Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lapdancing 06 moving along...soon with pics!

Having so much time to myself, I've continued working on Lapdancing 06, as well as my What's in a Name new story.

Lapdancing 06 will be covering Diamond's 'syndication party' where Mr. DeWight will basically be taking monetary investments from major people in order to finance Diamond's career at DSA.  It is going to be similar to investors investing into a race horse or a business...they pay up front and reap in the rewards later on.

And who is going to invest into such a commodity without first wanting a sample?  ;)

I am also slowly working on the picture library I use for some of the descriptions.  The problem I am running into is many of the pictures so are sexually graphic, and Blogger does not take well to sexually explicit content being public.  There will still be public pictures for everybody to see; however, I am trying to figure out if I can make the pictures "Google+ circle" only--so anybody who is part of my 'DocCIS Erotica' circle will be able to view them...but keep an eye out for that as well.

Several of you have offered suggestions on the chapter, and they are much appreciated!  Some I have already planned similar events happening in the storyline, while others are more suitable to some of my other stories...but I am definitely keeping all of them in mind!  So keep them coming!


  1. BTW, if you are NOT in my DocCIS Erotica circle on Google let me know and I'll figure out how to add you, LOL...

    1. How do I find out if I'm in your circle or not? If not, please add me haha

    2. It's now a moot point, as I discovered Google+ doesn't allow ANY sexual content pictures...they'll just ban my ass, hehehe. So will only be posting the "PG" versions of pictures that I use to describe you're good.

      As to being in the Google+ circle, I just had to click your name above and add you, so you're good there as well if anything ever comes out of it. I really only use Google+ for this site, but I figured if I ever do use it for something else, I would at least be able to discern who I know IRL versus fans and such!
