Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Update 2...

Still convalescing over this flu.  Saturday and Sunday I merely slept and rested all day.  Monday I went into work...BIG mistake.  I spent the entire day trying to keep my stomach from rebelling with what little tea I gave it and got nothing accomplished.  Later that evening I was able to keep down some crackers and ginger ale, then progressed to bananas and bland yogurt.

Today (Tuesday) I'm staying home from work and letting my body recouperate.

As such, I've not gotten any work done on writing or graphics...sorry, just haven't been up to it  :(

Hopefully this coming weekend I can try and catch up on everything!


  1. Just got over the flu myself....hope you feel better

    1. Being sick definitely is not fun. I can't believe how long it's taking just to get back to feeling normal. It's Day 7 now and I'm still feeling like I ran a marathon just to walk down the stairs. But at least the appetite is back...now it's just taking it easy...

