I am full of shit when I say I plan on continuing Annie and other stories. I have every intention of finishing I also hate unfinished series. Unfortunately I know my limits, and I cannot work on two "main" stories without them bleeding into each other. The last time I tried that, I went through a search for "Jen" in Chapter 08 of Annie and found TEN instances; going through Lapdancing 06 (about 30% completed at the time) I found FIVE instances of "Annie." So now I avoid such things, only focusing on only one of those stories at a time.
Annie is almost an infinite storyline. I have quite a few chapters planned for her and no ending in sight. Lapdancing Girlfriend I know exactly what the ending will be...after Lapdancing 06 is completed the series will be more than 50% of the way complete. As such, it is my main focus...but again, I have no intentions of letting Annie die on the vine.
As I've stated in the past, this is a hobby for me. I write when I WANT to write, not because I HAVE to write. If I don't feel like it, I don't, regardless of threats on whether you will continue to be a fan or not. Time is critical. I only have weekends to myself, but again, if I don't feel like writing, that's an entire week that will go by before I have time again to write...if I feel like it even the next weekend. That is why stories take so long for me.
I understand the frustration, and like I said, I hate not knowing what an author is intending to do with their stories. Tat is why I have created this blog, so people are aware I AM active and not just letting things sit idle. I try to post as much relevance as I can so people know my commitment, but if it is not enough for you, feel free to offer paying me a few hundred dollars a month and I will devote my time to whatever story you want! ;)
The main push getting Chapter 01 done was my Muse lighting a fire with thoughts of scenes for Chapters 02 and 03. I've already plowed through ten pages (Word format) of Chapter 02 without pause, and even took a day off of work to continue the trend!
Afterwards, it will be back to Lapdancing I am 90% complete with it as well. If I'm lucky, there will be THREE releases from before the end of the year (this, Lapdancing 06, and my Halloween story).
On another note, had a comment from a frustrated user who believes I am full of shit when I say I plan on continuing Annie and other stories. I have every intention of finishing I also hate unfinished series. Unfortunately I know my limits, and I cannot work on two "main" stories without them bleeding into each other. The last time I tried that, I went through a search for "Jen" in Chapter 08 of Annie and found TEN instances; going through Lapdancing 06 (about 30% completed at the time) I found FIVE instances of "Annie." So now I avoid such things, only focusing on only one of those stories at a time.
Annie is almost an infinite storyline. I have quite a few chapters planned for her and no ending in sight. Lapdancing Girlfriend I know exactly what the ending will be...after Lapdancing 06 is completed the series will be more than 50% of the way complete. As such, it is my main focus...but again, I have no intentions of letting Annie die on the vine.
As I've stated in the past, this is a hobby for me. I write when I WANT to write, not because I HAVE to write. If I don't feel like it, I don't, regardless of threats on whether you will continue to be a fan or not. Time is critical. I only have weekends to myself, but again, if I don't feel like writing, that's an entire week that will go by before I have time again to write...if I feel like it even the next weekend. That is why stories take so long for me.
I understand the frustration, and like I said, I hate not knowing what an author is intending to do with their stories. Tat is why I have created this blog, so people are aware I AM active and not just letting things sit idle. I try to post as much relevance as I can so people know my commitment, but if it is not enough for you, feel free to offer paying me a few hundred dollars a month and I will devote my time to whatever story you want! ;)
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Hmm, cause for celebration?
In a rather momentous event, I would like to announce that I FINISHED A CHAPTER!
Now granted, it's not Lapdancing Girlfriend, hehehe...but that's coming soon too, but I finished what is Chapter 01 of Extenuating Circumstances, a new story. Mind you this is only the ROUGH DRAFT and I will now be pouring through it to fix some of the obvious errors, but it is the closest story so far out of my existing "to do" pile to see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel.
My thoughts are still on a I've already been starting Chapter 02, LOL...but once I spill out today's burst of Muse-inspiration, I will be focusing upon Diamond and her rave party and then syndication this is a milestone in that regard too!
The funny thing about Extenuating Circumstances is there is NO SEX in the entire chapter, which is currently 115 Word (approximately 12+ Literotica pages) long...which is again, something unusual for me. Now, there is plenty of suggested sex, LOL, but I still think everybody will enjoy it.
Anyways, wanted to announce that as I suddenly feel as if a huge weight is off my shoulders. Again, still need to give it a read through and clean it up...but it's beyond the writing stage!
So, here's an excerpt from the story, since I haven't done much other than post teasers in the photo gallery:
Now granted, it's not Lapdancing Girlfriend, hehehe...but that's coming soon too, but I finished what is Chapter 01 of Extenuating Circumstances, a new story. Mind you this is only the ROUGH DRAFT and I will now be pouring through it to fix some of the obvious errors, but it is the closest story so far out of my existing "to do" pile to see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel.
My thoughts are still on a I've already been starting Chapter 02, LOL...but once I spill out today's burst of Muse-inspiration, I will be focusing upon Diamond and her rave party and then syndication this is a milestone in that regard too!
The funny thing about Extenuating Circumstances is there is NO SEX in the entire chapter, which is currently 115 Word (approximately 12+ Literotica pages) long...which is again, something unusual for me. Now, there is plenty of suggested sex, LOL, but I still think everybody will enjoy it.
Anyways, wanted to announce that as I suddenly feel as if a huge weight is off my shoulders. Again, still need to give it a read through and clean it up...but it's beyond the writing stage!
So, here's an excerpt from the story, since I haven't done much other than post teasers in the photo gallery:
Her attention was drawn back to the three men as they complimented her on how good she looked in her bikini, James Price offering her a drink. As flustered as she was from the men’s stares at her exposed body, she gratefully accepted the cocktail, needing it to calm her nerves—not to mention the scandalous need to get the musky taste of another man out of her mouth.
Taking a drink of the tropical punch, she suddenly moaned in bliss at the fruity sweet taste.
“Mmm, what is this?” she asked, her focus of the men’s leers at her exposed body distracted from their advances as she took another long pull from the straw in her drink.
“Neal calls it Tropical Surprise,” John told her. “And before you ask, the surprise is not at how quickly it hits you, but at what you may end up doing at the end of the night after several of them,” he laughed with the other men, their eyes blatantly moving across her body.
Her presence soon attracted others, and they were joined by several other men. In a brief moment of narcissistic pride, Suzanne realized she had twice as many men around her than David did women, and even more gratifying was seeing the look of anger from Cheryl Price, James’ wife and a well-known model as the men moved away from where she was standing to join Suzanne and the throng growing around her.
She immediately admonished herself. Although Cheryl often acted like she was the only woman present, it was still catty of Suzanne to be so narcissistic.
Glancing back to her husband, she wondered if he would be jealous at the attention she was receiving, yet when she once again caught his attention from across the yard, he merely smiled at her and raised his drink in a toast.
She was abruptly startled when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, a firm and decidedly male body pressing against her back.
Then she heard Henry’s voice over her shoulder, relaxing somewhat as he asked her, “Are these men trying to steal away my partner?” he laughed with the rest of them.
Although glad for the safety provided by another welcomed face, Suzanne was chagrinned to become aware of the firm flesh of Henry’s cock pressing against her ass as he held her against him.
But her attention was drawn back to the crowd of men as several said the same statement, “Naw Henry, we were just complimenting her on her new suit.”
She flushed in embarrassment when Henry told them with pride that he had picked out the suit, all of the men showing obvious surprise.
Yet she barely noted the men’s looks of renewed appreciation at her body, paying less attention to the conversation than the awareness of Henry’s body—and growing erection—pressing against from behind.
Absently she noted the looks and nods of approval aimed at the old man, recognizing this was yet another aspect of the male domination games being played by not only her husband, but her elderly neighbor, who had to prove to the male population he was not an old throwaway, wrapping his arms even tighter around her.
Realizing she had a second male ego to please, Suzanne loosened up in Henry’s arms, leaning further into his body. She knew her tension would only be interpreted by the other men as reluctance, and she wanted to to give her elderly neighbor some dignity.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Goodbye Anonymous, LOL...
So apparently just because people have "Anonymous" after they name they truly believe it. Once again our friend bombarded me with his hilarious hate-filled comments, only this time I had reported him to the Literotica opening up my "Recent Activity" I was met with this:
I'm sure his account has been banned from the site...not that it will prevent him from forming a new one, but as much intelligence as he displayed, I doubt he knows anything about proxies and masking IP's and the like.
Farewell my anonymous was fun while it lasted!
Where my Muse takes me....
Taking off last week from writing definitely helped, as my mind has been full of scenes and plot twists. Unfortunately, few of them concerned Lapdancing Girlfriend, LOL. Although I've been slowly plodding through the transcriptions and corrections of what I've already written, I have not done much in the way of anything "new" for our girl Diamond. Instead, a lot of my thoughts have been on my new story Extenuating Circumstances.
I was sick with food poisoning last Wednesday, and then there was the long Labor Day weekend, which I spent quite a bit of time working on my 3D Graphics. I've been keeping my "naughty" 3D graphics under the nom de plume, while keeping my more "mainstream" stuff on my gaming name. I am trying to keep the two separate, so although I've worked on a lot of graphics, none of them will show up here unless they deviate into the deviant, hehehe. But rest assured it's all in practice for illustrating my stories, so I hope they will eventually show fruition and I'll be able to post some rough drafts here soon.
As to the writing side of things, as I mentioned I've been working on Extenuating Circumstances. I am about 3-5 pages from finishing Chapter 01, and my mind has been flooded with images and scenes of Chapter 02, which is basically an extension of Chapter 01. The first part of the story is really three chapters, her reminiscing on how she got into her predicament telling of two main instances that have led to her circumstances, and the third finally fruition of why she was reminiscing.
How is that for obscure, LOL. I really don't want to give too much of what is going on in that story away, but it will probably the next story that sees the light of day first...followed by Lapdancing 06. I know not what a lot of people want to hear, but I follow where my Muse takes me...and right now it is finishing that as it's hot on my mind...
I was sick with food poisoning last Wednesday, and then there was the long Labor Day weekend, which I spent quite a bit of time working on my 3D Graphics. I've been keeping my "naughty" 3D graphics under the nom de plume, while keeping my more "mainstream" stuff on my gaming name. I am trying to keep the two separate, so although I've worked on a lot of graphics, none of them will show up here unless they deviate into the deviant, hehehe. But rest assured it's all in practice for illustrating my stories, so I hope they will eventually show fruition and I'll be able to post some rough drafts here soon.
As to the writing side of things, as I mentioned I've been working on Extenuating Circumstances. I am about 3-5 pages from finishing Chapter 01, and my mind has been flooded with images and scenes of Chapter 02, which is basically an extension of Chapter 01. The first part of the story is really three chapters, her reminiscing on how she got into her predicament telling of two main instances that have led to her circumstances, and the third finally fruition of why she was reminiscing.
How is that for obscure, LOL. I really don't want to give too much of what is going on in that story away, but it will probably the next story that sees the light of day first...followed by Lapdancing 06. I know not what a lot of people want to hear, but I follow where my Muse takes me...and right now it is finishing that as it's hot on my mind...
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
LMAO...Anonymous strikes again!
This is actually quite funny. Apparently this guy can't keep away from my stories, and yet has nothing but derogatory remarks to say. It's definitely the same person, and wanted to share more of his brainless comments....
Lapdancing Girlfriend 05:Again, these types of posts, particularly when you look at them as a whole, are comical. That this individual is so vehement against my writings and yet continues to read them is particularly humorous...and actually looking forward to them reading more, LOL!
50 pages of total garbage !! This writer is a sicko !
08/26/14 By: Anonymous
Should be in an asylum somewhere. 1* !
Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise, Ch. 02
I am certain this worthless writer writes all positive comments and then conviniently answers them.
08/26/14 By: Anonymous
ALL of its stories are mindless drivel deserving at most 2* !!
Also this ass deletes ALL negative comments and cheats by padding its ratings !!
What a lowlife character ! Duly reported to the webmaster.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
These are the things that make me laugh...
Apparently somebody is going through all my stories and giving them a "1" as well as submitting ANONYMOUS comments. As I've stated before in my profile, I don't mind negative CRITICISM and I don't mind Anonymous comments, but plain blatant attacks on my person or simple "this sucks" type comments always get removed. That being said, for posterity's sake I wanted to share, as I got a chuckle:
LOL, my first thought is...first time shame on me, second time, shame on you. If you don't like my writing, why read even MORE of my stories, hehehe. Obviously my writing style is not to this individual's tastes, so why read more?
Secondly, well, there is no second, there is nothing constructive at all about these posts...but wanted to share the humor :p
All Hallow's Eve:
Deranged garbage !
08/22/14 By: Anonymous
Mindless and talentless. Well deserved "1*" !
Lapdancing Girlfriend 05:
I still don't believe this shit !! 50 pages of garbage !!!
08/22/14 By: Anonymous
Someone have to be psychotic to excrete this much fecal matter on public ! I regret to spent 19 min. to skim this drivel. Can someone shut this ass ?? "1*" !
Director Jekyll & Ms. Hidesnothing Ch. 01
Deranged and vile stroke story !
08/22/14 By: Anonymous
Is this really how you submit such a garbage ?? God save us from psychotic faggots !! "1*" !
LOL, my first thought is...first time shame on me, second time, shame on you. If you don't like my writing, why read even MORE of my stories, hehehe. Obviously my writing style is not to this individual's tastes, so why read more?
Secondly, well, there is no second, there is nothing constructive at all about these posts...but wanted to share the humor :p
Friday, August 15, 2014
So planning on an "off" weekend
As I can feel the "burning out" syndrome starting to kick in, planning on taking the weekend off from writing and just going to enjoy the sunny 70-degree weather. Have some yard work to do, will probably cut the lawn, wash the car, and just chill out...without writing.
That doesn't rule it out if my Muse suddenly hits me over the head with a 2x4, LOL...but I'm not planning on it.
I'll also be working on some 3D Graphics that I'm having planned.
Last weekend I mentioned I worked on some and here are two from the series I call "Good vs Evil" where sometimes, Good doesn't necessarily win:
That doesn't rule it out if my Muse suddenly hits me over the head with a 2x4, LOL...but I'm not planning on it.
I'll also be working on some 3D Graphics that I'm having planned.
Last weekend I mentioned I worked on some and here are two from the series I call "Good vs Evil" where sometimes, Good doesn't necessarily win:
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Slow progress...odd weekend...
All last week during the weekday I worked on the first edit of Lapdancing 06. As you saw in my previous post, I take every single sentence, compare it with the ones before and after, decide if any of them should go, as well as make sure they flow correctly...while fixing grammar and everything else. Then I look at the paragraphs as a whole and make sure they fit well or can simply go.
I am around page 100+ on the rough draft, so things are moving forward.
Friday night I worked on Extenuating Circumstances. After working on Diamond all week, I was a bit burned out on her so switched to her sister, LOL.
Saturday I finished up on the first read through of Extenuating Circumstances and hit a proverbial brick wall. It wasn't writer's block, as I knew exactly what I want to write, but it was more lack of interest. I felt burned out on Lapdancing, burned out on Extenuating Circumstances, and yet, I WANTED to write...I just couldn't seem to write anything NEW.
I started fishing through stories that I have started, but not finished, and suddenly pulled up Grim Fairy Tales Ch. 03...that piqued my interest. But it was so long since I started 03 (which is longer even than Chapter 05 of Lapdancing, LOL), I figured I should at least skim through Chapters 01 and 02 and get reacquainted with the story.
So I started with Chapter 01. Then I found a few things I wanted to change. Then found a few sentences that did not seem to flow. As I sat there wondering what I was thinking when I wrote it, I started editing it...and one thing led to another...and another.
The whole purpose of the story was to sit down and write a chapter in a single day--which I did with Chapters 01 and 02...and it showed! :p So I now have an edited version of Grim Fairy Tales Chapter 01 pending approval on Literotica. The story hasn't changed, but this version flows a lot better. Then I started on Chapter 02, LOL.
Never did get to Chapter 03, but with the "funk" I was feeling on writing anything "new" this was a good diversion and let me at least fix some things I found broken...
All I can say is I followed my Muse this weekend and she led me to several it was progress--on two new stories and one old--but it was at least progress.
By Sunday I was burned out of writing and took the day off. Started watching Defiance series...which I knew I would like, just haven't bothered watching...and was a couch potato all day, LOL!
I am around page 100+ on the rough draft, so things are moving forward.
Friday night I worked on Extenuating Circumstances. After working on Diamond all week, I was a bit burned out on her so switched to her sister, LOL.
Saturday I finished up on the first read through of Extenuating Circumstances and hit a proverbial brick wall. It wasn't writer's block, as I knew exactly what I want to write, but it was more lack of interest. I felt burned out on Lapdancing, burned out on Extenuating Circumstances, and yet, I WANTED to write...I just couldn't seem to write anything NEW.
I started fishing through stories that I have started, but not finished, and suddenly pulled up Grim Fairy Tales Ch. 03...that piqued my interest. But it was so long since I started 03 (which is longer even than Chapter 05 of Lapdancing, LOL), I figured I should at least skim through Chapters 01 and 02 and get reacquainted with the story.
So I started with Chapter 01. Then I found a few things I wanted to change. Then found a few sentences that did not seem to flow. As I sat there wondering what I was thinking when I wrote it, I started editing it...and one thing led to another...and another.
The whole purpose of the story was to sit down and write a chapter in a single day--which I did with Chapters 01 and 02...and it showed! :p So I now have an edited version of Grim Fairy Tales Chapter 01 pending approval on Literotica. The story hasn't changed, but this version flows a lot better. Then I started on Chapter 02, LOL.
Never did get to Chapter 03, but with the "funk" I was feeling on writing anything "new" this was a good diversion and let me at least fix some things I found broken...
All I can say is I followed my Muse this weekend and she led me to several it was progress--on two new stories and one old--but it was at least progress.
By Sunday I was burned out of writing and took the day off. Started watching Defiance series...which I knew I would like, just haven't bothered watching...and was a couch potato all day, LOL!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Progress, Editing, and a Teaser...
It occurred to me when I tell you all I'm editing pages at work and then need to transcribe those edits that you may not realize what all it entails. So I took a random page from the stack of pages I need to transcribe and scanned it. This serves as both an example and a teaser--that is if you can read my chicken scratch, LOL.
This is about mid-way through the story, so you can see how much I actually edit when doing my first run through...
This is about mid-way through the story, so you can see how much I actually edit when doing my first run through...
Things are moving pretty well...I just need to find the time to sit down and transcribe the 100+ pages like the above into my digital copy, LOL!
Have also been going through my Extenuating Circumstances story a bit making progress on both stories, just no ETA on anything yet...
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Moving foward...
This was a fairly good week in terms of progress.
I've been slowly going through the initial rough draft of Lapdancing 06. Although I'm not yet finished, I'm at the point where I'm rereading the beginning of the story to make sure everybody flows and trying to catch as much of the awkward grammar and mistakes I can. I've been taking hard copies of the story and reading it during lulls at work, then coming home to transcribe the changes to the computer. I am now working on the edits of pages 60-90, so it's going well in terms of the editorial part, although the transcribing portion takes longer...but again, it is progress, as the quicker I can do this, the less delay there will be when I finally finish the chapter and get it published.
Over the weekend I was somewhat burned out on Diamond, having edited close to 60 pages in the last week, so as a break, worked a bit on one of my other stories--Extenuating Circumstances. This is a story of a husband and wife who, due to--yup, you guessed it, extenuating circumstances--the wife ends up sleeping around. As with most of my stories, it has a bit of internal anguish at what she is doing, along with the budding understanding that her husband likes that type of thing. None of that is really surprising, but I will give away one spoiler, and that would be the woman's name. Suzanne is a beautiful girl in her early twenties, taking many of her looks from her older sister. Although her married name is Carter, her married name is...get ready...Simmons. Sound familiar?
Yes, it is a story about none other than our dear Jennifer's sister...and unless you are new to my stories or have been living under a rock, you'll probably know Jen's more renowned name...Diamond. :)
How much of Diamond's life I incorporate into the story I don't yet know...she is mentioned several times briefly into the story, but I have plans for some sort of crossover eventually...but time will tell.
Anyways, wanted to post my weekly update and let everybody know things are still moving forward! My family company leaves this coming week, so I'll once again have weekends to myself so I hope to get things rolling and back into the groove once again!
I've been slowly going through the initial rough draft of Lapdancing 06. Although I'm not yet finished, I'm at the point where I'm rereading the beginning of the story to make sure everybody flows and trying to catch as much of the awkward grammar and mistakes I can. I've been taking hard copies of the story and reading it during lulls at work, then coming home to transcribe the changes to the computer. I am now working on the edits of pages 60-90, so it's going well in terms of the editorial part, although the transcribing portion takes longer...but again, it is progress, as the quicker I can do this, the less delay there will be when I finally finish the chapter and get it published.
Over the weekend I was somewhat burned out on Diamond, having edited close to 60 pages in the last week, so as a break, worked a bit on one of my other stories--Extenuating Circumstances. This is a story of a husband and wife who, due to--yup, you guessed it, extenuating circumstances--the wife ends up sleeping around. As with most of my stories, it has a bit of internal anguish at what she is doing, along with the budding understanding that her husband likes that type of thing. None of that is really surprising, but I will give away one spoiler, and that would be the woman's name. Suzanne is a beautiful girl in her early twenties, taking many of her looks from her older sister. Although her married name is Carter, her married name is...get ready...Simmons. Sound familiar?
Yes, it is a story about none other than our dear Jennifer's sister...and unless you are new to my stories or have been living under a rock, you'll probably know Jen's more renowned name...Diamond. :)
How much of Diamond's life I incorporate into the story I don't yet know...she is mentioned several times briefly into the story, but I have plans for some sort of crossover eventually...but time will tell.
Anyways, wanted to post my weekly update and let everybody know things are still moving forward! My family company leaves this coming week, so I'll once again have weekends to myself so I hope to get things rolling and back into the groove once again!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Frustrations...and not much to report...
So this was one of those weekends where I WANTED to write, but little things kept cropping up and distracting me. Unfortunately when I'm writing something new I need a few hours to just let things flow, but every time I started writing, something happened. Phone calls, chats, e-mails, family, people knocking ont he door...ultimately I got nothing done, even though I had Word and Lapdancing 06 open all weekend on my computer :(
Played around with some graphics, as that I can keep getting distracted from, but as to writing, it was pretty much a weak weekend...
Played around with some graphics, as that I can keep getting distracted from, but as to writing, it was pretty much a weak weekend...
Sunday, July 13, 2014
All's quiet on the front...
So didn't do much writing this weekend. I did tackle Lapdancing 06 for a bit, but only for a couple hours, then sort of got side-tracked with some 3D graphics and such. Also saw Planet of the Apes (well worth it) and just relaxed, so pretty quiet weekend all-in-all.
Not what everybody wants to hear, but just needed some "me" time to was an off-week. Still been editing like mad--just need to transcribe my edits into the digital copy, but things are moving forward, just a bit slowly this weekend!
Not what everybody wants to hear, but just needed some "me" time to was an off-week. Still been editing like mad--just need to transcribe my edits into the digital copy, but things are moving forward, just a bit slowly this weekend!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Moving forward page by page!
I've been hitting all these Rave videos, costume sites, and what have you to look into some background for Diamond and her girls attending the rave party, and damn, sometimes research takes a while, LOL... For example, I spent three hours today listening and downloading music of various club mixes, dubstep mixes, and what have you for the party.
The scene is forming in my mind exactly how things will be going down, but it's going to take some time to get it how I want it and type it out...but damn, I want to go clubbing now, hehehe!
So the story is progressing, even with these little internet research speed bumps. Just wish I had more time...even the 3 day weekend wasn't enough to get near what I wanted done...but things are still moving forward, albeit slower than I would like.
The scene is forming in my mind exactly how things will be going down, but it's going to take some time to get it how I want it and type it out...but damn, I want to go clubbing now, hehehe!
So the story is progressing, even with these little internet research speed bumps. Just wish I had more time...even the 3 day weekend wasn't enough to get near what I wanted done...but things are still moving forward, albeit slower than I would like.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 06 Teaser 2!
So another little teaser to whet people's appetites...DIAMOND GOES TO A RAVE!
Videos below to inspire your imagination...along with a few photos in the gallery on what to expect, hehehe...
Videos below to inspire your imagination...along with a few photos in the gallery on what to expect, hehehe...
Pet peeve of mine...
First, I hope everybody enjoyed the little teaser from Lapdancing 06. That scene actually is pretty early in the chapter--it will pop up around page 5 or so once it is published (rough estimation of course, hehehe). It's not fully edited, so a few parts may change, but overall I'm happy with it. It is another one of those scenes that were not planned, but just poured forth through my fingers as I envisioned the setting...
Anyways, on to the reason for the above title. So this is a little pet peeve of mine, and although I know it won't change how people act, I can at least get it off my chest, hehehe.
I understand people use the Literotica "Favorites" (Author or Title) in various and sundry ways. Some people keep stories they want to return to in the future, some people tag stories they are in the middle of and can return back to when they have time (as opposed to bookmarking it and their family members seeing it!). Same with authors, many people tagging authors to easily return to their story page and check on any new releases and such. I completely understand those reasons, and when I see somebody "fav" a story, and then a day or two "unfav" it, I again, understand it was only a transient thing.
What bugs me is when somebody "fav's" an author or story and then--maybe weeks or months later--"unfav's" it without any explanation. And when I look at that person's favorite list, they are usually HUMONGOUS with hundreds of authors or stories...and yet again, no explanation on why they un-favorited me or my story.
Just bugs me when it happens, as there's no reason why they unfav'd it ever given.
Honestly I don't keep track of who fav's a story or author, but I do catch the little broken hearts when somebody unfavor's you:
LOL, it's quite noticeable...and yet again, no explanation why...
Again, just a pet peeve...people are free to do what and how they want, but sometimes it would be nice to get a message on why...whether it's people tired of waiting for a release (I would expect that to be common with me, hehehe) or some other reason...
Anyways, on to the reason for the above title. So this is a little pet peeve of mine, and although I know it won't change how people act, I can at least get it off my chest, hehehe.
I understand people use the Literotica "Favorites" (Author or Title) in various and sundry ways. Some people keep stories they want to return to in the future, some people tag stories they are in the middle of and can return back to when they have time (as opposed to bookmarking it and their family members seeing it!). Same with authors, many people tagging authors to easily return to their story page and check on any new releases and such. I completely understand those reasons, and when I see somebody "fav" a story, and then a day or two "unfav" it, I again, understand it was only a transient thing.
What bugs me is when somebody "fav's" an author or story and then--maybe weeks or months later--"unfav's" it without any explanation. And when I look at that person's favorite list, they are usually HUMONGOUS with hundreds of authors or stories...and yet again, no explanation on why they un-favorited me or my story.
Just bugs me when it happens, as there's no reason why they unfav'd it ever given.
Honestly I don't keep track of who fav's a story or author, but I do catch the little broken hearts when somebody unfavor's you:
LOL, it's quite noticeable...and yet again, no explanation why...
Again, just a pet peeve...people are free to do what and how they want, but sometimes it would be nice to get a message on why...whether it's people tired of waiting for a release (I would expect that to be common with me, hehehe) or some other reason...
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Still progressing...
So this past weekend I spent a bit of time on Lapdancing 06. I did not have as much time as I would have liked, but still wrote several pages (Word format) as well as edited the sections.
For the most part worked on some 3D graphics I needed to get done, so although I did progress, it wasn't as much as I liked. I'm hoping this coming three-day Fourth of July weekend will give me a bit more time to move is at the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so even I want to get it done, LOL!
And since I'm so close, I thought I would give you a random page as a teaser, hehehe. Just remember, this is a RAW/ROUGH DRAFT:
For the most part worked on some 3D graphics I needed to get done, so although I did progress, it wasn't as much as I liked. I'm hoping this coming three-day Fourth of July weekend will give me a bit more time to move is at the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so even I want to get it done, LOL!
And since I'm so close, I thought I would give you a random page as a teaser, hehehe. Just remember, this is a RAW/ROUGH DRAFT:
To her embarrassment, she realized she had not worn any underwear—not even a thong—and her body once again flushed red at Mr. DeWight’s smile, seeing her lack of anything else.
Jen tossed her outfit onto the lounge couch on the side of the office before sitting down. Although Mr. DeWight frowned at her crossing her legs, he did not say anything as she looked at him.
“Happy now?” she asked.
Mr. DeWight smiled, nodding as he said, “I hope in the future we do not need to repeat this conversation,” he said as Jen shrugged. “Good, so now we can get back to business,” he said, his eyes taking one more piercing gaze at her breasts before turning to his computer as Jen sat in front of his desk.
“So how was your practice today?” he asked, changing the subject abruptly.
Jen shrugged, her breasts slight jostle drawing Mr. DeWight’s attention again as she answered, “Well enough for us being so out of practice. The songs are all danceable, although the sets are slightly longer than what we’re used to, but I don’t think anybody will complain. We still need to practice all this week, but I’m sure by Friday we’ll have everything down pat,” she told him.
Mr. DeWight nodded in understanding, saying, “Just remember, you are the showcase of the sets. Kitten and Crystal can just shake their ass and tits in unison for all I care, but the main focus needs to be on you,” he told her as Jen nodded in understanding.
She may not be thrilled at Mr. DeWight’s expectation of her having sex during the party, but she decided she would cross that bridge when she came to it. There may still be a way out of it—even if it involved jacking off several guys. She decided she would try to minimalize anything she could, so would worry about it then.
“So I hope you didn’t overwork yourselves today. You only have a week, but I don’t need any of you unable to perform,” Mr. DeWight said, catching Jen’s attention once again.
Jen shrugged, saying, “We know how to pace ourselves,” she said matter-of-factly. “I may be a little sore in the shoulders or legs, but it’s a good pain,” she said.
Mr. DeWight stood up, surprising her when he moved around his desk and stepped behind her. She was startled when he put his hands on her shoulders, firmly squeezing her as he began massaging her.
Although Jen could not deny the deep squeezing of his fingers felt good to her overworked shoulders, it was inappropriate for a workplace as she said, “That’s ok, I’ll be fine,” she told him, even while her head leaned forward as her boss’ hands worked her muscles.
“No, no,” Mr. DeWight said. “I can’t have my star become too sore. In fact, here, this should help,” he said, surprising her as he stepped to his desk and opened a drawer.
Jen watched as Mr. DeWight pulled out a bottle and squeezed some clear gel on his hand, rubbing them together as he once again moved behind her.
“No, really, it’s alright,” Jen said in alarm.
Then her consternation completely vanished from her mind as Mr. DeWight’s hands once again began massaging her shoulders. Unlike before, the feeling of the oily mixture on his hands caused his fingers to glide across her skin, the feeling almost erotic. Also, she began to feel a gentle warming to her skin, realizing the gel was more than a lubricant.
Involuntarily she let out a low moan as Mr. DeWight’s hands moved over her shoulders and then down her upper arms, the combination of massage and warmth infusing her body causing her to relax.
She could not deny how unbelievably good her boss’ caresses felt, along with the combination of warming gel on her skin, so when Mr. DeWight’s hands finished massaging her arms and he asked her to lean forward, she meekly complied, placing her elbows on her knees as he began kneading the muscles of her back, his fingers pressing each vertebrae of her spine as she once again sighed contentedly.
Mr. DeWight’s hands seemed to work magic as she finally gave in fully to the massage. The man definitely knew what he was doing as Jen felt her entire back, shoulders, and arms loosen up like rubber. In fact, she became so absorbed into the sensations she actually moaned pitifully when Mr. DeWight’s hands left her back to briefly put more of the massaging gel or oil into his hands.
Again she moaned in contentment as his hands glided over her back, the oil immediately warming against her skin.
Jen was so wrapped up in her contentment she barely registered an emotion when Mr. DeWight’s hands slid around her side, cupping her breasts. Immediately the warming sensation of the gel spread across her chest, her nipples becoming like granite pebbles as they heated up with an intensity even more than just her bare skin.
A small part of Diamond’s mind knew she should not be sitting there, in her boss’ office, while he felt up her breasts; however, the majority of her brain was in a stupor, the warm, kneading sensations of Mr. DeWight’s hands over her chest was too wonderful a feeling to dispute.
Jen sighed again, more absorbed in the gentle and firm caresses on her body than she should be, but she could not help but accept the wonderful feelings.
Suddenly Mr. DeWight’s voice came to her ear, whispering, “Stand up dear, and lean your hands on the desk.”
Without so much as a thought, Jen stood up, obeying her boss’ direction without hesitation.
Jen tossed her outfit onto the lounge couch on the side of the office before sitting down. Although Mr. DeWight frowned at her crossing her legs, he did not say anything as she looked at him.
“Happy now?” she asked.
Mr. DeWight smiled, nodding as he said, “I hope in the future we do not need to repeat this conversation,” he said as Jen shrugged. “Good, so now we can get back to business,” he said, his eyes taking one more piercing gaze at her breasts before turning to his computer as Jen sat in front of his desk.
“So how was your practice today?” he asked, changing the subject abruptly.
Jen shrugged, her breasts slight jostle drawing Mr. DeWight’s attention again as she answered, “Well enough for us being so out of practice. The songs are all danceable, although the sets are slightly longer than what we’re used to, but I don’t think anybody will complain. We still need to practice all this week, but I’m sure by Friday we’ll have everything down pat,” she told him.
Mr. DeWight nodded in understanding, saying, “Just remember, you are the showcase of the sets. Kitten and Crystal can just shake their ass and tits in unison for all I care, but the main focus needs to be on you,” he told her as Jen nodded in understanding.
She may not be thrilled at Mr. DeWight’s expectation of her having sex during the party, but she decided she would cross that bridge when she came to it. There may still be a way out of it—even if it involved jacking off several guys. She decided she would try to minimalize anything she could, so would worry about it then.
“So I hope you didn’t overwork yourselves today. You only have a week, but I don’t need any of you unable to perform,” Mr. DeWight said, catching Jen’s attention once again.
Jen shrugged, saying, “We know how to pace ourselves,” she said matter-of-factly. “I may be a little sore in the shoulders or legs, but it’s a good pain,” she said.
Mr. DeWight stood up, surprising her when he moved around his desk and stepped behind her. She was startled when he put his hands on her shoulders, firmly squeezing her as he began massaging her.
Although Jen could not deny the deep squeezing of his fingers felt good to her overworked shoulders, it was inappropriate for a workplace as she said, “That’s ok, I’ll be fine,” she told him, even while her head leaned forward as her boss’ hands worked her muscles.
“No, no,” Mr. DeWight said. “I can’t have my star become too sore. In fact, here, this should help,” he said, surprising her as he stepped to his desk and opened a drawer.
Jen watched as Mr. DeWight pulled out a bottle and squeezed some clear gel on his hand, rubbing them together as he once again moved behind her.
“No, really, it’s alright,” Jen said in alarm.
Then her consternation completely vanished from her mind as Mr. DeWight’s hands once again began massaging her shoulders. Unlike before, the feeling of the oily mixture on his hands caused his fingers to glide across her skin, the feeling almost erotic. Also, she began to feel a gentle warming to her skin, realizing the gel was more than a lubricant.
Involuntarily she let out a low moan as Mr. DeWight’s hands moved over her shoulders and then down her upper arms, the combination of massage and warmth infusing her body causing her to relax.
She could not deny how unbelievably good her boss’ caresses felt, along with the combination of warming gel on her skin, so when Mr. DeWight’s hands finished massaging her arms and he asked her to lean forward, she meekly complied, placing her elbows on her knees as he began kneading the muscles of her back, his fingers pressing each vertebrae of her spine as she once again sighed contentedly.
Mr. DeWight’s hands seemed to work magic as she finally gave in fully to the massage. The man definitely knew what he was doing as Jen felt her entire back, shoulders, and arms loosen up like rubber. In fact, she became so absorbed into the sensations she actually moaned pitifully when Mr. DeWight’s hands left her back to briefly put more of the massaging gel or oil into his hands.
Again she moaned in contentment as his hands glided over her back, the oil immediately warming against her skin.
Jen was so wrapped up in her contentment she barely registered an emotion when Mr. DeWight’s hands slid around her side, cupping her breasts. Immediately the warming sensation of the gel spread across her chest, her nipples becoming like granite pebbles as they heated up with an intensity even more than just her bare skin.
A small part of Diamond’s mind knew she should not be sitting there, in her boss’ office, while he felt up her breasts; however, the majority of her brain was in a stupor, the warm, kneading sensations of Mr. DeWight’s hands over her chest was too wonderful a feeling to dispute.
Jen sighed again, more absorbed in the gentle and firm caresses on her body than she should be, but she could not help but accept the wonderful feelings.
Suddenly Mr. DeWight’s voice came to her ear, whispering, “Stand up dear, and lean your hands on the desk.”
Without so much as a thought, Jen stood up, obeying her boss’ direction without hesitation.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Nothing new, but still making progress...
So I was hoping to spend a lot of time on the finishing up Lapdancing 06; however, when I sat down to write, I simply stared at the screen and nothing happened :( So I worked on editing the portions I've gone through and edited and transcribed from paper to computer. So there was progress, but not anything new I could sink my teeth into...editing and changing around things isn't really the "fun" part of getting a story ready, but it's a necessary evil...and it's just less read-throughs I'll have to do before I publish it!
I also worked on editing my Galactic Spy story (I really need to come up with a better title, as there is already a series by that name on Literotica), but again, it was editing and rereading to make sure everything flowed.
So although it was progress, there was not a lot of forward momentum...but every little bit counts, so hopefully my Muse will light a fire underneath me this coming weekend!
I also worked on editing my Galactic Spy story (I really need to come up with a better title, as there is already a series by that name on Literotica), but again, it was editing and rereading to make sure everything flowed.
So although it was progress, there was not a lot of forward momentum...but every little bit counts, so hopefully my Muse will light a fire underneath me this coming weekend!
Friday, June 20, 2014
More Lapdancing 06 updates!
So this entire week I've been working on the editorial portion of Lapdancing 06. It's been so long since I began the chapter, I can easily go through the first half of the chapter and read it fresh...and I've been catching a considerable number of grammatical, spelling, and just plan wrong stuff I wrote, LOL.
The spellings are not bad (for example, come versus cum), and for some the grammatical changes would not even be noticed, but some of the sections definitely needed a reread and ultimate rewrite. It's only been a paragraph here and there, but so far just editing sections has added at least a couple additional pages to the final length.
It's been a bit of a painstaking process, as I cannot take the digital copy to work, instead printing it off, making changes on the printed copy, then coming home and transcribing the changes into the digital document...kind of Old School, LOL.
But it is progress, and in the right direction.
So weekdays for editing, weekends for new content...seems like the new plan. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on the new sections. I would say at this point I am close to 80%+ done with Lapdancing if the steam train keeps "might" see something by end of July-ish. Don't hold me to that...but I will try!
The spellings are not bad (for example, come versus cum), and for some the grammatical changes would not even be noticed, but some of the sections definitely needed a reread and ultimate rewrite. It's only been a paragraph here and there, but so far just editing sections has added at least a couple additional pages to the final length.
It's been a bit of a painstaking process, as I cannot take the digital copy to work, instead printing it off, making changes on the printed copy, then coming home and transcribing the changes into the digital document...kind of Old School, LOL.
But it is progress, and in the right direction.
So weekdays for editing, weekends for new content...seems like the new plan. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on the new sections. I would say at this point I am close to 80%+ done with Lapdancing if the steam train keeps "might" see something by end of July-ish. Don't hold me to that...but I will try!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
An update everybody will like!
As I mentioned earlier I had a three-day weekend to well as my Muse biting my ass to work on Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 06. It has been quite a productive weekend, writing well over 25+ pages (Word format, approximately 4 Literotica pages)! I completed the entire scene involving Diamond's trip to the airport and her flight to LA on her way to the DSA corporate headquarters.
To say it was an interesting write would belittle what I feel to be one of my more sexual scenes wotj er...something I originally had not planned or thought of occurring, but one which blossomed forth from my mind as I wrote it. I was completely immersed in "creative" mode, and now that I look at what I wrote, I'm amazed at the direction the scene took--surprised at what poured forth from my head to my hands typing, hehehe. As a little teaser, you'll discover a couple new photos in the gallery particularly about this scene!
I would guesstimate that I am over 75%+ finished with the rough draft. This scene takes her through most of Wednesday, with her syndication party occurring Friday night. I currently have plans for the rest of the day at the DSA office, as well as a couple interesting scenes planned for Thursday. Thursday night the girls (Diamond, Kitten, and Crystal) are going out on the town, and then they get ready for the big syndication party!
So all-in-all I have about three scenes...the syndication party being the largest of them, and one that I will definitely have to have plenty of rest to write, LOL! ;) Time-wise, it will be 2.5 days of storyline, and from what I am planning (which could always change of course) probably the last chapter I focus on day-to-day activities, the remaining chapters focusing more on particular events than what has led up to them...but again, time will tell as I write if anything new suddenly sprouts forth!
To say it was an interesting write would belittle what I feel to be one of my more sexual scenes wotj er...something I originally had not planned or thought of occurring, but one which blossomed forth from my mind as I wrote it. I was completely immersed in "creative" mode, and now that I look at what I wrote, I'm amazed at the direction the scene took--surprised at what poured forth from my head to my hands typing, hehehe. As a little teaser, you'll discover a couple new photos in the gallery particularly about this scene!
I would guesstimate that I am over 75%+ finished with the rough draft. This scene takes her through most of Wednesday, with her syndication party occurring Friday night. I currently have plans for the rest of the day at the DSA office, as well as a couple interesting scenes planned for Thursday. Thursday night the girls (Diamond, Kitten, and Crystal) are going out on the town, and then they get ready for the big syndication party!
So all-in-all I have about three scenes...the syndication party being the largest of them, and one that I will definitely have to have plenty of rest to write, LOL! ;) Time-wise, it will be 2.5 days of storyline, and from what I am planning (which could always change of course) probably the last chapter I focus on day-to-day activities, the remaining chapters focusing more on particular events than what has led up to them...but again, time will tell as I write if anything new suddenly sprouts forth!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Muses come in many different forms...
It's an almost ambiguous feeling when you are writing, or creating something artistic, that suddenly spurs one on to a particular project, almost doggedly pushing you forward to work on that item incessantly. Many times when my Muse hits me I'll skip eating, only pausing to refill my drink or go to the restroom, working on that item like putting a match to pile of gunpowder.
And like lighting gunfire, sometimes that flash is brief and you go long periods of time without any spark.
It is often difficult to pinpoint what triggers my Muse. Some days I wake up with a thought in my head and simply have to write in one story over another. Other times I'll have a dream about a certain scene and simply HAVE TO GET IT OUT and written, like a worm burrowing its way out of my head.
This weekend my Muse has a name.
Lately I've been focused upon writing my Assumptions story, with a few breaks in between for my Galactic Spy story. I know people are not too excited reading about updates from these stories, as they are currently "unknowns" in my repertoire, me not having published much other than general plots. Instead, people have been anxiously awaiting something known, whether it be Lapdancing Girlfriend, Annie, my Skyrim story, or any of the other current stories awaiting sequels.
Well, today I actually took off work because my Muse was doggedly pounding her way through me, stuffing my head with images I had to sit down and write--and those were scenes from Lapdancing 06!
Over the past couple of days my Muse has been slowly sneaking up to me, pushing me into thinking about where the story was the point where I had to write, so as I said, I've taken Friday off work and have been working on it all morning. And I plan on doing so the rest of the weekend as well.
What spurred on this sudden switch in stories? As I said, my Muse comes from all sorts of places, but all of you can thank one of your very own, Smiling Coyote, for "bugging" me enough about Lapdancing in e-mails and offering suggestions and refueling a general enthusiasm of the story that triggered my Muse into lighting a fire under my own ass into writing more about Diamond. :p
Not sure how far I'll get or when this sudden inspiration will end, but you can all breathe some sigh of relief to know I'm working on a "known" story for at least a brief amount of time, LOL...
And like lighting gunfire, sometimes that flash is brief and you go long periods of time without any spark.
It is often difficult to pinpoint what triggers my Muse. Some days I wake up with a thought in my head and simply have to write in one story over another. Other times I'll have a dream about a certain scene and simply HAVE TO GET IT OUT and written, like a worm burrowing its way out of my head.
This weekend my Muse has a name.
Lately I've been focused upon writing my Assumptions story, with a few breaks in between for my Galactic Spy story. I know people are not too excited reading about updates from these stories, as they are currently "unknowns" in my repertoire, me not having published much other than general plots. Instead, people have been anxiously awaiting something known, whether it be Lapdancing Girlfriend, Annie, my Skyrim story, or any of the other current stories awaiting sequels.
Well, today I actually took off work because my Muse was doggedly pounding her way through me, stuffing my head with images I had to sit down and write--and those were scenes from Lapdancing 06!
Over the past couple of days my Muse has been slowly sneaking up to me, pushing me into thinking about where the story was the point where I had to write, so as I said, I've taken Friday off work and have been working on it all morning. And I plan on doing so the rest of the weekend as well.
What spurred on this sudden switch in stories? As I said, my Muse comes from all sorts of places, but all of you can thank one of your very own, Smiling Coyote, for "bugging" me enough about Lapdancing in e-mails and offering suggestions and refueling a general enthusiasm of the story that triggered my Muse into lighting a fire under my own ass into writing more about Diamond. :p
Not sure how far I'll get or when this sudden inspiration will end, but you can all breathe some sigh of relief to know I'm working on a "known" story for at least a brief amount of time, LOL...
Monday, June 9, 2014
Progress is progress!
This weekend was a mixed bag in terms of writing. I was on a roll in the mornings, but even though I wanted to continue writing, my visiting family for the summer got up and so I had to end each writing session earlier than I wanted. Still, I was able to work more than I hoped on Assumptions, finishing one major scene which I suddenly went off on a tangent for another it had some decent progress.
I also got to work on my Galactic Spy story a bit, as it is less erotic than Assumptions, so I could work on it without being too obvious while everybody was around, hehehe.;)
I know it's difficult reading about a story nobody's seen yet, LOL, but if you've liked my other stories, it's along the same avenue as those...although obviously the plots and such differ. Hopefully we'll see more than one DocCIS submission this year...but again, summers are slow, so we'll just have to see how things go weekend to weekend...
I also got to work on my Galactic Spy story a bit, as it is less erotic than Assumptions, so I could work on it without being too obvious while everybody was around, hehehe.;)
I know it's difficult reading about a story nobody's seen yet, LOL, but if you've liked my other stories, it's along the same avenue as those...although obviously the plots and such differ. Hopefully we'll see more than one DocCIS submission this year...but again, summers are slow, so we'll just have to see how things go weekend to weekend...
Thursday, June 5, 2014
More sporadic updates!
Didn't post last weekend, but didn't really have much to report. Worked on my Galactic Spy story a tad, but didn't really do much writing or 3D Graphics overall. Spent a lot of time outdoors and just enjoying the good weather.
Have family up for the next month, so who knows how much I'll get done. Basically will only have mornings to write, and that's if my Muse is with me and wakes me up in the mood. My main focus is Assumptions (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel) and Lapdancing 06; however, have also reawaken my yearning to work on my Galactic Spy story, so we'll see which wins out in the limited time I have for a while...
Have family up for the next month, so who knows how much I'll get done. Basically will only have mornings to write, and that's if my Muse is with me and wakes me up in the mood. My main focus is Assumptions (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel) and Lapdancing 06; however, have also reawaken my yearning to work on my Galactic Spy story, so we'll see which wins out in the limited time I have for a while...
Monday, May 26, 2014
Weekends never go as planned...
So was looking forward to the three-day weekend. I was planning to devote a whole day to writing, then a whole day to 3D Graphics, even a whole day to just vegging out and gaming.
And then I woke up Saturday sick as a dog...sore throat, sinuses, feeling like somebody beat me with a bat overnight. Fricking 3-day weekend blown to hell :(
So instead, it was a television marathon of Band of Brothers, The Pacific--it WAS Memorial weekend--followed by a True Blood marathon, hehehe, while I stayed laying on the couch coughing up nastiness from my lungs.
I did get to sit at the computer for some time, but in the funky mood I was in, I decided it was time for something completely different (yes, Monty Python quote there). I worked a lot on my Galactic Spy story, going through what I had written and editing it. Ended up adding three whole pages to it just with what I already had written. Then I worked on my Assumptions story a bit...very sexy scene that I held off for a while finished up with that scene as well. Now really have only a couple more before that story will finally be completed.
So I guess I did get some writing done, although most of the weekend was spent on the couch, sucking down soup and popsicles (sore throat and all) and watching television.
Still, as I've said in the past, progress is progress so spending time on two stories was at least something, although not the whole day marathon I was hoping for....
And then I woke up Saturday sick as a dog...sore throat, sinuses, feeling like somebody beat me with a bat overnight. Fricking 3-day weekend blown to hell :(
So instead, it was a television marathon of Band of Brothers, The Pacific--it WAS Memorial weekend--followed by a True Blood marathon, hehehe, while I stayed laying on the couch coughing up nastiness from my lungs.
I did get to sit at the computer for some time, but in the funky mood I was in, I decided it was time for something completely different (yes, Monty Python quote there). I worked a lot on my Galactic Spy story, going through what I had written and editing it. Ended up adding three whole pages to it just with what I already had written. Then I worked on my Assumptions story a bit...very sexy scene that I held off for a while finished up with that scene as well. Now really have only a couple more before that story will finally be completed.
So I guess I did get some writing done, although most of the weekend was spent on the couch, sucking down soup and popsicles (sore throat and all) and watching television.
Still, as I've said in the past, progress is progress so spending time on two stories was at least something, although not the whole day marathon I was hoping for....
Monday, May 19, 2014
Update! Part 2
So I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted in my long list of "things to do." I worked on Assumptions a bit and cleaned up two scenes, but other than about 3 pages of new stuff, didn't really make much progress.
Even my 3D Graphics and other things I wanted to accomplish pretty much made little to no progress.
I DID get to cut my lawn, at least something around the house got done, but for the most part, I caught up on some reading and was a bit of a lazy "me" type weekend to decompress.
Even my 3D Graphics and other things I wanted to accomplish pretty much made little to no progress.
I DID get to cut my lawn, at least something around the house got done, but for the most part, I caught up on some reading and was a bit of a lazy "me" type weekend to decompress.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
My apologies on missing the update after last weekend...I did get to work on my Assumptions story a bit more, as well as a little on the upcoming events for Diamond in Lapdancing 06; however, I didn't get nearly as done as I wanted.
I'm hitting scenes where my mind gets too wrapped up in them, and before I know it...things happen... I've mentioned before that I write as a hobby, and sometimes I get so wrapped up in what's happening and I get a bit excited on my own thoughts that, well, I just need to take a break afterwards ;) Happened last weekend and happened this morning, LOL...that's one thing being unemployed benefited from, as I didn't have a week's worth of stress built up to write out! ;) Anyways, short of any premature issues, the writing is moving forward!
I have two major scenes to write in Assumptions and short of any tangents I come up with, will be done with the story. I'm quite happy where it's gone and how it is turning out, so hope everybody will enjoy it. At first I thought there would be minimal sex scenes, but it's started to come together a bit more and there are several hot spots where I don't think people will be disappointed.
My intent is to make Assumptions a single, standalone story. Although I've set it up for a possible sequel, I think leaving it alone once it is done and working on my other sequels will be more fruitful. Maybe if the interest and demand is there I'll write the sequel someday, but once Assumptions is finished, it's back to Lapdancing.
I've also felt stirrings from one of my older stories that I go to time from time...Galactic Spy (working title). A lot of new 3D Graphic packages have come out on Renderosity and Daz3D with a sci-fi theme that wants me to get back to that story someday. It is one of those stories I have written bits and pieces over the years and haven't posted anything. I've always thought it would be the perfect story to "publish" someday with illustrations, so if I can get the swing of things down with my other stories and those do well, I may eventually put it out there...but for now, it's my own little private playground, LOL.
So hopefully today and tomorrow (Sunday) I'll get towards more writing of Assumptions. It's getting close to the end, I can feel it...all depends on the amount of free time I get. Spring and Summer are always bad due to family visiting, good weather, and the we'll just have to see!
I'm hitting scenes where my mind gets too wrapped up in them, and before I know it...things happen... I've mentioned before that I write as a hobby, and sometimes I get so wrapped up in what's happening and I get a bit excited on my own thoughts that, well, I just need to take a break afterwards ;) Happened last weekend and happened this morning, LOL...that's one thing being unemployed benefited from, as I didn't have a week's worth of stress built up to write out! ;) Anyways, short of any premature issues, the writing is moving forward!
I have two major scenes to write in Assumptions and short of any tangents I come up with, will be done with the story. I'm quite happy where it's gone and how it is turning out, so hope everybody will enjoy it. At first I thought there would be minimal sex scenes, but it's started to come together a bit more and there are several hot spots where I don't think people will be disappointed.
My intent is to make Assumptions a single, standalone story. Although I've set it up for a possible sequel, I think leaving it alone once it is done and working on my other sequels will be more fruitful. Maybe if the interest and demand is there I'll write the sequel someday, but once Assumptions is finished, it's back to Lapdancing.
I've also felt stirrings from one of my older stories that I go to time from time...Galactic Spy (working title). A lot of new 3D Graphic packages have come out on Renderosity and Daz3D with a sci-fi theme that wants me to get back to that story someday. It is one of those stories I have written bits and pieces over the years and haven't posted anything. I've always thought it would be the perfect story to "publish" someday with illustrations, so if I can get the swing of things down with my other stories and those do well, I may eventually put it out there...but for now, it's my own little private playground, LOL.
So hopefully today and tomorrow (Sunday) I'll get towards more writing of Assumptions. It's getting close to the end, I can feel it...all depends on the amount of free time I get. Spring and Summer are always bad due to family visiting, good weather, and the we'll just have to see!
Friday, May 9, 2014
An open weekend!
So once again I have an opened weekend where I hope to make a dent into writing! Other than paying bills and cutting the lawn, the weekend is wide open I am hoping to fall into the arms of my Muse and at least make a good session with my Assumptions story.
Hoping to get some gaming and 3D Graphics done as well, but not going to bite off more than I can we'll see how things go, but anxious to have some time once again!
Hoping to get some gaming and 3D Graphics done as well, but not going to bite off more than I can we'll see how things go, but anxious to have some time once again!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Update...progress at least!
So this weekend was a gorgeous didn't do as much writing as I wanted, but at least chilled out from a busy week at work.
In terms of time devoted, I'd say 25% of the weekend was spent writing, 50% gaming, 5% 3D graphics, and about 20% getting caught up on all the television shows I've been recording but not watching, LOL.
Worked on Assumptions quite a bit Saturday, but came up with a new scene that took me in a new direction, so as far as where I wanted to be, I didn't get there...but definitely added quite a few additional pages!
Hopefully the week will have some free time...
In terms of time devoted, I'd say 25% of the weekend was spent writing, 50% gaming, 5% 3D graphics, and about 20% getting caught up on all the television shows I've been recording but not watching, LOL.
Worked on Assumptions quite a bit Saturday, but came up with a new scene that took me in a new direction, so as far as where I wanted to be, I didn't get there...but definitely added quite a few additional pages!
Hopefully the week will have some free time...
Monday, April 28, 2014
Still working, still writing!
Although I did not expect to get much done this weekend with family, they were late sleepers so I had the wee hours of the morning to work on writing and graphics. I got a few images from friends done relating to The Elder Scrolls Online, but also got over 15.5 pages (Word Format) of Assumptions written! That's actually quite an accomplishment for thinking I had "no time" for the entire week!
Assumptions is coming along nicely...although it's moved into scenes I never imagined, it's getting even hotter. When I first planned the story and the basic scenes, I did not think it was going to have much blatant sex in it; however, my perverted mind said otherwise and out of those 15.5 pages, 6 of them--almost half--were blatant sex scenes, hehehe.
Did not work on Lapdancing at all, although I did have several people send feedback not only on Lapdancing Girlfriend in general, but suggestions on future scenes. Although some I may not incorporate for Lapdancing, definitely keep sending them, as I try to fit in as many suggestions as I can into all my stories, so although a scene you mention may not happen to Diamond, it could very well happen to Annie, Cerise, or any of the several women in my stories!
Assumptions is coming along nicely...although it's moved into scenes I never imagined, it's getting even hotter. When I first planned the story and the basic scenes, I did not think it was going to have much blatant sex in it; however, my perverted mind said otherwise and out of those 15.5 pages, 6 of them--almost half--were blatant sex scenes, hehehe.
Did not work on Lapdancing at all, although I did have several people send feedback not only on Lapdancing Girlfriend in general, but suggestions on future scenes. Although some I may not incorporate for Lapdancing, definitely keep sending them, as I try to fit in as many suggestions as I can into all my stories, so although a scene you mention may not happen to Diamond, it could very well happen to Annie, Cerise, or any of the several women in my stories!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Almost feel like a broken record...
Well, the good news is this weekend I at least progressed. I worked on Assumptions and Lapdancing 06 both, and although I didn't get as far as I'd like, I DID get a few more pages written towards each. Both of them seem to be growing beyond what I originally planned, which is not unusual, but still unexpected when I start going off into a plot and scene that I never actually planned, LOL.
Also spent some time cleaning the house as I have family coming up Monday and staying through next weekend, so doubt I'll get much done this coming weekend, which is why I wanted to work on both stories a bit and get along more.
Hope everybody had a quiet Easter (for those that celebrate it)!
Also spent some time cleaning the house as I have family coming up Monday and staying through next weekend, so doubt I'll get much done this coming weekend, which is why I wanted to work on both stories a bit and get along more.
Hope everybody had a quiet Easter (for those that celebrate it)!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Minor minor update ;)
So purposely devoted half a day to writing and playing...even though it was a GORGEOUS weekend, hehehe. Got through several pages of Assumptions, as well as suddenly got a great idea on continuing Lapdancing 06. I was sort of stuck on Lapdancing and moving into the next scene, but thankfully the long wait while writing Assumptions gave me a great idea.
Still not done with Assumptions, but once I am, will be hitting the ground running in terms of Lapdancing 06, so hopefully both will see the light of day before summer :p
Also played some Elder Scrolls Online as well as got a lot of other things done. Still need to do my taxes, procrastinated all weekend so have to finish them up Monday, LOL.
Just a small update to let everybody know I'm still working on things and hopefully in a couple weekends can get Assumptions done and dive back into Lapdancing!
Still not done with Assumptions, but once I am, will be hitting the ground running in terms of Lapdancing 06, so hopefully both will see the light of day before summer :p
Also played some Elder Scrolls Online as well as got a lot of other things done. Still need to do my taxes, procrastinated all weekend so have to finish them up Monday, LOL.
Just a small update to let everybody know I'm still working on things and hopefully in a couple weekends can get Assumptions done and dive back into Lapdancing!
Friday, April 11, 2014
Minor update...
Sorry I haven't posted in over a has been BUSY...which is a good thing, hehehe. I'm telling you, close to seven months of unemployment puts a new appreciation into you in terms of having to work late ;)
That being said, last week I was just glad for 2 things...having the weekend and not going to work, and having a full two week's paycheck! Ended out bumming and doing errands most of the weekend. Did not even spend much time playing computer games, as I was just enjoying the good weather we had.
Worked a little on Assumptions, but nothing too involved. Hopefully this weekend, with nothing planned, I can put the nose to the grindstone either with writing or 3D Graphics.
That being said, last week I was just glad for 2 things...having the weekend and not going to work, and having a full two week's paycheck! Ended out bumming and doing errands most of the weekend. Did not even spend much time playing computer games, as I was just enjoying the good weather we had.
Worked a little on Assumptions, but nothing too involved. Hopefully this weekend, with nothing planned, I can put the nose to the grindstone either with writing or 3D Graphics.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Weekend update!
So spent most of Saturday working on my Assumptions story...because I knew I wouldn't be doing anything creative Sunday with The Elder Scrolls Online Early Access beginning. Got through quite a bit...and although I previously did not think there would be many "sex" scenes, there are definitely more than I planned, LOL! But such is my twisted mind ;) The difference between this story and my others (even Annie) is they are being told from the husband's point of view about other women, so it's a bit different. The story is more about his thoughts and developing perversions instead of focusing upon a female protagonist.
Sunday spent 12 hours straight playing TESO, well as most of Monday after work. Hopefully the "newness" will die down enough to get back into a writing/playing/creative routine that I was in before my unexpected now it's too much to do and little time to squeeze it in!
Sunday spent 12 hours straight playing TESO, well as most of Monday after work. Hopefully the "newness" will die down enough to get back into a writing/playing/creative routine that I was in before my unexpected now it's too much to do and little time to squeeze it in!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Work is work!
I had forgotten how much work work is, LOL... For the past 6 months I woke up, had my coffee/tea, sat down at the computer, checked e-mails and job sites, and then wrote or worked on my 3D graphics. Mornings were my "me" time and even on weekends that is my's just being unemployed I had more "me" time than anything else.
Now I get up (1-2 hours earlier!), shower, make my coffee/tea, sit down and catch up on e-mails...and drive off to work. I get home and catch up on some more work, check e-mails, and then it's time to decompress in front of the tv while eating dinner, watch more tv, then go to bed...rinse and repeat x 5.
Weekends now are catching up on things that slid during the week like cleaning the house and whatnot. Mornings are still my "me" time but now there's a lot more for "me" to catch up on, LOL.
Had forgotten how little time I had for writing or graphics...and hope I get into a routine to get back to that. I worked on Assumptions and Lapdancing Girlfriend 06 this weekend, but felt like I made no progress compared to the past. And didn't even have a desire to open up Daz Studio and work on any graphic projects :/
I do enjoy the PM's, emails, comments, and posts here, so keep them coming...they are what stir me on even more when I get into one of those "blah" appreciate everybody's support when I was out of a job and hopefully now that I have one, LOL! Even if it means less time for the "fun" stuff...
Now I get up (1-2 hours earlier!), shower, make my coffee/tea, sit down and catch up on e-mails...and drive off to work. I get home and catch up on some more work, check e-mails, and then it's time to decompress in front of the tv while eating dinner, watch more tv, then go to bed...rinse and repeat x 5.
Weekends now are catching up on things that slid during the week like cleaning the house and whatnot. Mornings are still my "me" time but now there's a lot more for "me" to catch up on, LOL.
Had forgotten how little time I had for writing or graphics...and hope I get into a routine to get back to that. I worked on Assumptions and Lapdancing Girlfriend 06 this weekend, but felt like I made no progress compared to the past. And didn't even have a desire to open up Daz Studio and work on any graphic projects :/
I do enjoy the PM's, emails, comments, and posts here, so keep them coming...they are what stir me on even more when I get into one of those "blah" appreciate everybody's support when I was out of a job and hopefully now that I have one, LOL! Even if it means less time for the "fun" stuff...
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!
So the good news is I'm back to work...which is good because I was almost to the point where I was destitute. Now I can continue to pay off the house and car and buy those little things like food, hehehe.
Of course, that also means less time for playing around with 3D Graphics, writing, and generally relaxing! But after six months, I completely understand the "at least you have a job" sentiment and will not be taking that for granted ever again!
Monday the DC area got dumped on by over a foot of snow, so had the day off, which was nice. I did a little computer housecleaning and such, as well as worked on my Assumptions story.
It is odd to be constrained during the week working again. My typical writing hours were early morning, and getting up between 4-5am doesn't give me any time for dalliance before I'm off to work. That means weekends are once again my only play time...which is bad for all my creativity because it bottles up during the week. Then again, that's also good because it means weekends once more will be "marathon" sessions where I'll be working on stories and graphics the entire good with the bad.
We'll see how things go with writing on only weekends again. Before I would write a few hours each, take this morning for example, I have a great idea for my Assumptions story but cannot do anything about it until after work...but by then I'll be too tired to do much when I come home. So it will sit and "fester" in my head to complete perversion until the weekend where I can let it all out, hehehe. Not sure the best way of things, but again, I no longer am taking work and a paycheck for granted!
Of course, that also means less time for playing around with 3D Graphics, writing, and generally relaxing! But after six months, I completely understand the "at least you have a job" sentiment and will not be taking that for granted ever again!
Monday the DC area got dumped on by over a foot of snow, so had the day off, which was nice. I did a little computer housecleaning and such, as well as worked on my Assumptions story.
It is odd to be constrained during the week working again. My typical writing hours were early morning, and getting up between 4-5am doesn't give me any time for dalliance before I'm off to work. That means weekends are once again my only play time...which is bad for all my creativity because it bottles up during the week. Then again, that's also good because it means weekends once more will be "marathon" sessions where I'll be working on stories and graphics the entire good with the bad.
We'll see how things go with writing on only weekends again. Before I would write a few hours each, take this morning for example, I have a great idea for my Assumptions story but cannot do anything about it until after work...but by then I'll be too tired to do much when I come home. So it will sit and "fester" in my head to complete perversion until the weekend where I can let it all out, hehehe. Not sure the best way of things, but again, I no longer am taking work and a paycheck for granted!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
So a full week without any comments...not sure if that means people are not visiting or I've discouraged people or what...but still hoping to keep at least weekly updates in case SOMEBODY is checking on status or stories and whatnot...
New job started this week, so things have been pretty quiet. Getting up at 4am so I can tackle early DC traffic is not fun, but a 45 minute drive is better than 2 hours if I get caught in rush hour! But that also means by the time I get home I am dead tired and not much in the mood to write. Back to the weekend thing in terms of writing and everything else, as my prime writing time is early morning :/ Such is the bad thing about working again, hehehe...but I'm sure once I get my first paycheck I'll not be too upset, LOL!
Have not done anything in terms of 3D graphics. Mostly because have been too tired getting home as I mentioned above, but also my graphical Muse has been relatively quiet.
Worked a little on my Assumptions story, so hoping to get some of that done this weekend...even though there's an Elder Scrolls Online beta going on this weekend, hehehe. Games are always a good release for some pent up frustration and when I have writer's block, so hoping to get some play time in as well as writing.
Other than that, things are relatively quiet. Hope to get my Assumptions story draft completed by the end of this month so I can start back on Lapdancing and Annie, but it all depends on how the weekends and such go...
New job started this week, so things have been pretty quiet. Getting up at 4am so I can tackle early DC traffic is not fun, but a 45 minute drive is better than 2 hours if I get caught in rush hour! But that also means by the time I get home I am dead tired and not much in the mood to write. Back to the weekend thing in terms of writing and everything else, as my prime writing time is early morning :/ Such is the bad thing about working again, hehehe...but I'm sure once I get my first paycheck I'll not be too upset, LOL!
Have not done anything in terms of 3D graphics. Mostly because have been too tired getting home as I mentioned above, but also my graphical Muse has been relatively quiet.
Worked a little on my Assumptions story, so hoping to get some of that done this weekend...even though there's an Elder Scrolls Online beta going on this weekend, hehehe. Games are always a good release for some pent up frustration and when I have writer's block, so hoping to get some play time in as well as writing.
Other than that, things are relatively quiet. Hope to get my Assumptions story draft completed by the end of this month so I can start back on Lapdancing and Annie, but it all depends on how the weekends and such go...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
So got a good laugh today...
Sometimes a negative comment can drag you down, but this one literally had me laughing. Yet another "Anonymous" comment:
What's funny is he says to take 6 months and read all stories rated 4.0 or better...well, that means all of MY stories as well, as my lowest ranked story is a 4.10...obviously not a fan of mine, hehehe.
Anyways...on to better things...
Started work today. Was odd coming back to the same place after being gone for six months, even though I'm on a different project, I'm in the same government building, so it was still odd...familiar, yet different if that makes sense.
Assumptions story is coming along nicely. I worked quite a bit on it this past weekend and it's getting close to the end. I would say I'm about 75% completed with it...but then comes the review. After that, Lapdancing Girlfriend will get hit hard, and following that, I plan on appeasing the long overdue Annie fans.
3D Graphics-wise I haven't been into it this past week or so. I sit down and open up the program, and my mind draws a blank...even when I have several images I want to make and have outlined, I still cannot seem to hopefully my Muse will awaken on that side of the bed soon.
This coming weekend is the last The Elder Scrolls Online beta, so I'll be immersing myself into know I won't get much done graphics or writing wise, but then there's two weeks before its release that I hope to get some things done and under the belt!
Don't lose your day job Maybe Rolling Stone can use your encyclopedic knowledge of pop music. You are totaly devoid of any talent as a writer. My suggestion is to get an editor and start with page1, make 5 attempts, destroy everything take 6 months to read all stories rated 4,0 or better. You will accomplish 2 things: a sense of what is erotic and you'll be an accomplished wanker.Now the funny thing is this wasn't made on one of what I consider my "lesser" stories such as Grim Fairy Tales or Dreams, this was actually on Lapdancing Girlfriend (Chapter 03).
What's funny is he says to take 6 months and read all stories rated 4.0 or better...well, that means all of MY stories as well, as my lowest ranked story is a 4.10...obviously not a fan of mine, hehehe.
Anyways...on to better things...
Started work today. Was odd coming back to the same place after being gone for six months, even though I'm on a different project, I'm in the same government building, so it was still odd...familiar, yet different if that makes sense.
Assumptions story is coming along nicely. I worked quite a bit on it this past weekend and it's getting close to the end. I would say I'm about 75% completed with it...but then comes the review. After that, Lapdancing Girlfriend will get hit hard, and following that, I plan on appeasing the long overdue Annie fans.
3D Graphics-wise I haven't been into it this past week or so. I sit down and open up the program, and my mind draws a blank...even when I have several images I want to make and have outlined, I still cannot seem to hopefully my Muse will awaken on that side of the bed soon.
This coming weekend is the last The Elder Scrolls Online beta, so I'll be immersing myself into know I won't get much done graphics or writing wise, but then there's two weeks before its release that I hope to get some things done and under the belt!
Monday, March 3, 2014
Slowly progressing...
Although I had my Muse back and was working on my Assumptions story, I wasn't at 100%. I spent a lot of time with my third passion, gaming. With The Elder Scrolls Online coming out, I spent a lot of time researching the game and whatnot. The past weekend was a closed beta weekend so played with that most of the weekend.
I worked a bit on writing, but again, it wasn't anything to brag hopefully this week will pick up.
Was starting my new job today and with the weather being as it was, all government offices as well as work are closed, my first paid day is spent at home! Go figure.
With work starting I won't be writing as much, as unfortunately, the best times I can write are that leaves the weekends. Then again, working during the week I hopefully won't get into these funky moods as often as I now appreciate the fact of being employed, LOL. We'll just have to see how it goes...
I worked a bit on writing, but again, it wasn't anything to brag hopefully this week will pick up.
Was starting my new job today and with the weather being as it was, all government offices as well as work are closed, my first paid day is spent at home! Go figure.
With work starting I won't be writing as much, as unfortunately, the best times I can write are that leaves the weekends. Then again, working during the week I hopefully won't get into these funky moods as often as I now appreciate the fact of being employed, LOL. We'll just have to see how it goes...
Monday, February 24, 2014
The pain of writing...
So I've been getting pretty deep into my Assumptions story this weekend. I'm up to 70 pages (Word format, about 10 Literotica pages) and still going strong. In fact, a new twist to the plot came to me and I'm following that little rabbit hole to its end.
I've been so engrossed diving into the story my hand is starting to hurt...and not from typing! As I always said, if a writer cannot enjoy what he's writing, then how can he write and instill the passion into a story!
The thing is, what I KNOW and what the READER will be reading are somewhat two different things. I'm not going to give anything away, but as the title says, there are going to be a lot of assumptions, not only by the main protagonist of the story, but by the reader themselves. In fact, I have thought of an ending that will be epic...and leave some people completely baffled and others pissed off, hehehe.
I am debating on whether this will become a series or not. Leaving it as a stand-alone version is like reading a story with a big cliff-hanger that never completes...leaving the viewer to imagine their own ending. Such stories always leave me wondering what the author intended...and never really having the closure I seem to need, hehehe. That is how this story will end.
I have some ideas on further chapters, but again, not sure if they will add as much emotion to the plot that leaving the first chapter as it is without any sequels. I've even thought of combining this story with another one--my Extenuating Circumstances story, as the main women in the story have a somewhat similar history, albeit pretty loose (went to college, joined a sorority, may have been a bit of a slut/tease)...but then the plot would turn in a complete 90 degree difference...and I'm pretty happy with how both stories stand alone. Guess that's my answer, that I read it on "paper."
Anyways, hopefully won't get carpal tunnel syndrome before this story is completed! ;)
I've been so engrossed diving into the story my hand is starting to hurt...and not from typing! As I always said, if a writer cannot enjoy what he's writing, then how can he write and instill the passion into a story!
The thing is, what I KNOW and what the READER will be reading are somewhat two different things. I'm not going to give anything away, but as the title says, there are going to be a lot of assumptions, not only by the main protagonist of the story, but by the reader themselves. In fact, I have thought of an ending that will be epic...and leave some people completely baffled and others pissed off, hehehe.
I am debating on whether this will become a series or not. Leaving it as a stand-alone version is like reading a story with a big cliff-hanger that never completes...leaving the viewer to imagine their own ending. Such stories always leave me wondering what the author intended...and never really having the closure I seem to need, hehehe. That is how this story will end.
I have some ideas on further chapters, but again, not sure if they will add as much emotion to the plot that leaving the first chapter as it is without any sequels. I've even thought of combining this story with another one--my Extenuating Circumstances story, as the main women in the story have a somewhat similar history, albeit pretty loose (went to college, joined a sorority, may have been a bit of a slut/tease)...but then the plot would turn in a complete 90 degree difference...and I'm pretty happy with how both stories stand alone. Guess that's my answer, that I read it on "paper."
Anyways, hopefully won't get carpal tunnel syndrome before this story is completed! ;)
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