Friday, September 20, 2013


So I finished my editing of my Halloween submission.  And strangely, it still does not have a title, and I have absolutely no idea what to call it.

I don't want to give it away, so I can't really explain the plot.  I want to leave the "WTF?" factor in it.

Usually when I write a story I come up with a title pretty quickly, but this story I have literally been writing for TEN YEARS (yes, you read that right, I started this story a decade ago) and even now, am clueless as to what to call it.

My working title has always been "Halloween" and I may just leave it at that.  Granted the story takes place around Halloween, but as you'll see when you read's much more than that...but again, without giving anything away, I may just leave it at that.

It's not the best name, but then again, it's all I got...


  1. "Trick or Treat"??

    I know, hardly original, but I based on what you've told us, it could be ~anything~, and this cover's THAT base... :-)

    Regardless, if it's a DOC story, can't wait to read it... ;-) Thank you!!

    1. Hehehe, Trick or Treat is as good as anything, but doesn't really capture the essence of the story. Annie Babysits the Kids--it's pretty descriptive, as that is how it all starts. Lapdancing Girlfriend--again, fairly descriptive. A few of my other stories like Director Jekyll and Ms. Hyde and What's in a Name, as well as Extenuating Circumstances are more play on words, but again, this story is pretty 'out there' in terms of what I've done in the past.

      Also, it's very STORY driven, meaning there is a lot of description, plot, but really the sex scenes are sort of far and few in between. That's not to say there aren't any, LOL...but it's pretty tame compared to some of my other stories.

      I was also thinking of "All Hallows Eve"...again, not too descriptive, pretty generic, but would also fit.

      Thanks for the suggestion though, and the positive praise!

  2. "Lantern O' Jacking"??

    Oh wait.... That's what WE'LL be doing when Lapdancing 6 comes out... ;-)

    But yeah, ALWAYS happy to see a new DocCIS story come out... Can't say I get into ~every~ single one of them, (Lapdancing/Babysitting are my two favs) but really enjoy most of them, in a Hubba-hubba kinda way... ;-)


    1. LOL...I will warn everybody, my Halloween story is not as 'erotic' as my other stories. Not saying there isn't sex, but I'm not sure it's something people will actually find some relief on (to be blunt, LOL). Instead, I'm hoping it's appreciated for the STORY ;)
