Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lapdancing 05 Photo Album updated...

Getting close, I've updated the photo album.  Pictures now when organized by name will actually be in order of the story, so you can at least get an idea of the timeline going on with the photos cutting down some of the guesswork, hehehe.

It's about as much of a hint as I can give at this point...but wanted the pictures to actually be on the same timeline...

Oops, thanks to "Anonymous" for letting me know the album was not visible--Google+ is a bit odd with updating the names of the files so had to delete the album and re-add it, and apparently had to set up sharing for it as well.  Hopefully it's visible to everybody now!


  1. "GETTING CLOSE" those are the words we want to hear

    1. Actually - FINISHED - is the Word we are looking for - :-D

    2. LOL, it's slowly coming along...right now any progress is good...
