Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01 Part 1 - APPROVED

My Extenuating Circumstances story (Ch. 01A) has been approved and can now be read by everybody on Literotica!

It was approved a lot faster than I imagined, but as I said, typically with authors who have posted before, they are pretty lenient when they know you are not posting a bunch of gibberish  ;)

I'll be reviewing Ch. 01B this week when I have time, and then the weekend will be devoted to Lifeguard Gets Wet (speaking of which, look to the right for teaser images!).

Again I want to thank everybody for their support on Patreon and even those who cannot support, I am very appreciative of all your support and comments!

As an additional note, I started a new "short" story that is mostly a graphical story and not something I'll post on Literotica...but I'll say more on that when I have things a bit more figured out  ;)


  1. As you say exten 1a has no full on filth im trying to hold off (reved up nowhere togo etc lol) as a tier two am i anywhere near getting early access to exten 1B if it's near done???????????????????????????????. Or is it weeks to months away. Buy the way im really liking the new active you, and understand that you do have a fulltime job as ya main focus (otherwise it''s living under a bridge for you). LOL

    1. My current "active" story is still Lifeguard Gets Wet which Tier 2 and above can access. Extenuating Circumstances 01B is available for Tier 3 patrons ;)

      As to ETA , it'll be done when it's done, LOL...but I'm hoping for sometime next week. It took me about 2 weeks to get through 140 pages of EC0101...EC0102 is about 80 pages...so probably half that time if I can get my nose on the grindstone ;)

  2. After downloading EC1 last night, I sat up and read the whole thing in one evening, finally finishing it at 2 am.
    That chapter was a great set up for things to come. Well done!!!.

  3. LOL, glad some of you like it...here's a few of the feedback quotes I've gotten just today:

    "20 pages of drivel"
    "Shit like this deserves an automatic 1"
    "20 literotica pages is longer than most stories need to be."
    "is the paint dry yet? same old shit."

    I hope those of you who like it vote...otherwise those bitching are going to drop the scores ;)

  4. I enjoyed it and like that it is a relative of Jenn (Diamond). Hope there is a younger sister you can conjur up for future stories.
