Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekends never go as planned...

So was looking forward to the three-day weekend.  I was planning to devote a whole day to writing, then a whole day to 3D Graphics, even a whole day to just vegging out and gaming.

And then I woke up Saturday sick as a dog...sore throat, sinuses, feeling like somebody beat me with a bat overnight.  Fricking 3-day weekend blown to hell  :(

So instead, it was a television marathon of Band of Brothers, The Pacific--it WAS Memorial weekend--followed by a True Blood marathon, hehehe, while I stayed laying on the couch coughing up nastiness from my lungs.

I did get to sit at the computer for some time, but in the funky mood I was in, I decided it was time for something completely different (yes, Monty Python quote there).  I worked a lot on my Galactic Spy story, going through what I had written and editing it.  Ended up adding three whole pages to it just with what I already had written.  Then I worked on my Assumptions story a bit...very sexy scene that I held off for a while finished up with that scene as well.  Now really have only a couple more before that story will finally be completed.

So I guess I did get some writing done, although most of the weekend was spent on the couch, sucking down soup and popsicles (sore throat and all) and watching television.

Still, as I've said in the past, progress is progress so spending time on two stories was at least something, although not the whole day marathon I was hoping for....


  1. Hi, at the beginning i got to say your stories are awesome and your writing style is pretty cool too. But i got a question and i'm sorry for bothering you with that, but i'm new to your blog and your stories so forgive me please. I came here to ask you what's about your story "Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise" are there any progress or it's standing still? As i read about it i saw you having some issues with Skyrim, but it was almost a year ago so if you could give me some info bout it would be pretty nice of you.

    ps. your doing really nice job here

    ps2. sorry for my english it's not my native language

    1. First, you English is fine, so do not worry about it!

      Second, thank you for the compliments.

      In terms of my Skyrim story, I still have plans to finish Chapters 03 and 04; however, as you mentioned, I had issues with Skyrim crashing and losing all my addons. The story basically writes itself when I play the game; however, losing over 500 addons will take a tremendous amount of work to get working again. It has been over a year since I played Skyrim and not sure I have the energy to work on reloading all those addons so I can feel comfortable completing the story.

      Right now, my plan is eventually finishing Chapters 03 and 04, but as to Riften and beyond, I'm uncertain. Currently I am playing The Elder Scrolls Online which is satisfying my TES needs, and I know someday I'll start up with Skyrim again, but whether I'll be able to continue or not with Cerise is unknown, as those saved games have all the old addons with them and starting up a saved game with old addons vs. new addons may take some time which I honestly do not have.

      So probably not what a lot of people want to hear, but there will eventually be Chapters 03 and 04 coming out...but beyond that, I don't know...

  2. Would be nice if the 03 and 04 Chapter would come out, but it's sad to read that the others ones might never appear. It's a pleasure to me reading about... well your gameplay described in this way. But i#m not pushing you to publish anything you don't want.

    1. It's not a question about writing something I don't want to...I would love to continue the story. It's just the amount of work I will need to invest compared to how long it will take me to get the game to a point where I can continue the story right now is too daunting. Maybe when I need a really long break I can put some time into it, but that isn't going to be for a while.

      Cerise's story is one that unlike all my other stories, I haven't really put time into knowing where I was going. That she is the daughter of a goddess and is the Dragonborn is all I know...from there the game is what drives the story, and without the game, there is no story. So again, until I can invest some time into getting all my mods up-to-date, installed, and configured properly, the story will unfortunately go nowhere.

      All my other stories are pretty well thought out in advance, although there are tangential streams of thought and the stories drift, I know where point A and point Z will end up. Not Cerise...even I don't know--beyond the Skyrim story itself--where it will go.

      I've actually thought about having Cerise's story begin in TESO as that is a more likely game I'll be playing for a's just that game doesn't really lend itself to being anything erotic, hehehe...

  3. Guess i need to be patience and wait for it. Just hope not that long...;P. I got a for ,if you don't mind anwsering all my posts, how could you install over 500 mods when skyrim allows only an amount of them to be installed at one time. Did you always removed some of them and installed the other one? Well then good luck and much inspiration writing your stories and have fun playing TESO.

    1. Actually, Skyrim allows you to install 254 mods (or 253 with Dawnguard, 252 with Hearthfire, and 251 with Dragonborn as each expansion adds a new *.ESP file). I am a modder at heart, so I basically edit and combine and merged quite a few mods. The actual count of mods I was running by Chapter 03 and 04 was over 700, LOL...I had over 300 armor and weapon mods combined into a single huge-assed mod. Several others were other merges that were a bit more involved and actually required some recoding to do to get to work.

      THAT is the work that I was referring to, as Cerise was going to have a total of 12 followers (all women of course, LOL) and I wanted all armor and weapons to be unique to each girl, as well as anybody they well as the dragons. So to get back to that point will take quite a bit of effort I'm afraid....

  4. Hi again, ... well i've been thinking, you wrote that chapter 03 and 04 are finished already sooo, why can't you publish them? Sorry for being kind a rude with this question, but i'm a simple man so forgive me. LOL

    1. Not rude at all, hehehe...valid question.

      They're not "finished" as in completely done and ready to be posted. They are finished in terms of I've played those chapters through in Skyrim and have written the basic plot as well as taken all the screenshots. The next step is reviewing and editing them, as well as adding all the screenshots...which all take some time. Chapter 03 is about 50% done with the pictures, although it still needs some heavy editing. Chapter 04 has no no pictures sorted or sized yet, as well as edited. All said and done, I'd say Chapter 03 is about 70% fully completed, while Chapter 04 need a bit more work...about 40-50% completed. All take time, and with 14 stories still outstanding (including those) I have to pick and choose which ones to work on. Right now, that's my Assumptions (new) story and Chapter 06 of Lapdancing Girlfriend. After that...will have to see!

  5. DocCIS: Assumption then Lap #6, you should take some time off and enjoy the summer. Recharge the batteries and get out in the sun. The family should becoming to visit for some summer R & R.
    I did say after you post Lap #6 ;-)

    1. We'll see...summers are always slow months for writing...even slower than normal, LOL
