Friday, May 24, 2013

This weekend is my goal!

So this weekend (Memorial Day weekend in the US) is my push towards getting Lapdancing 05 completed.  I'm not going to guarantee it, but I am making every effort to get it done, as in my mind, I am a month overdue.

Originally I planned to have the chapter done by April, but with work and real life interfering, those plans got delayed.  I am on the final stages of the chapter and need to review it in its entirety before posting it, but with a four day weekend (took today off too), I have every intention of getting it completed.

I also have been working on my new story I mentioned, which I just started writing this week.  The working title is "Extenuating Circumstances" as each time the female protagonist succumbs to her depraved, wicked ways there are "extenuating circumstances" on why she agreed to act slutty.  Some of the parts are pretty cliche--let's face it, erotica has been around for ages and there are thousands upon millions of stories out there, so doing something original is difficult.  Still, I hope it entices people to fall for yet another of my series...I personally like it, but then again, I like all my stories, even the ones that don't get good comments, I'm certainly biased.

Anyways, check back in a day or two and I'll give another update on Lapdancing 05.  As I said, I have every intention on completing the DRAFT this weekend...and hopefully the review so I can post it.  It's coming, I'm even breathing hard (first person to get the reference and post in the comments gets their choice of a rough draft of Lapdancing 05 before I post it or I will dedicate and write a scene you describe to me in the upcoming Lapdancing 06!).

Well, back to writing...


  1. Looking forward to the chapter, keep it up!

    The reference sounds sort of like a backwards scene from Real Genius. But meh, might be anything.

    1. Ta-da...we have a winner!

  2. ahhh im checking checking checking

    1. LOL. Well, I can honestly say it won't be done today...but this is a long Memorial Weekend so I'm leaning more towards tomorrow.

      I'm close, she's currently dancing at her debut party...

  3. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet lol thanks for update

    1. Hehehe, she's a dancin' a dancin'

      Tonight if I get time, I'll post the soundtrack for Chapter 05. I know a few people have asked for it to be released in advance so they can read the story with it playing. Even finishing tonight or tomorrow it will be a few days for me to review things. I've done a little here and there and found some awful mistakes--everything from missing letters "as" instead of "was" and such, as well as just odd sentences that didn't flow. It's been a while since I read Monday through Wednesday, so that will be the main focus.

      It's definitely moving forward though! I'm as anxious to release it as you all are to read it, hehehe.

  4. Didn't think of the soundtrack being posted, great idea to the ones that brought that up. The anticipation is building...

  5. Is it wrong?.....................that I check this blog every few hours.........................NAH lol

    1. LOL, you all are funny...have gotten a bunch of e-mails as well asking "are we there yet?" LOL....
