Monday, February 11, 2013

Hate being sick!

Was planning to work on Lapdancing Ch. 05 this weekend and ended up with the flu.  Coughing, aching, congested, chills, and a fever.  Not fun.  Even sitting at the computer was tiring and I ended up spending most of the weekend on the couch watching Lost Girl (Season 2) and Pawnstars, LOL.

My goal is to still get Chapter 05 out the end of the month, but no promises.  I've even dabbled a bit with Annie, although that is coming along a bit slower.  With Annie, once I start writing, the chapter usually sucks me in until I finish, but Lapdancing is taking a bit of time to make sure all the plot is there as well.

BTW, I don't know if anybody is reading this or if you care to comment, feel free.  I've turned off anonymous commenting because I've seen too much spam on other blogs because of it, so you will have to create a Blogger/Google account, but long as you have a valid e-mail there should be no problems.  Just curious if anybody is reading this or if it makes a difference compared to my profile updates on Literotica.


  1. really enjoy your 'lapdancing girlfriend' story...can't wait to read who knocks her up and really enjoy the music she dances to.

  2. Thanks! This story I really started paying attention to the soundtracks I was using to get in the mood for writing and it definitely paid off. I may post the soundtracks in another blog post as I have had several people ask about them!

  3. Interesting comment about jen being knocked up. Never thought about that but might bring some drama in a later chapter if she misses a period and has to wonder if she is pregnant and whose is it?

  4. As most of my writings are fantasy, I try to keep real-life issues and drama out of them. Things like STD's, pregnancies--or even if you notice, the shattered emotions of a significant other no longer being in love--I try to keep out of the stories. That just makes them too "real" for me and opens the readers to too much hate.

    Granted the "Loving Wives" section on Literotica is full of people wanting to see a cheating spouse punished for all eternity and destitute, dying of HIV or whatever, but I try to keep that out of my stories.

    For me, it's about a woman discovering her sexuality while still maintaining the emotional love that binds her to one person. Even though she may find physical releases from others, she will still be emotionally attached to one person for the most part. It's a common theme in all of my stories...
