Friday, May 9, 2014

An open weekend!

So once again I have an opened weekend where I hope to make a dent into writing!  Other than paying bills and cutting the lawn, the weekend is wide open I am hoping to fall into the arms of my Muse and at least make a good session with my Assumptions story.

Hoping to get some gaming and 3D Graphics done as well, but not going to bite off more than I can we'll see how things go, but anxious to have some time once again!


  1. Good luck on finding your muse and getting a little farther on Assumptions.
    I am down at the sailboat this weekend. Polishing the haul before launch..
    I have a karate Kid moment ( wax on, wax off) today.

  2. how did the open weekend go?

    1. Got some more of Assumptions done, but not as much as I really wanted...wasn't that I didn't have time or put in the effort, but started proofreading everything and spent all my time editing out some of the bad grammar and such, so nothing "new" per se, but did work on it most of Saturday, hehehe..
