Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Belated Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or whatever!

Although it's been a productive year, I have nothing publicly to show for it...but I am hoping 2015 will be a more "visible" year.  This year I started What's in a Name, Extenuating Circumstances, Lapdancing 06, Grimm Fairy Tales 03, Assumptions, Space Odyssey, and a few other outlines...and although none of them got published in 2014, they are ripe to be posted come I am hoping it will be a banner year.

I went from unemployment to once again employed...and although I'm still reeling from 6 months of no income, that too will be all caught up come the end of February, so that will give me a bit more peace of mind.

I wanted to wish all of you die-hard fans a very happy holidays...for me, it will be CHRISTMAS, but for others, whatever your beliefs or traditions, I wish you a happy end-of-the-year celebration!  I wish I had something more to give, a story, an image, but know without you, the fans who have stood by and visited the site even when things were at their worst, you kept me going, and it is much appreciated!

Happy Holidays everybody!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Not looking good for an end-of-the-year release :(

Although I was able to work on Lapdancing 06, Extenuating Circumstances 01, and What's in a Name, I didn't have nearly the time I wanted and looking at it, I wonder where the time went.  I typically get so absorbed in the stories when I am writing I don't pay attention to the time, and although I put in a lot more effort this weekend, it didn't seem like enough.

With Christmas coming and my family visiting through the New Year, it's unlikely I'll be having a release until after they leave.  My apologies, as I wanted to get SOMETHING out this year (seeing as it was a completely null year), but isn't happening  :(

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Off my game...

I've been a little "off my game" lately.  This past weekend I worked a bit on What's In a Name, a little bit on Extenuating Circumstances, and a little bit more on Lapdancing Girlfriend 06...but nothing seemed to "click" with me.

I ended up on the couch watching bad Netflix movies, LOL and it was rather relaxing.  All the stories are coming along, but guess I needed a break.

Sunday was a bit more of the same, played a bit of games online, worked a bit on the What's in a Name, and then continued my couch potato movie marathon, hehehe.

Things are moving forward, so that's good, just not as fast as I'd like, but couldn't really force myself to do something that in the end should be fun, not a job...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Follow the Muse....

This weekend was one of the most productive weekends I've had in a while writing-wise.  I spent ALL DAY Sunday writing, and writing, and writing.

It wasn't Lapdancing Girlfriend, it wasn't even Extenuating Circumstances, LOL.  For some reason I woke up at 3am with an idea and scene in my head for What's in a Name and HAD to get out of bed, go down to the computer, and start writing, even before my first cup of coffee!  And then I spent all day working on it. 

It was some MAJOR progress, but nothing I had planned on working on.  Sometimes I just have to go with the flow and follow my Muse.

It was actually therapeutic.  I spent the ENTIRE day writing, times when I was searching out music, then incorporating that into the story, and then more and more writing.  I went through 2 bottles of wine and about 3 pots of coffee...finally quitting around all said and told put around 20 hours.  As I said, very productive, just nothing I had planned or what anybody is expecting.

The reason this post is coming on a Wednesday and not earlier is I started thinking WHY I enjoyed writing this weekend so much.  Lately it's almost been a subconscious act to find something else to do so I wouldn't have time to write. 

As I thought back, the last time I had such a relaxing binge of writing was back in JUNE of this year.  Since that time I've been so focused on getting Lapdancing Girlfriend 06 out, or Extenuating Circumstances 0101-0103 out, the writing has been more of a job or chore, and not the original reason I started writing Annie Babysits the kids almost twenty years ago. 

I do it to relax, to escape from the day-to-day grind, from worrying about money, or kids, or whatever.

For the first time in months I ENJOYED writing again...and had almost forgotten how gratifying, relaxing, and therapeutic it was.

It is not that I'm changing gears or plans or anything, but I need to get back to my where writing was fun again.  This coming weekend I'm not going to PLAN on writing on any particular story...I'm just going to go with the flow.  If it turns out to be Lapdancing 06, fantastic; if it turns out to be EC01...again, great.  But if it turns out to be Annie, Dreams, Grim Fairy Tales, Lifeguard, or any other of my currently outstanding stories...or even *gasp* a new story...I'm not going to mind.  I'm going to write and ENJOY it, not feel like it's an obligation I have to do.

I had almost forgotten how nice it yeah, I'll be writing.  What it will be, dunno...but I will guarantee it's going to be good  ;)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Entering "the grind" LOL

All this week I've been pounding upon the rough draft of Extenuating Circumstances 0101, editing the rough draft and then transcribing it on the computer (as I cannot take digital copies into work).

Last night I got home and needed a break, so blew off the dust (figuratively) on What's in a Name? and starting re-reading that.  Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm smoking when I read some of these as I ended up almost rewriting half the paragraphs.  The general gist of the story remained the same, but the grammar and run-on sentences made me wonder if I actually wrote them, hehehe.

So things are moving forward with EC0101, as well as working a bit on some old stuff for a change of pace.

This weekend I plan on putting the nose to the grindstone on EC0101 and getting all my edits transcribed.  There's still half the story I need to edit, but if I can get this mound of scribbles transcribed I'll have hit a major milestone in my goal to get at least one story out this year!  Of course, with the holidays, who knows what can happen.  Supposed to meet some friends for lunch Saturday, have another friend who may call on me to work with them over the weekend, as well as getting the house ready for my kids to visit come Xmas.  Still, I want to get EC0101 through its paces so hoping to get some time to work on it as well!

Just letting you all know where I'm at.  I still am not giving an ETA on anything, but do want to let people know what's been going on and that I've not let things slide any more than they have!

Oh, and one other thing...there have been a few inquiries on posting images for EC0103 (third part of Ch. 01).  The main reason I have not is that entire part of the chapter is all sex, so any images I have for "inspiration" can't be posted you'll just have to wait on that  ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Slowly moving forward...

With the holidays upon us time seems to be getting more and more limited and the end of the year fast approaching!  I still hope to get at least one, if not ALL parts of Extenuating Circumstances 01 out by the end of the year, but just need to time to edit it before asking a few people to review.

When I'm not working on EC01, I'm working on EC0201 (Ch. 02, Part 01).  It's coming along nicely as well, but I have only been working on it when my eyes are bleeding from editing EC01, LOL.

Had a good run on making some graphical images over the holiday...I had not touch Daz Studio in over a month, so was nice to deflate that built up creativity for a while.  Now I need to put together a Christmas image or two, hehehe.

So as usual, making progress, but nowhere near as much as I'd like!