Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Holy Overlord 2...TWO Tier 7 Patrons?!?!?!

This is apparently a glitch in the Patreon system.  Although you can set the number of patrons for a particular tier, it does not mean people cannot donate that amount to you anyways.  So although there was already one person amazingly generous to donate a Tier 7 slot, somebody else has also graciously donated!

As the Tier 7 is devoting a full month's time to the individual, I had it set for one slot...but again, anybody can donate anything.  So what I am going to do is "bank" the other peron's Tier 7 slot.  Even if/when they lower their pledge or even cancel, I will still owe them a full month's time and personalized story.

So do not think you are not going to get everything the Tier promises!  I am simply booked now for the next TWO MONTHS (or more) for each of you, hehehe  ;)

And THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!


  1. DOCcis : I have sent you a couple of messages via your Patreon site in the past couple days. Each message had a attachment.
    R U / have you? received these messages??

    1. No I have not...the only message I have from you (via the messaging system, not posted on the board) is congratulating me for finishing EC01....

  2. Some where / some how I have misplaced your DOCcis e mail address. Will you send me a private e mail from a address I can send you a couple of private (non public) comments to. You should have my new g mail address with the # 62 in it.

  3. Ha everything is so active now you should have done patron ages ago?............ Now back to work haaaahahahaha. No life for you lol...

    P.s. The having of a life is allowed.

    1. Yeah, hindsight being 20/20 and all...

      But honestly, I NEVER imagined you guys were so dedicated you would pay me to keep working, LOL. Wish I knew about this when I was unemployed a year or so ago...not that I could have lived off of it, but it definitely would have helped!

  4. Just had a question as I inhale your stories promptly I wondered who in the erotic field lit amazon etc do you read if any. (don't answer if ya don't wan't to lol)

    1. Honestly, haven't read much lately...Literotica has seemed to grow "stale"...I haven't found a good story in quite some time. And haven't read anything from Amazon or other sites honestly...
