Thursday, April 4, 2013

Something is better than nothing...

As I mentioned in my last post, I was getting a bit burned out on writing...I had been doing it nonstop for over a week and although the words were coming, my heart wasn't into it as much.  So I took this week off from writing and been playing around with games and more practice with my 3D graphics.

In terms of the graphics, my first picture will be of Diamond herself.  I plan on doing an initial introduction photo of her, followed by a scene from each chapter...more if there is interest.

As to the story itself, I am hoping to have some time starting this weekend.  I know I'm ready to write when I actually start dreaming about a scene, LOL, so it must be on my subconscious if I actually wake up thinking about an upcoming scene with her!

Not sure if I'll be able to finish it this weekend or not, but I'm getting close.  Just have one part of Thursday night to go over, followed by Friday (with her third photoshoot and debut party as the DSA Spokesmodel) and then wrapping up Saturday for her flight back home.

Again, this is a LONG chapter, so hoping people won't mind its length.  So far the replies back have been fantastic and supportive of a long chapter, but the silent ones are always there who may not like it and start slamming the story just because of its length on Literotica.  We'll see...


  1. Hi Doc;
    Just wanted to let you know I ~love~ your stories, so no complaints here!! Long or short, I really appreciate all the work you put into them...
    Just miss my Diamond "fix" :-) when there's long stretches between chapters...
    My vote is better to have more but shorter chapters, but you certainly make a good point about on-the-fly revisions. But either way, PLEASE know that I appreciate your stories like a fat kid appreciates cake... ;-)
    I know you put everything you have into these stories, and the results are always worth the wait...
    Thank you...

    1. Hehehe, thanks, much appreciated!

      Hoping to get some time this weekend to get closer to finishing, so will have to see, but appreciate the praise and feedback!
