Monday, August 3, 2015

Update 08/03/2015

Yup, you're eyes are not deceiving you...two updates back-to-back, LOL.

Was working on a more "quality" render for an Extenuating Circumstances scene, in light of my character introductions not impressing some people ;)  This is the opening sequence of what I would consider the graphic curious as to what people's thoughts are, for good or bad.

As I was putting this together and letting it render for a few hours, I thought how I would post a graphical story.  What I envision is more than a comic strip, and even more than just inserting images into a story like my Skyrim story.  I wanted something entertaining, visually stimulating, and that would make people want to buy additional items.  In putting together the storyboard, I discovered that making such things does not necessarily provide a high quality image because of the low resolution needed for E-readers and online reading.  I am now thinking to provide the graphical story in PDF format, but with an attachment containing all the high resolution images as well.

What do you think?

For example this is kind of what a page of the PDF would look like:

As you can see, the image loses a lot due to the conversion and whatnot...but the software allows me to publish to Kindle, Comic Book format, and other formats, as opposed to all the workarounds I would have to do in Photoshop.

Here is the full high-resolution image:

Obviously a much cleaner image (and hopefully of a caliber people would consider buying).

But what does everybody think?  Does the storyboard version lose too much in the conversion?  And would it be enough compensation to provide the original high resolution image with the storyboard PDF version that people could live with it?

The alternative is to fall back to a Word-type document where the pictures are just inserted at key points, but I like the storyboard version because I can add little things that "fit" when describing how her skirt rides up to show her garters, I can put in a smaller image showing that in the margin, without losing the ambiance of the story.

Just bouncing ideas around...and you all are my sounding board, please, tell me what you think!


  1. I definitely like the higher definition image, but I'm fine with the low-res. For me the main draw to your stories is the text, and the pictures are just a bonus feature.

    1. And that's what I want the pictures to be...a "bonus"...people who just want to read the stories can do so as I put them out...those that want more or to help donate can buy the book and get something more out of it...

  2. Clearly the image stuff is a very big deal to you, i can respect that but for me it's text all the way,a written description in the lapdancer storiesfor example was perfect.
    Stating that she looked like a certain model allowed me to look up the model then let my mind do the rest. If you take the text route to make a fiscal return I will be with you, if not PLEASE let literotica get a text version.............. Pretty please.

    1. Well, it's all about trying to make a little cash on the side and make it fair for everybody. As I've mentioned before, I don't think it's fair to anybody posting 60% of a story and then saying "if you want to read the rest, you'll have to buy the book" type deal. So in trying to think of what would provide that extra "oomph" that people might buy is the graphics, since I am as passionate about the graphics as I am about some cases, more so.

      This way I can still post the story on Lit for free and those who only want to read can do so...anybody who is interested in the graphical side of things or wants to contribute to the starving author can by the e-book as a donation....

  3. Thats completely cool lol and as it's your property you do as you deem fit.

  4. I am the type who enjoyed reading Jurassic Park more than seeing the movie. My imagination is more enjoyable than being told how something should look. I LOVE your stories but I pay almost no attention to your graphic works. I did peruse what you posted just now and while I see the quality of work and time put into the idea, its just not for me. Sorry. Just my 2 cents.

    1. And that's a completely fair statement...

      I've been thinking about this on and off for over a year now, and for me, it's the best way to combine my two passions--writing and 3D art. It may not be up to everybody's tastes, but that's why I'm planning on offering the stories up in multiple versions:

      Free text-only version on Literotica
      Paid graphical version with high resolution images

      As I mentioned above, this way everybody is happy. Those that are interested in support my works will pay for the graphical versions--both due to interest but also hopefully to support me. Then depending upon the interest, will see if it's worth posting the text version at all or to trash the whole illustrated idea...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Now that's more like it! I would definitely prefer the lower resolution image in the story and a higher quality image as a separate download. What a great idea!

    1. Yay, a convert, LOL!

      Thanks Anjali, appreciate the honesty particularly in your last I wanted to give a valid representation of what the story would look like. Much appreciated!

  6. So far all my Kindle download reading has been of plan text stories, and I look forward to seeing your illustrated stories.
    When you post / publish your illustrated stories I will also be one of your readers who will purchase / download a copy.
    As I am a older gentleman who needs reading glasses to read small print, I ask that you consider a format that allows me to expand the font to a larger size. (i.e. microsoft word 24 font bold.) That way I can leave the reading glasses off while I enjoy another of your great stories.
    Look forward to your posting of E.C.

    1. Yeah, that's been one of the tougher things to figure out in terms of the storyboard is font size. I figured out the resolution issue...I simply need to render at a smaller format and it does not get as distorted in the software as much as I showed earlier.

      If I don't post it online somewhere like Literotica for free, I'll definitely have to include an all-text version for people to be able to increase the font as needed...

  7. I think the comicbook style is sweet... and maybe you could just add a link to the folder (in dropbox or google drive) for the high def pictures
