Saturday, December 14, 2013

Uploaded Image Library...

A little something extra...particularly for those avoiding reading Lapdancing 06 excerpts...I've added a few more images to the Lapdancing 06 image library (slideshow to the right).

I usually upload pictures when I find some that are of inspiration...and each of these outfits are described in Lapdancing 06...but I'll leave it up to your imagination for who, what, when and where, LOL.  Who knows, for those reading the excerpts of Chapter 06, it may be one of the random pages.  Then again, you all may have to just wait until it's release, LOL.

Already up to 66 pages rough have been busy writing!  Not promising anything, but I'm hoping for a Xmas present for everybody...or at the very latest New Year's.  Then again, have family coming the week of Xmas and New Year's, so if it's not done by the holidays, chances are it will be later in January...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah....go go go.....Now I know what a lot of us want for Christmas!

