Monday, June 10, 2013

Once again, the best laid plans...

Unfortunately no good news in terms of the review progress.  I had high hopes for working and even trying to finish the review of Lapdancing 05 but when the weekend rolled around, ended up bumming around and spending time with the family.  And when I finally had time to work on it Sunday, after one page I was feeling like it was more of a chore and work than really being able to put my heart into reading and editing the story.

I do apologize, as I am starting to feel pressured to get it done, not only by you the fans, but myself.  As I mentioned in the past, this is a hobby, and until somebody is actually paying me, all deadlines are "soft" in terms of they can always change, and such has been the case with Lapdancing 05.  I knew when the summer rolled around my time would be limited to non-existent, and such has been the case since mid-May.

Will just have to see if my Muse hits me next weekend and I can sit down and hammer it out and get it posted.  Even with the 32% I've reviewed so far, I know it's nowhere near ready to be posted, as I've already found a ton of minor things to change.  I would say I've made changes to every other paragraph thus far, so there definitely has been a need to review's just a matter of getting it done now!


  1. When your muse hits you will get it done. You may want to give thought to the fact that as each chapter you do gets both better and bigger so the review time will get longer (brining up again the concept of crafting more manageable sized works). Just so you know if you released these on kindle (the lapdancer and anna series)
    at a reasonable rate I would are that good.

    1. It's just upsetting to me things take so long. When I have time, I end up not being in the mood, or when I'm in the mood, don't have the time.

      Never thought about releasing the stories as e-books. Though now that they are free online, I wouldn't want to just suddenly charge for them. Charging would then commit me into it being more than a hobby...although it is a thought, LOL...

      Appreciate the sentiments though!
