Monday, March 3, 2014

Slowly progressing...

Although I had my Muse back and was working on my Assumptions story, I wasn't at 100%.  I spent a lot of time with my third passion, gaming.  With The Elder Scrolls Online coming out, I spent a lot of time researching the game and whatnot.  The past weekend was a closed beta weekend so played with that most of the weekend.

I worked a bit on writing, but again, it wasn't anything to brag hopefully this week will pick up.

Was starting my new job today and with the weather being as it was, all government offices as well as work are closed, my first paid day is spent at home!  Go figure.

With work starting I won't be writing as much, as unfortunately, the best times I can write are that leaves the weekends.  Then again, working during the week I hopefully won't get into these funky moods as often as I now appreciate the fact of being employed, LOL.  We'll just have to see how it goes...


  1. First day at work is a snow day, is good luck sign.
    When I started my main job in 1977, I had a simular thing happen, worked for them for 30 yrs. before I retired to a life of travel.
    Watch your footing on the ice hiding under the snow. :-(
    Good luck tomorrow or Wednesday.

    1. Well, unfortunately the snow day wasn't good. Because all my orientation and such was scheduled over those two days, they were rescheduled to next week. As such, they moved my "start date" to next week instead of this not getting paid for this week. I can understand it, but sucks to be me...

  2. Glad to hear read that things are back on track. Hope your first week back at work was good, and that you are getting back to the work rhythm after the break. :)

    Hope to also hear about some Lap6 goodness. :)


    1. Well, see my above comment about this being my first week.

      Still, with the time off I've spent most of today working on my Assumptions story. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel which is good news for Diamond and her adventures, hehehe...

    2. Oh no. Sorry to hear about the week without work.

      Well at least you were mentally geared to get back into rhythm. (just like Dewight getting Diamond prepped up).

      Have a great weekend ahead and a good first week at work.
