Saturday, June 29, 2013

And the last countdown begins...

Started this morning at 88.4% completed in terms of pages...2.5 hours later I'm at 88.9% but have added two additional pages, LOL.

Even so, this is my last countdown the next post will be me submitting it to Literotica, and from there, it's out of my hands.

Right now reviewing Diamond's debut party...which is a 45-minute dance routine, and one I am going through slowly with each song, making sure it 'reads' in synch to the song.  I actually found one part where things moved too slowly before the song ended, so shifted things slightly to make sure they all are 'in synch' as much as I could get them.

Bottom line is you can all start holding your breath without fear of passing out...because this is the home stretch...


  1. AND ................................................................ HOLDING BREATH........................................................... LOL

  2. Too excited and holding breath now...

  3. LOL, Hell, even I am excited, to be so close to finishing this chapter. It's been quite a ride, and I can't believe it's almost done. A part of me is thankful, while another part is hesitant as I know I'll be then forced to work on another of my stories and the ride begins again, LOL...


  4. Still Holding ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh GETTING

  5. OMG...can't sit still and time has all of a sudden slowed down.

  6. Dam ive passed out four times already mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wait you didn't mean it like DUH really right .................???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LOL
