Sunday, December 8, 2013

A bit of writing, a bit of graphics, a whole lot of Diamond

This weekend besides all the snow in the Washington, DC area I was a busy body.  First, FINALLY after three months I finally finished installing all the graphics packages I've been downloading.  In between that, been writing more of Lapdancing 06, and now that I finally got all the graphics packages loaded, have been loading and screenshotting all the female characters so I can pick all the characters for the illustrated Lapdancing series.

So yeah, been a lot of Diamond!

I came up with an idea that builds off the twist I thought of last there's a bit more humiliation involved...and there's a method to it from Mr. DeWight's aspect.  If you do something long enough, it starts to become "normal"  ;)

Graphics-wise, have been loading models, tweaking them, and then rendering them...which is what I've started doing months ago.  The idea is once I get images of each female model, I can go through them and start to weed out the ones I don't like and keep the ones I do...ultimately picking a couple that would be perfect for Diamond, Annie, etc.  It's sort of like a screentest, hehehe.  Eventually I'll have the perfect girl!

So yeah, busy weekend in regards to Diamond  ;)


  1. Doc, U cannot imagine the amount of relief, gratitude and anticipation to know that Lap6 is being worked on.

    I have never been a fan of any written work like I am a fan of Diamond. I always thought all those harry potter fans are nuts in their anticipation of new releases. Well, I find myself checking in on this "digital queue" of a Blog constantly.

    As a Christmas request, hope to see a Part 1 of Lap6 if possible. :) I am still amazed how chancing on the first Lap1 would lead me to this current Harry Potter like obsession.

    1. LOL, well, you are obviously not alone...for every post here on the blog (and there are a few regulars) I get about 5 times more private e-mails from fans. Then you count the ones that only post comments on Literotica and don't e-mail me or post here...and then there's the vast majority of people who are too shy to admit their obsession yet check here or Literotica regularly looking for updates...

      As I mentioned to one Anonymous comment on Annie...Lapdancing seems to be the most requested work I do, so trying to comply. Of course, I follow my Muse, but I also try to please the fans, hehehe!
