Monday, September 23, 2013

Out of curiosty...anybody speak Spanish?

Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing is taking place in ARGENTINA.  They speak Spanish...although there are some dialect differences, and I'm trying to figure out some phrases and such for some of the sex scenes.

Even trying to watch Spanish porn, I can't figure out what girls are yelling (beyond the typical "Si, Si, Si" and "Dios!"  So does anybody know some phrases I can use that are in Spanish (specifically Argentinian if there is a difference)?

Thanks all!


  1. no spannish m8 but im wondering how old is the main character in whats in a name ? (not too old I hope lol being 38 if I want a woman in my age or older it's not that difficult ...... this is fantasy after all)

    1. For What's in a Name, the first chapter she is in her mid-to-late 30's...I haven't really set an age, but she has been married 20 years...

  2. One I hear is 'Ay Papi', 'mas duro', 'ahsi ahsi'...

    1. Yeah, got those...they're pretty simple ones. Was looking for some other ones (I'm cumming!" and whatnot)...

      And it's "Ah...Si! Ah! Si!" -- "Ah...yes! Ah! Yes!" ;)
