Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sorry, no Lapdancing 05 this weekend...

I worked on Lapdancing 05 all day today and it being late Sunday and having to work tomorrow, it's pretty evident I won't have it done this weekend.

The reason is one I've mentioned before.  When I write, I have an outline of where I want to go and the general plot, but I let the story drive itself, my mind like a raft adrift on the ocean and able to go in any direction.

So today I started writing about Diamond's debut party on the Friday night of her week, and got through several pages when I suddenly had a thought.

That thought, turned into an offshoot of the chapter I NEVER planned, but it is going so well with the story I cannot stop.  I don't want to spoil it, but I will be making some changes to the photogallery soon, adding some of the pictures I used for ideas on this part.  Nothing too noticeable, and at first it was only descriptive stuff, but then one hot scene developed, and it's just one of those things that will make this chapter flow much better.

So, I am still on Friday night...although it's more of a recap of the week from a different perspective.  Don't worry, it's not swapping back and forth like I had done earlier and people hated, but this is one part of the story that suddenly is "right" and must be written!

Hopefully next week.  It being a long three-day weekend (yay Memorial Day) I hope to have more time!


  1. ...And this is why 'Deadlines' would force you to finish a chapter before you could really get your hooks into it and add these sudden changes of inspiration. I'm excited about it and anticipate reading this matter how long it is.

  2. Eagerly waiting for the next part. . I hope you include something about her past like the part with the cook and his friend. . Hoping to read the next part before the month ends.. Great job! !

    1. Nothing about her past in Chapter 05...and wouldn't want to spoil everything, but "assuming" I would include something like that, it probably wouldn't appear until...say...Chapter 07 or 08... :p

    2. Now that would be interesting...maybe even a more descriptive scene for her first striptease when they were short handed with the dancers.

    3. Hmmm, that would fit in well...I'll have to think about it. It's not like new stuff doesn't pop up all the time so far in this story, LOL!

      In fact, the new story that I've been writing this week is pretty much the girl reminiscing how things began. Will definitely think about this new angle...
