Monday, October 3, 2016

Update (finally!) 10/03/2016...

It's been a while since the last update (a month to be precise).  For those who have followed me for some time, you know summers are always bad...both for writing and for updates.  Between family, bumming, vacations, and just the general hub bub, things move slow.

But Fall is now upon us!

This weekend I took a good dent out of Good Girl Gone Badder (GGGB2).  The second book in the series is about 2/3 done, so have passed the halfway point.  I am now on the last "major" scene of the book, so I'm hoping things will be wrapping up on the first final draft this month and I can get it "editorialized" and hopefully have something to publish for November.

In addition, as I needed a break from Katie, I looked through to see what struck my Muse's chords and did some overhaul on What's in a the higher tiers have that to look through as well.  Not much changed, it was mostly grammar and revising some paragraph structures, but it's a lot "cleaner" than before and hopefully flows better.  Won't be focusing on that story for a while, just needed to clear my head for GGGB2.

I've also updated all the GGGB1 graphics for the various Patreon tiers, so you should see a bit more in terms of teasers for the upcoming illustrated version of GGGB1.  That book will come when it comes, not going to rush it, but it's coming along nicely...

Once I get GGGB2 done and waiting for the editing (which will be done by somebody else), I plan on focusing on Lapdancing 06 and Annie 08.  I'd like to get both done by the end of the year.  I HATE giving out ETA's, so don't hold me by that, but I know Annie has waited longer than most to come out (so much the play list I have for her is out-dated, hehehe), so am trying to get my immediate plate clear to give her some loving (hell, if the story were real-time, she'd be old and grey by now!)  ;)

Again, now that we're in the Fall, that has been historically my most productive times of writing, so hoping you'll see a lot more movement on things, and sorry for the lack of communication this past month!