Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More of the same...baby steps!

Not really anything new to report.  I HAVE been working on Lapdancing Chapter 05 Sunday and even a bit last night (Monday), so that's progress.  I am mainly working on the grammar of what I've written versus anything "new" to the chapter so far, but I know where I want to go with it, so once I reach the end of where I left off, I won't be stuck any longer.

It's amazing how much slips by on the first writing of a chapter even when you re-read it a second time.  I found one spot where I went from present to past tense, another spot where the point of view shifted from Jen to third person, and a few other stupid errors.

When I write a story/chapter, I first pretty much go "free style"--I have my playlist blasting out music, the tv's going, and I'm writing the scenes as I imagine them in my head.  I am a fast typist, so I fly through the story without correcting anything other than spelling errors as I try not to lose the momentum the story is building up.  Once I hit either the end or a stall on the plot or get too tired, I put it away.  The next time I open up the chapter, I re-read what I wrote and correct the grammar and such I missed while writing, then I continue.  Invariably I reach a point where the story sits for about a week and I reread the entire thing again for stupid errors like I found above--change of tense, change of perspective, as well as better writing of a scene.

Only then do I run it through for a check on common mistakes I know I make such as lack of punctuation after a person says something, too many exclamation points (I tend to use them A LOT in my first runs), as well as grammatical errors Word finds that I may have missed.

It is only then I submit the story to Literotica for publishing.  It's a process that has kept me going all these years, and although it may take a few months to finish a chapter, it is of the quality that I personally feel it is "complete."

So I am sort of in the middle of Lapdancing 05 in terms of writing the story which is about 45% complete, and correcting the second run of grammatical errors.  I'll hit the new part of the chapter this weekend and we'll see how much I can get written.  I have high hopes to get it completed "soon" as a few new scenes have been running through my head continuously, and that's a good indication I am forging ahead in my mind with the story.

The next story I plan to work on after I get Lapdancing 05 done is Skyrim 03.  That one needs both a re-read and inserting all the screenshots I took, so it will be another big project to get completed.  The sad thing is Literotica takes a good MONTH to release illustrated stories so even if I get it done this weekend it will not be public until April  :(  I guess it takes that long to verify all the illustrations are not only the correct size, but to position them and verify they are "legal" in terms of content.

Then the next target on my list is Annie 08!  This next chapter focuses on her house-sitting for Brian's parents, left alone with the two boys who have been blackmailing her into sex.  Nothing wrong with that scenario, eh?

So bottom line, I have been writing, albeit slowly.  I've also been working on my 3D Graphics skills and hope to introduce the girls of my stories soon!

And on the personal health front, I'm about 90-95% normal.  I still have a slight cough which sometimes sends me into a coughing fit, but overall feeling normal.  At least this lingering cough isn't interfering with work or writing stories...


  1. Glad to learn you are feeling better and that you are inspired to write. Take your time and I look forward to reading the next chapter on my favorite story (Lapdancing).

    1. Thanks for the well wishes!

      I'm torn between writing more and doing some graphics for the story, LOL...so have been splitting my time. There's a part of me that wants to keep writing...so when that part is dominant, I'm writing. Then there's the graphics side...I'm trying to put together an image of Jen how I see her, so when that side is pushing me, I do that, LOL. Still, the story is moving forward, so that's all good...
