Saturday, June 22, 2013

Grammar is a funny thing...

So currently at 75.5% through the read-through review of Lapdancing 05, but that does not necessarily give a good guage of how far I am.  For example, I just spent the last HOUR going through the story searching for words that I often use incorrectly or too much.  The two I just spent the last 60 minutes on were "upon" and "onto".  I suddenly noticed a lot of "upon" this and that's in one paragraph and when I did a search, found out I had used "upon" over 300 times in the chapter!  Now, I am sort of  my own Grammar Police, so I started a search for every instance of "upon" in the story and ended up changing 135 instances of it because I had used in incorrectly or it felt awkward in the sentence.

Upon versus Up On versus On versus Onto versus On To

And then as I was reading through the search, found several other stupid mistakes or sentences that really did not make sense, LOL.

Editing is a never-ending process.  Eventually it just comes down to whether I feel comfortable releasing a story in its current state and then changing things silently over time.  The unfortunate thing is the first read is the one people will vote upon, so I need to at least make it "right enough" to appease even people like myself who literally will stop reading a story if it doesn't flow properly.

Just wanted to write this as sort of a break as well as what goes through my mind, back to Diamond...

Oh BTW, a few pictures have been added/removed from the photo-gallery, LOL...added a few extra descriptions after thinking about it, then had to track down some pictures to use to describe them.  Not sure if they'll make the final cut, but just a head's up, hehehe...


  1. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol real hopes for completion this weekend then........happy to hear this.............. keep your muse energised

  2. dam your actually getting there ................................................................................EXCELENT

  3. Well, didn't get as much done yesterday as I had planned...damn nice weather and friends wanting to socialize! :p

    Currently only 80% through, but I am still hoping to get it submitted's more of a weight around my neck now than anything and just want it to be done and submitted so I can work on something else, LOL...

  4. LOL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm please please don't be AUGUST ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  5. Still looking forward to it. Would love to see Geiger get more involved with their lives outside the club, I want him to use her ass. Thanks for all your hard work.

  6. Ohhhhhh YEAHhhhhhhhhhhh....
    The home stretch.... :-)

    Bless you, Doc, for all your hard work, and perseverance to see this through...

    At the risk of putting out there a little TMI, at this point, I think I need to do two things....
    1) "Save" myself - wink, wink - for reading the first pages of Chapter 5, trying NOT to imagine what happens on the plane, with Jen dressed as she is and all....
    And, 2) Get "primed-up" by re-reading Chapter 4 again.... ;-)

    Thank you again, Doc, for all your hard work....
    And believe me, I'll be all ~wound-up~ and "ready-to-go" for when Chapter 5 hits the web site... (nods head in a big up-and-down) :-)


    1. I've been re-reading and am on chapter 3 right now...just in anticipation of chapter 5 being posted...

    2. Hi, Ms. Crawford... Exciting to know I'm not the only one getting "primed-up"... hehehe

      And I'm thinking that Doc being quiet this afternoon is a good thing... A ~very~ good thing... ;-)

    3. Hehehe, glad to hear the excitement for everybody. I was going through one scene today that actually got me a bit too excited, had to cool off a bit before I could continue, hehehe. ;)

      Unfortunately it looks like tonight won't be the night. About 85% done. Part of that is I took some "me" time and watched a couple movies (Taken and Taken 2). And now getting close to bed time for work...still reading tonight, so we'll see, but doubt I'm going to get through 60 more pages tonight...
