Sunday, April 20, 2014

Almost feel like a broken record...

Well, the good news is this weekend I at least progressed.  I worked on Assumptions and Lapdancing 06 both, and although I didn't get as far as I'd like, I DID get a few more pages written towards each.  Both of them seem to be growing beyond what I originally planned, which is not unusual, but still unexpected when I start going off into a plot and scene that I never actually planned, LOL.

Also spent some time cleaning the house as I have family coming up Monday and staying through next weekend, so doubt I'll get much done this coming weekend, which is why I wanted to work on both stories a bit and get along more.

Hope everybody had a quiet Easter (for those that celebrate it)!


  1. Wohoo. There is some progress. Things are looking up. :)

    1. True, progress is progress, even if it's a small bit!

  2. Doccis:
    You commented that both your stories where "growing beyond what I originally planned".
    In the past in stories like Lap 5 that has been a good thing!
    Keep the creative juices flowing.
    Look forward to your next story being posted.

    1. LOL, true, true...but there's also a downside to "growing beyond what I planned" in that it is taking longer to write as I have to flesh out that scene. I took today off to be with my visiting family and as they are late risers, I've been working on Assumptions, and even now a new thought came into my mind at a new am fleshing it out!

  3. Hi Doc;
    Just wanted to comment, that you taking your time writing a story is ~not~ in fact a downside... I learned that from Lapdancing 5....
    Write WHAT you want, WHEN you want, and pay no attention to the folks that keep asking, "Are we there yet?? Are we there yet??"...
    The quality of the story is better when YOU do it your way, so I say, take ALL the time you want, so that YOU are happy with the story...
    Your true fans will wait for as long as it takes, with no complaining, because we know that THAT is when you do your best work.... And your best work is simply OUTSTANDING.... ;-)

    So take your time, enjoy your family while they're visiting, and whenever you think your stories are done, we'll all be ready to read them... :-)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Well, since Lapdancing 05 I've decided I WILL be moving at my own pace, just want to get something out soon to tide people over ;)

  4. Doccis: You have become a victim of your own success, you write such a good story that your readers want more & more.
    But we can wait; enjoy your time with the family.
