Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lapdancing 06 begun...

So one thing about unemployment I've found is you can only look and apply for so many jobs until you reach a point where you are just sitting around waiting for replies.  So with little to do but wait, I got ambitions and started Chapter 06 of Lapdancing Girlfriend.

I already know where this one cuts off, so I am hoping it will not be as long as Chapter 05...even though Chapter 06 does cover a full week like Ch. 05, there is not as much happening day-by-day.  Then again, who knows where my must will take me, so we'll just have to see.  Right now have about 11 Word formatted (~2 Literotica) pages written...


  1. Woh-ooo uts great that you're starting to write again and especially LG6 is eagerly awaited. Hope everything works out for you! !

  2. Doccis: As I am one of your readers who enjoys your Lap stories the more than any of the other stories I am glad to hear you have started Lap #6.
    I hope that you find a new job soon.

  3. Hehehe, thanks both of you. Had a feeling a few people would be happy to hear me starting on 06!

  4. Sooo whilst I feel for you about the unemployed aspect of your life at the moment (been their myself its shit but short term when you put the effort in like you are). Chapter 6 ....... really hehehe fraking awesome lol

    1. LOL, yeah, I knew it was a mixed bag for people being excited to hear Ch. 06 was starting but due to me being currently unemployed and having the time...

  5. Lap is my favorite story and although it perturbs me that you are no longer employed, i'm glad that you have begun on lap 6. I know it will be good, no matter where you take it. Maybe a Pole-dancing contest that gets out of hand could be in the works???

    1. Although the general plot is laid out, even I don't know what some of the side events will happen. Yesterday I went off on a branch I had a slight idea towards, and it turned out to be something so much more, LOL. Five pages later I had something I never had imagined but had just emerged as I the Muse is definitely with me on this one!

  6. no love for "Annie Babysits the Kids" been waiting gets skip over again..sorry just disappointed... just that i gave u an idea over a year ago, i don't know if you remember "business card idea for Annie" i am a bigger fan of Annie than Lap.. oh well

    1. My apologies to all the Annie lovers out there. I still fully intend to get a chapter out this year; however, I have to go where my Muse takes me. At first it was towards my new story "What's in a Name" and lately I've just had a bug to work on Lapdancing 06.

      I HAVE worked on and off on Annie 08, so it's slowly moving along, but again as I'm not getting paid for any writings, I can only go with what sparks my interest the most. Annie is still near and dear to my heart, even after all this time, and I swear there will be a chapter coming out soon...I just am not going to commit to ANY story at this time.

      But fear not, so far Annie is progressing, and I hope everybody will not be disappointed after such a long dry stretch!

    2. Oh, and I definitely am planning something with the business card...which if you remember, I brought in on Chapter 03 ;)
