Sunday, June 23, 2013

Not this weekend :(

About 85% through the review, so at least I'm moving forward.  I've also added about 10 pages (Word format) since starting, so the story seems to be growing.  Although I've removed quite a few paragraphs and sentences, I always seem to find one part that needs a bit more fleshing out to describe.

The last photo-shoot is a good example.  It was only a few paragraphs but I felt it needed a bit more, and wow, I'm quite happy with it (I mean VERY happy, LOL).  It's one of Diamond's girl-girl scenes (gasp).

I did take some "me' time today and watched a couple movies (Taken and Taken 2), as well as did some yard work, but it was time well spent as I could come back to the review fresher and go through it some more.

There's no way in hell anybody is going to read through this chapter in one sitting IMO.  There is something for everybody, and there's going to come a point where you are going to be worn out and have to "resume" after a decent rest (nudge nudge, wink wink).  I'm just hoping the plot itself advances enough for everybody's tastes...I'm not too worried about the sex scenes, but it's what's between them that I hope everybody enjoys!

I've also been thinking about the illustrated stories...and am going to work on some graphics once this chapter is submitted to get a feel of how I'll be doing it, so that's another thing added to my plate, LOL!


  1. awwwwwwww nuts AUGUST it is then

  2. No, no, no, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......

    PLEEEEEASE do not hold it....

    Doesn't need pictures....

    Doesn't need editing....

    Just needs the "Publish" button pushed...

    Pleeeease, Doc.... You can do it.... :-)

  3. Hold it for him only, send it to me before August...please!!!
