Friday, January 10, 2014


I mentioned earlier that I got a bug up my ass (my Muse poking me until I listened to her) about a new story where a husband, happily married to his wife of ten years, finds that when his wife told him she was a 'wild party-er' in college, he falsely assumed she was simply a heavy drinker, when in fact, she was a slut.  As I so eloquently put it, "she spent more time in college with her legs open than a book."

Teasers of the story can be found in the photo album or in the little teaser gadget to the right.

I'm already 25 pages (Word Format, so about 5 Literotica pages) into the story; however, I've come to a crossroads in terms of how I should work the story.



  1. I think your answer to Option 1 vs 2 is answered by how much you want to describe the husband's grief/anxiety is from finding about his wife's "secret". If you go with Option 1, you should not go to great detail on his anguish and more to his excitement. I would be worried that spending too much detail on his past emotions could be a bit slow to read since we already know the outcome. If you want the reader to live the experience, emotion by emotion with the husband, then go with Option 2 and I suggest you only make subtle hints to the wife being a slut.... that way the reader (other than the ones in here of course) is as shocked and surprised, mad and excited... as the husband. I think your writing is at it's best when I am feeling the emotions of your characters on the same timeline they are on. And for the record... waiting for the syndication party is killing me.... My imagination is running wild :)

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head in terms of if the reader already knows what is going to happen, it gets to be a dull story. Leading the reader along in parallel with the same emotions the husband feels, always waiting to see what happens next, is what is appealing to Option 2.

      As to the Lapdancing Girlfriend syndication party, I sort of have to work myself up to that. I'm right at that part, so I am very close to finishing the chapter, but I need to get out a bit more steam on this and another story before I get back to it. I sort of hit a brick wall in terms of writing that part so need to take a detour with another story before I hit that back at full steam, hehehe.

    2. I agree with this assessment and always enjoy your writing.

  2. My view point is option two, with the wife being more in charge in her involvement with the fraternity brothers. The husband gets to watch a side of his wife he has never seen before out on the beaches, at night in the clubs and the villa where she is staying.

    On the subject of the Lapdancing Girlfriend syndication party, my view point of the story is still the interaction between, Jen and Dan vs Diamond, Chuck, Nick, etc. and the video taping of their activities. Consentrate your detailed story telling to items that will lead to your future chapters.

    1. Well, there may be a twist to the never really know if it's the wife or not if I go with Option 2. So her taking more control isn't an issue. If I DO go with Option 2 that is. In CHAPTER 2 of the story when she is in Bermuda she will have more control....but right now, with Chapter 01, I'm debating on the direction to take it.

      As to Lapdancing. I have plenty of chapters planned, so don't need to focus on leading into more, hehehe. I mainly just need to eat my Wheaties and take some Vitamin B to write that scene, LOL...

  3. If you're planning more than one chapter (as you seem to always do with your projects!) maybe don't disclose too much at the start? A stand alone story it wouldn't matter much, but if he's telling a long story about him finding something out about his wife, maybe take it step by step? Leaves the readers guessing?

    That said, I'll choose option 3: Finish that chapter 6! You did set two weeks ago as the potential target at one point!

    1. Hence the spoiler alert and the hidden text...for those that did not want to know about the plot and such, they didn't need to click the button :p And the story has changed so much, even reading the spoiler isn't necessarily spoiling it.

      As to Chapter 06, I also said I was taking a bit of a break because I was burned out on it...things, like life, change, priorities change, and I go where my Muse takes me...right now, it's finishing this new story and the current set of graphics I've been working on, as I needed change after writing Lapdancing 06 for so long...

  4. Crazy idea....what if this was a flashback of Diamond in high school (since she never got into college) or diamonds friends at a local college where she took some credits but never fully enrolled. And Dan never finds out it is her. And this happened after he came back but before she started stripping. can see my obsession with diamond.

    By the can the husband see sexual acts without recognizing his wife especially since she is such a looker

    1. Actually, several parts of this are taken from an old story I had started writing many many many years ago. Parts of that story actually got put into my Annie series. And some of those parts are getting put into Assumptions as well...I may end up finishing that story some day, but for now, it's more of a sampling bin when I need a school-related idea, LOL.

      As to making it Diamond or a flashback...nah, that's going to be too difficult and it is easier to make this a separate story. I do have one story that's set in the "Diamond Universe" but it's a long way from completion as well, hehehe.

      As to your other question of the husband not recognizing his hasn't been easy, but here's an example. In one scene she is being fucked against the wall from behind. The husband walks in on them; however, the guy is a body-builder type so all the husband can really see is the guy is fucking a girl against the wall. He sees her stocking-ed legs and her arms above her head, but other than a flash of brunette hair, he does not know who the woman is. Even at this point, I'm not sure I am making it her...but she has a couple friends who are the same hair color and rough build as her, so it may be one of her friends. The "Assumption" here by the husband is that it is one of her friends. The "Assumption" by the reader is it may be his wife. So far I have yet decided whether to even reveal the identity of the fits too well with the title to come out and reveal it, I am taking the Option 2 approach. Neither the husband--nor the reader--really knows who he sees having sex. In fact, it could just be several different girls at different it his wife? Would any man jump to that conclusion if they never saw the woman after 10 years of a happy marriage? I think not. So his Assumption it is a friend is valid. Does the reader know? So far, over halfway through the story, no...and I may leave it that way.

      In fact, I may just leave this as a single story and NOT make a Chapter 2, LOL...still deciding where to go on it.

    2. Another point to make. When you are watching a porn movie of a girl getting screwed, the camera angle and everybody is set up so you can have maximum viewing of the everything. Normally when a man and woman are having sex, the man is on top of her and you can rarely see anything...these are the views the husband is getting...a woman on her back, legs spread, covered by a man screwing her. It is rather difficult for him to know who the woman is.

      I found this particularly true when I am doing my 3D Graphics. You make the perfect scene, all to discover there really is no good camera angle for you to capture anything worthwhile. Then you have to go and reposition all the figures and such to have an "opening" to view something...and even then, you are taking different camera angles and whatnot.

      I find the camera positions often to be the hardest part of creating a 3D to lighting of course, which is a major bitch unto itself, LOL!

    3. Here's a perfect example:

      Up until the 25 second mark, you don't know what the girl looks like, what her hair color is, and so forth. All you really know is the girl is getting quite a pounding, LOL!

  5. Man....although it is a loooong way away (probably 3 years) before we read the end of the lapdancing series...I am already hoping for short stories of diamond.

    1. I have ten chapters planned for Lapdancing (maybe eleven depending on length of future chapters). I'm hoping it's not going to be three years, but with it being five chapters and my track record on taking so long, it may well be...but I'm hoping I will get Chapter 06 and 07 done this year...if not 08. So maybe it'll end in 2015, LOL...dunno. Then again, I may get a bug in my ass and write continuously until it's done...who knows. I no longer am giving ETA's...Lapdancing 05 almost burnt me out trying to get it out with a deadline, so not putting myself through that again.

      This is a hobby, and when it becomes more like a job and isn't fun, what's the I just write when I feel like it and that's that....
