Saturday, April 27, 2013

YANU (yet another update)...

As I mentioned Thursday is done, been working on Friday, but things have been slow.

First, work has picked up.  I finally resolved the issues the previously had me looking for possibly transferring, so that situation has improved, but also things have been much busier so I haven't had time that I wanted to work on things.

Secondly, I'm sort at a spot where I'm not sure what to do.  Originally I had plans for it but it just doesn't seem to be clicking.  I may end up writing about it, but it's not going to be the main focus of her Friday afternoon...that's reserved for the evening.  But after Thursday night's escapades, Friday and Saturday almost seem tame, LOL...and getting the momentum to write it has been lacking.

Still hoping to plow through it this weekend, but it's one of those things I'm going to have just sit down and force myself to do and hope things flow like I want them to...


  1. Doccis:
    Glad to here things at work are picking up. I hope you enjoyed my humour by asking "Are we there yet" I took the idea from a post of yours a week ago.

  2. I find that no matter how good a story is going, there has to be that downtime to work on the plot and characters. I like that aspect of your stories. It holds it all together...keep it up and am glad your work situation is improving.

    1. Thanks!

      Right now just trying to figure out where to go for this one scene. It's sometimes funny that I have the last part of a chapter all planned out in my head, but the middle scene to GET there is what holds things up...
