Tuesday, December 24, 2013

On the First Day BEFORE Xmas...Teaser 12

Spent most of yesterday alternating between working on my 3D Graphics and writing Lapdancing 06.  The chapter is up to 99 pages (Word format) rough draft and almost to the syndication party...which means if I keep up the pace, there's a possibility of a 2013 release.

Not promising anything, just saying I am getting to the point where I am seeing the end of the tunnel.  Then again, I will be having family up later this week, so that will hamper things...so we'll just see.

So it's now been Twelve Days before Xmas and have released one teaser a day.  Hope it has built up some excitement and the final product won't 'bore' you with repetitiveness, LOL!

So here's the final teaser of Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 06!

So much happening in such a short teaser! ;)


  1. Too bad I won't get any more of these... but I'm looking forward to seeing how Mr. DeWight breaks it to her that she is to put on a show for every single guy working there! Marry christmas and a happy new year! Hope your muse is with you in the final week of the year!

    1. My Muse is definitely with me today...up to 112 pages (Word) and coming to the syndication party! But also working on my images, down to the wire, want to post them tomorrow!

  2. Don't know which of the 12 days to post this, but this is my idea of Diamond when she dances:


    1. Oooh, another one to add to her routines ;)

      Nice find! Do a search for Jenyne Butterfly...a lot of Diamond's routines are based on her's...here's some of my favorites:

      http://youtu.be/hwoiOvoMJd4 (this is the first time I saw here and got the idea about Diamond)




      http://youtu.be/UcWvuu1HUXw (3:15 and 4:07...OMG)
