Sunday, August 2, 2015

Update 08/02/2015

God, I cannot believe it's already AUGUST.

This past week not much got done.  I was out sick last week for a couple days, so had to make up the lost time at ended up having 5 12-hour by the time the weekend came, I didn't want to do much of anything.

Yesterday went through more Extenuating Circumstances 0101...I'm about 75% through it...damn, I write some long stories, LMAO!  Takes a while when you're going over every single work, sentence, and paragraph to find any mistakes, clean up some stuff, and what have you.

Then I had a system failure and it took the rest of the day to get back to where I was.  My NAS started acting up and it ended up being a bad cable, but it took HOURS to figure out what the heck was going on because the symptoms were intermittent...which made troubleshooting it even more grueling.  So didn't get much of anything done from about noon to midnight...and by then, was too tired to do anything.

Still no decision on posting EC0101 on Literotica or holding out to make it a published work.  You all weren't much help, LMAO...just kidding, sort of.  The problem I know is many of you want to see SOMETHING, actually ANYTHING published by me at this HAS been a the prospect of an already-finished piece is like a carrot dangling in front of you.  So you want me to post a piece, or at least finish my current "shiney" so I can work on the next piece.

Anjali made a comment in my last post about my graphics not being of sufficient quality to make them interested in purchasing them.  It was a fair statement, as all I've shown in most of my graphics here have been rough drafts and nothing' I've really taken the time to do..but it still gnaws at me ;)  For those interested, I again mention if you want to see my alter ego's work, PM/e-mail me and I'll point you to my Facebook page.  I think my work there will speak as to the quality of my images.  But even if you don't, I've decided to spend some time and make the first image to EC0101 and post it here...that way you can see the quality and style I'll be shooting for at least for that it will hopefully be coming in the next week or so.

Still working on Lifeguard Gets Wet...I just needed a change after focusing upon it for so long so blew off the dust on EC0101...but will be getting back to Lifeguard probably today.  I already KNOW what I'm going to be writing about, so I'm hoping the rough draft will be done in soon enough and I can send it to the artist for a review...make edits, and hoping to then I'll hopefully know what I'm doing with EC0101, LOL.

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