I mentioned around Christmas I had gotten burned out writing Lapdancing 06 and working on the Christmas graphics I posted. When that happens, I usually don't need to stop writing or stop doing graphics, I just need to do a complete change of venue. In terms of writing, that was starting the new story I have mentioned already--Assumptions.
That story has changed over the last few weeks both from reader feedback and my own thoughts. Now, although the basic scenes and such are similar, the story is a lot more obscure in terms of who the husband actually sees having sex. I am being very ambiguous--at this point, it may be the wife, it may be one or more of her sorority sisters...nobody knows. The "assumptions" in this case apply to both the husband and the reader. I am still not sure how I'm going to end it, LOL--originally it was about a husband who catches his wife fooling around, but now...even I am not sure of the final outcome!
3D Graphics Muse...
In terms of graphics, I also needed a different venue. When I get into burned out moods like this, usually it is due to writing, so I typically start trolling the Literotica forums as well as doing random story searches.
In doing a random search on Literotica, I struck a proverbial gold mine! I found a story that was whimsical (the mood I needed at the time), completely unbelievable (which is opposite to what I write as I strive to make my stories believable), and something to give me a topic to do some images to practice with.
Now for some FYI type information.
I have mentioned in the past I am thinking about creating illustrated versions of my stories--once I actually FINISH one, LOL. The general feedback from you, the readers, has been favorable towards offering an illustrated purchasable version of the stories where I can give my own vision of how I envision the scenes.
Looking around the internet, such stories typically range anywhere from $5.00-15.00 (US). I would probably be looking on the lower end of things, but it all depends on how things go, how much time it takes, and if there are any initial fees involved in making such productions.
As I am fairly new to the 3D Graphics arena, I want to get some practice and perfect my artistic talents before I expect to charge money for anything I create. The more images I can do, the more tricks I can learn. I'm hoping some people may know a thing or two about graphics and photography who can give me feedback, I'm open to any and all suggestions.
My Graphical Inspiration.
So as I mentioned, I found a story on Literotica I decided would be a good practice for illustrating a story. Enter the world of Brandi Vavoom by GeorgeTasker. Brandi is a B-movie starlet who is the epitome of a big-breasted blonde bimbo, LOL. The story starring her is Crooked Cops and Counterfeit Jugs (and Chapter Two).
I found the story quite humorous and inspirational. In fact, I've actually started a second story adding to the world of Brandi Vavoom (I have several ideas!). I requested to continue the story from the original author, although I have not heard back from them, also mentioning I was interested in illustrating his story.
The reason for my interest is I am always looking for something new to test my writing skills on, and the world of Brandi is completely different from my normal type of stories. In my stories I try to be somewhat believable; however, in Brandi's world, not only is she stupid (sucking a stranger's dick as a sobriety test?) but willing to do what it takes to be the best actress she can (anal sex!). Hence the whimsical portion, LOL.
I thought it would be a good diversion to go with the flow instead of having to think about realistic situations the protagonist would get thrown into, so decided to try and illustrate the above stories and see how it would go and how long it would take for practice and experience.
A little about 3D Graphics.
Before I post all the pictures of the story, I should talk a little about 3D Graphics. The program I use is Daz Studio, a free graphical package. The other type of software similar is Poser, which is a purchasable product. Although free, DS offers as many options as Poser, and some decent images can be gleaned from it.
Whether using Poser or Daz Studio, the basic thing to know is there are different "base" figures you can use to start your character off. I am only interested in the female characters, so will review the most popular ones:
Victoria is the most widely used character base for both Poser and Daz. There have been several iterations of Victoria, the most popular being 4.2 which was released around 2008. Victoria is a character created by the makers of Daz Studio, and the most current version is Victoria 6...but by far the most items, clothes, etc. are based upon V4.2.
Victoria is basically the most "realistic" model for most fantasy, gothic, steampunk, and regular graphical renders. You load your base V4.2 model, then add your textures (for skin, hair, eyes, etc.), then the morphs for head/face looks and body types, then clothes, then props, then background, etc. etc. There are HUNDREDS of different morph packages out there, so you buy what you want for characters and such, but Vickie 4.2 is the most widely used for "real" type images.
- Aiko
Aiko is Daz 3D's answer to an anime character. The girls have larger eyes, bigger heads, and so forth and are meant to serve as a means of doing anime type characters for CG/3D Graphics.
- Genesis
Genesis is a Daz Studio specific base (although can be used with Poser, you need to do some tweaking and such to get it to work) and the original series was useable for both male and female characters. The second generation of Genesis (2) has specific male and female versions, supposedly to get better pose and higher quality characters compared to the first version. The same figure base can be used for male/female/children/monsters/etc.
- The Girl
Most of my illustrations use the Victoria series of base models; however, when I read about Brandi Vavoom, I immediately thought of The Girl! What better character to use as a base than a big-breasted, thin-waisted, sexy girl!? And so you will see all of these images utilizing The Girl...The Girl is sort of a pin-up type model...large eyes, big breasts, Barbie-type figure, and although I did not usually have in interest in her, Brandi Vavoom seemed like the perfect G4 character!
So this weekend I'll post my graphical illustration of the stories, but wanted to post some general stuff for basic background so some of you understand WHY I actually went this route, hehehe.
Yup The Girl really fits the story you are trying to illustrate. On a separate note Genesis better fits Diamond's body.
That was the only screenshot I could find of Genesis. Actually, they beefed up her chest, LOL.
DeleteV4 can be exactly the same...plus there's more outfits (particularly ones similar to what I've already described for Diamond) available for V4 than Gen. It's all pretty much the same in the long run...but as I said, there's more options for V4 than Gen...particularly Gen2 since it's so new.
I would pay for your stories, illustrated or not. Some of my other favorite writers have gone from Literotica to online sales on Smashwords and Amazon.