Not really anything new to report. I HAVE been working on Lapdancing Chapter 05 Sunday and even a bit last night (Monday), so that's progress. I am mainly working on the grammar of what I've written versus anything "new" to the chapter so far, but I know where I want to go with it, so once I reach the end of where I left off, I won't be stuck any longer.
It's amazing how much slips by on the first writing of a chapter even when you re-read it a second time. I found one spot where I went from present to past tense, another spot where the point of view shifted from Jen to third person, and a few other stupid errors.
When I write a story/chapter, I first pretty much go "free style"--I have my playlist blasting out music, the tv's going, and I'm writing the scenes as I imagine them in my head. I am a fast typist, so I fly through the story without correcting anything other than spelling errors as I try not to lose the momentum the story is building up. Once I hit either the end or a stall on the plot or get too tired, I put it away. The next time I open up the chapter, I re-read what I wrote and correct the grammar and such I missed while writing, then I continue. Invariably I reach a point where the story sits for about a week and I reread the entire thing again for stupid errors like I found above--change of tense, change of perspective, as well as better writing of a scene.
Only then do I run it through for a check on common mistakes I know I make such as lack of punctuation after a person says something, too many exclamation points (I tend to use them A LOT in my first runs), as well as grammatical errors Word finds that I may have missed.
It is only then I submit the story to Literotica for publishing. It's a process that has kept me going all these years, and although it may take a few months to finish a chapter, it is of the quality that I personally feel it is "complete."
So I am sort of in the middle of Lapdancing 05 in terms of writing the story which is about 45% complete, and correcting the second run of grammatical errors. I'll hit the new part of the chapter this weekend and we'll see how much I can get written. I have high hopes to get it completed "soon" as a few new scenes have been running through my head continuously, and that's a good indication I am forging ahead in my mind with the story.
The next story I plan to work on after I get Lapdancing 05 done is Skyrim 03. That one needs both a re-read and inserting all the screenshots I took, so it will be another big project to get completed. The sad thing is Literotica takes a good MONTH to release illustrated stories so even if I get it done this weekend it will not be public until April :( I guess it takes that long to verify all the illustrations are not only the correct size, but to position them and verify they are "legal" in terms of content.
Then the next target on my list is Annie 08! This next chapter focuses on her house-sitting for Brian's parents, left alone with the two boys who have been blackmailing her into sex. Nothing wrong with that scenario, eh?
So bottom line, I have been writing, albeit slowly. I've also been working on my 3D Graphics skills and hope to introduce the girls of my stories soon!
And on the personal health front, I'm about 90-95% normal. I still have a slight cough which sometimes sends me into a coughing fit, but overall feeling normal. At least this lingering cough isn't interfering with work or writing stories...
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
A little bit of writing, a lot of graphics....
Good news is I actually fired up Lapdancing 05 today and worked on it for a few hours. Bad news is I didn't get nearly as far with it as I would have liked, but I definitely know where I'm going with it now. I was sort of at a standstill--not necessarily writer's block, but just in a slump of dreading to write that I've been procrastinating on and off about it.
I write for my own enjoyment. If I can't get turned on about a story, it isn't worth writing, so when I write, it's more for myself than any deadline of getting the story posted. When I feel pressured, I tend to drag my feet until I get the desire to write again. That's sort of been what's happened before I got sick. Getting sick was another problem, but now that I'm at about 85% health, I'm back in the mood to write.
And when I say pressured into writing, I'm not talking about you the readers asking for the next chapter. There are times where I feel I have to get a story out more because it's been a while than actually wanting to write, and that rubs me the wrong way enough that I drag my feet.
So today I actually FELT like writing. There's a nice twist in this chapter a few have even suggested here and there that I have had planned, so it should be a good plot-driven chapter--with plenty of sex, LOL.
I also worked on playing around with my 3D graphics program a bit more. I've invested quite a bit of money on models, textures, poses, etc, so have been playing around with lighting and such to get the hang of things. Tomorrow I want to work on my first image based upon my stories, but I also will do some more writing.
Don't have an ETA on anything, but at least I AM writing once again...and have a definite direction as to where the story is going. If the amount of sex is any indication--Jen will have sex with 3 different guys (not at the same time) and be felt up by at least a dozen other guys--then it should be a decent chapter, LOL! I also hope to get a draft run of an image of her in Chapter 01. I found the perfect model for her, so may post a preview tomorrow...
I write for my own enjoyment. If I can't get turned on about a story, it isn't worth writing, so when I write, it's more for myself than any deadline of getting the story posted. When I feel pressured, I tend to drag my feet until I get the desire to write again. That's sort of been what's happened before I got sick. Getting sick was another problem, but now that I'm at about 85% health, I'm back in the mood to write.
And when I say pressured into writing, I'm not talking about you the readers asking for the next chapter. There are times where I feel I have to get a story out more because it's been a while than actually wanting to write, and that rubs me the wrong way enough that I drag my feet.
So today I actually FELT like writing. There's a nice twist in this chapter a few have even suggested here and there that I have had planned, so it should be a good plot-driven chapter--with plenty of sex, LOL.
I also worked on playing around with my 3D graphics program a bit more. I've invested quite a bit of money on models, textures, poses, etc, so have been playing around with lighting and such to get the hang of things. Tomorrow I want to work on my first image based upon my stories, but I also will do some more writing.
Don't have an ETA on anything, but at least I AM writing once again...and have a definite direction as to where the story is going. If the amount of sex is any indication--Jen will have sex with 3 different guys (not at the same time) and be felt up by at least a dozen other guys--then it should be a decent chapter, LOL! I also hope to get a draft run of an image of her in Chapter 01. I found the perfect model for her, so may post a preview tomorrow...
Thursday, February 21, 2013
So was thinking about what to write about to keep people interested, and decided upon the music I select for my stories.
First, a quick update, I am starting to feel better each day. Appreciate the comments wishing me well. What started out as allergies turned into the flu, and now I've been having a lingering cough and congestion for about 4 days. Still sucking down cough drops, and as long as I have one, I'm not coughing...but getting tired of Hall's and Ricola cough drops. I may just switch to hard candies...I think it's more just having something that keeps me swallowing more than any medicated crap in them, hehehe.
Anyways, back to music...
As many have noticed, I pay particular attention to the music playing in the background, especially for Lapdancing Girlfriend. I have quite a collection of songs in my repetoire, and always looking for new stuff that is both sexy and a character in my stories can dance to...whether it be rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, or even heavy metal or goth, I'm always looking for the right song. I go through various sites monthly to see what new music is out there, as well as listening to various radio stations and XM Satellite radio and when I find a song that "rings" with me, I grab it for my collection.
Writing my stories, if there's a part where music is playing in the background, I start to go through my collection. I keep a playlist of "sexy songs" and when I find one that again reverberates within me, I add it and play it while I'm writing. I try to keep the songs limited by the character's actions, so if the song ends and she hasn't really done anything while I'm writing, I'll play it again until I'm done with that scene. Then I start the song over again as I read the scene, imagining how she would act, to make sure the length is appropriate. In that way, if you play the soundtrack while reading the story, things "click" and "make sense" to what she is doing, how she is moving. I also add a few hints to where in the middle of the song I expect her to be so readers can pace themselves.
Here's an example from Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 01...and I've linked the song on YouTube so you can play it while you read the insert!
To me, it adds a bit more "realism" to the story, and something the reader can enjoy both visually through reading, and aurally through listening to the well as mentally when you put the two together.
Some people care, some people thing it may be too frivolous to write about, but to me, it adds to the story and makes it much more "believable" to me and hopefully you, the reader!
First, a quick update, I am starting to feel better each day. Appreciate the comments wishing me well. What started out as allergies turned into the flu, and now I've been having a lingering cough and congestion for about 4 days. Still sucking down cough drops, and as long as I have one, I'm not coughing...but getting tired of Hall's and Ricola cough drops. I may just switch to hard candies...I think it's more just having something that keeps me swallowing more than any medicated crap in them, hehehe.
Anyways, back to music...
As many have noticed, I pay particular attention to the music playing in the background, especially for Lapdancing Girlfriend. I have quite a collection of songs in my repetoire, and always looking for new stuff that is both sexy and a character in my stories can dance to...whether it be rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, or even heavy metal or goth, I'm always looking for the right song. I go through various sites monthly to see what new music is out there, as well as listening to various radio stations and XM Satellite radio and when I find a song that "rings" with me, I grab it for my collection.
Writing my stories, if there's a part where music is playing in the background, I start to go through my collection. I keep a playlist of "sexy songs" and when I find one that again reverberates within me, I add it and play it while I'm writing. I try to keep the songs limited by the character's actions, so if the song ends and she hasn't really done anything while I'm writing, I'll play it again until I'm done with that scene. Then I start the song over again as I read the scene, imagining how she would act, to make sure the length is appropriate. In that way, if you play the soundtrack while reading the story, things "click" and "make sense" to what she is doing, how she is moving. I also add a few hints to where in the middle of the song I expect her to be so readers can pace themselves.
Here's an example from Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 01...and I've linked the song on YouTube so you can play it while you read the insert!
Now that's only a few paragraphs, way too much for a 4:46 song, but if you play the music, you start to get a feel of the pace of the Jen's dancing compared to the song. The first two paragraphs she is swaying and teasing the crowd, purposely to make Dan pay for their argument earlier in the morning. I specifically leave the chorus "Get fucked up and fuck up with you!" so people who are listening to the song know to wait before reading further. That sets the pace for the rest of the paragraphs, so hopefully you, the reader, read the story slower, imagining Jen dancing to the crowd to the beat of the music.Rob Zombie’s ‘Pussy Liquor’ came on as she got up, strutting her hips while her arm still covered her breasts. She began swaying her hips seductively before the crowd, moving rhythmically to the beginnings of the song. Her arms would alternate back and forth, still hiding her breasts as the crowd started cheering “Show us more!”Finally Jen, or Diamond as her stage persona, slowly smiled and seductively raised both her arms over her head, exposing her breasts fully to the crowd while her hips swaying as Rob Zombie’s voice came over the speakers, “Get fucked up and fuck up with you!”Jen moved her hands across her stomach, moving them up to cup her breasts as she swayed, bouncing one after the other, alternating them to the beat of the song. Strutting to the crowd, she pulled one guy into her chest as others reached out to insert dollars into her thong. Jen looked over at Dan and then turned around, bending down, her crotch only inches from the face of one guy, who grinned like a kid in the candy store as he took the dollar bill in his hand and pulled the crotch of Jen’s thong out, blatantly shoving the money between it and her pussy.
Even from his angle Dan could tell Jen was turned on, as the guy held up his finger to his and his buddies’ noses. Dan could see it glistening, a testament to how wet she was. Typically the more Jen worked the crowd, the more turned on she got, another thing Dan hated when she danced, but he was too engrossed in her display on the stage to give it much thought.
Jen turned back to the pole, spinning on it to the music in nothing but her thigh-high red boots and white laced thong, swaying to the beat, occasionally running her body over herself as she danced for the crowd’s delight. She continued to work the pole, undulating her body up and down the metal rod, mimicking humping it. Moving away, Jen slowly lowered herself towards the crowd until she was on her knees, thrusting her crotch forward and back, humping the stage in beat to the music while she pulled the sides of her thong up her hips with her hands. Dan knew from the cheers of the guys in front of her they were getting a glimpse of her pussy lips surrounding the crotch of her thong as she tightened the material into her crotch.
Typically the girls did three songs to a set; however, Jen stayed where she was as a fourth song came on and Dan groaned,recognizing Theory of a Deadman’s ‘Bad Girlfriend’ starting to play.
To me, it adds a bit more "realism" to the story, and something the reader can enjoy both visually through reading, and aurally through listening to the well as mentally when you put the two together.
Some people care, some people thing it may be too frivolous to write about, but to me, it adds to the story and makes it much more "believable" to me and hopefully you, the reader!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
A picture's worth a thousand words...
So I've made mention a few times of other things I have been working on besides writing stories. One of those has been slowly introducing myself into 3D Graphics. For the time being I've been playing around with DAZ Studio, but eventually I will probably invest in Poser as that seems to be one of the standards a lot of graphic packages are based upon.
What I am interested in doing is putting some of my stories to images. Not necessarily an ENTIRE story, but key scenes to depict how I, the writer, envision the scenes to take place. I've been illustrating my Skyrim stories, but those are actual screenshots from the game I am playing (heavily modded of course to show off Cerise and her girls' assets, hehehe). What I was thinking about were pivotal scenes in each chapter which would show off well with images. For example, various scenes I have been thinking about:
Here's the colorized version as well, to show you what I was originally working with:
Clicking on the images will give you the full sized images from my Google+ profile...
What I am interested in doing is putting some of my stories to images. Not necessarily an ENTIRE story, but key scenes to depict how I, the writer, envision the scenes to take place. I've been illustrating my Skyrim stories, but those are actual screenshots from the game I am playing (heavily modded of course to show off Cerise and her girls' assets, hehehe). What I was thinking about were pivotal scenes in each chapter which would show off well with images. For example, various scenes I have been thinking about:
- Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 01
- The scene in the club where Jen is sitting on Chuck's lap and he is chatting with Dan while showing her off to the guys in the crowd
- The scene where she is in the midst of the crowd being felt up
- The scene where Chuck is fucking Jen in the VIP room
- Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 02
- The scene of her dancing on the bar for the construction workes
- The scene of her being felt up by the foreman in front of his men in the VIP room
- The final scene of her dancing nude on stage
- Annie 01/02
- Annie being seduced/blackmailed by the boys as she is babysitting them
- Annie 03
- Annie in the mall shopping in her provocative clothes
- Annie in the bathroom sucking off her fiance's friends
- Annie gangbanged in the furniture store
![]() |
Vanquished |
Here's the colorized version as well, to show you what I was originally working with:
Clicking on the images will give you the full sized images from my Google+ profile...
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Other stuff I'm working on...
Besides all my up-and-coming additional chapters to existing stories (Annie 08, Lapdancing 05, Skyrim 03, Dreams 03, Grim Fairy Tales 03, Director Jekyll 02) I have several other stories that have yet to see the light of being posted.
Galactic Spy
Galactic Spy
This is a sci-fi story I've been working on for years. It is set only a few years ahead where a girl has to drop out of college due to the death of her grandmother/guardian. Looking for a job, she finds a vague job description in the paper and goes for an interview. She discovers she has all the makings to become a Galactic Spy!
Think Star Trek, where Earth or any planet has to reach a certain technological level to become a member of the Federation. Such is the case; however, because Earth is preyed upon for its resources--primarily women for the slave trade--a certain population of earthlings are brought into the fold to become spies and work for the galactic police force.
After several genetic enhancements and alien technology, our heroine goes off to rid the world of evil. Apparently all aliens find human females attractive, so they are a hot commodity in the space slave market, so our heroine goes undercover to try and stop it!Lifeguard Gets Wet
This is another story I started due to a forum post on the Literotica forums. It is about a rich girl who is forced to get a job by her parents to prove she is responsible and not always sucking on the proverbial teat of her parents' wealth. As such, she gets a job as a lifeguard in the inner city of Atlanta.
Unfortunately, the swim club and lifeguard group has always been male, so the introduction of a girl causes some resentful feelings, so the guys decide to haze her into leaving. The girl is not daunted, and succumbs to their male domination pranks.Halloween
Not the working title, this is a submission I've been wanting to do for the annual Halloween story submission contest. I finally finished it 2012, but it was too late to submit, so it will be put in later this year.
The story is of a lovely married couple having a Halloween party. They are visited by the wife's sister who is a Hollywood make-up artist and dresses them all up as Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) characters, the women beautiful elven maidens and the husband an evil Uruk-hai orc.
A bit of magic is involved, and soon the three find they are not wearing costumes any longer, but actually the characters they dressed up as!College Days
This is a story I started writing almost ten years ago. It is about a college girl who at first is shy and introverted, but then through hypnotherapy becomes a wild slut. The main story centers around her boyfriend who is part of a fraternity that has a sex contest for determining who gets the best rooms at the fraternity. The girl joins into the fun to get her boyfriend the best room!
Several parts of this story I've pulled out and put in Annie's story. In fact, this may be a continuation of Annie's story...or it may be another story line later. I haven't really decided. It's one of those that I pull out time-to-time to look at, rewrite, and then put away again.CCA 069
There is a story on Literotica I really liked, but wanted to rewrite, much the same way I rewrote the original Annie series. The story is Clandestine Corporate Associate 069 Ch. 01 written by xxxgretchen. I have tried to contact them to see if they would mind me rewriting and moving on with the story to no avail. It seems they wrote the story and then quit. Although it is frowned upon to rewrite somebody's work without their permission, I may eventually rewrite and submit the story as I feel it should be continued!
The story is of a bored trophy wife who gets hired by a company to infiltrate another company for their industrial secrets. To do this, she must seduce the high-level corporate types of the other company to glean what is going on. We find she will do whatever it takes to get the job done!Miscellaneous
I'm always perusing the "Story Ideas" forums on Literotica for something new. I have many posts "bookmarked" so I can eventually write a story about them, so my plate is definitely not empty. I just want to get existing stories out before starting something new, although sometimes my Muse moves me in ways I cannot control!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Health update
So it's been a full week with this ailment. Thankfully the worst is over, but I still have a bit of congestion and a hell of a tickle deep in my throat with an accompanying cough that will not quit. This will probably linger for a few more days. I feel at about 85% normal; not completely well, but have been going into work. I just seem to get tired a lot easier. Rest and taking it easy is on the list for this weekend.
I'm playing it by ear in terms of writing. If I find some time and the inclination, will definitely be looking at some of my stories, even if to just go over them in "editor" mode and clean up some grammar and such. I'll have to see if the "mood" hits me on Lapdancing Chapter 05 or not...hard to tell first thing in the morning without several cups of tea in me, LOL!
I DO appreciate all the well wishes on being sick. From the comments and personal e-mails, people are definitely visiting the blog once and a while for updates, so will keep them coming as long as you all keep reading!
I'm playing it by ear in terms of writing. If I find some time and the inclination, will definitely be looking at some of my stories, even if to just go over them in "editor" mode and clean up some grammar and such. I'll have to see if the "mood" hits me on Lapdancing Chapter 05 or not...hard to tell first thing in the morning without several cups of tea in me, LOL!
I DO appreciate all the well wishes on being sick. From the comments and personal e-mails, people are definitely visiting the blog once and a while for updates, so will keep them coming as long as you all keep reading!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise
Feeling much better today, each day is an improvement over this flu...but still getting tired easily, so just have to take is slow.
Next on my "parade of stories" spotlight is my Skyrim piece. I am a big gamer, and have been playing Skyrim since release. In fact, I have played through at least 5 different characters. As with all Bethesda games, I play with mods more than the game itself, LOL!
As I was playing Skyrim, for the several time I thought "what if I wrote about my adventures in an erotic story?" Then I started to think how to do it. At first I rolled a succubus character with a mod; however, that mod just did not give my character the look I wanted. Then I thought of all the sexy armor mods and thought it would be cool to illustrate the story as I played...and I would narrate everything that happened! Obviously there are a few breaks from the storyline (there really isn't much sex in Skyrim, hehehe), but I had to come up with why a girl would be so "free" and "wild" with her body.
Then I would have to explain the Dragonborn part.
As I thought about it, I dug deep into my Elder Scrolls knowledge. Dragons are an ancient race, and other than those that took sides with Alduin are not necessarily evil. They are actually believed to be created or decedents of Akatosh, one of the Divines or Aedra, who are the gods and goddesses of Tamriel. The Divines are the guardians of Nirn (the world of Elder Scrolls) and have been known from time to time to frolic with the mortal and immortal races.
So, what would happen if the goddess of beauty, fertility, love, and sex in general--Dibella her very self--had a fling with a dragon ages gone by...
And what if that union produced a child...even a daughter? That daughter would share the qualities of the Aedra and Dragons, having the souls and blood of both...
She would in fact, be Dragonborn, although not exactly how humans see it.
The Aedra can no longer set foot upon the world of Tamriel, but they still assist from time to time, helping out mortals through dreams, visions, and their shrines. What if one of their immortal offspring--in this case, the daughter of Dibella and a dragon (Akatosh himself maybe?) COULD set foot on the world of Nirn. The Divines are prevented from direct intervention with mortals, but they can steer events towards the right direction.
Enter Cerise. A woman who has lost her memory, but knows she is somehow involved with Dibella. She herself does not know of her past, other than she is skilled with weapons and has magic (divine magic? Clerical magic?), but Alvor knows she is associated with Dibella in some fashion and for a simple human, a woman who has ties with Dibella and can work magic and weapons obviously is more than a must be a cleric! Cerise latches on to that, not knowing the deeper truth!
Bit by bit, she is aided by her mother, and when she finally gets to Markath (through the Drinking Quest from the addon Interesting NPC's), she will wake up in the Temple of Dibella. As a geas for the Temple, she is sent to find the new new Sybil, whom she brings to the Temple. The Sybil, being the human liaison to Dibella herself, will then tell Cerise who she really is and why she was sent to earth--to prevent Alduin from destroying the world!
This is not the first time Cerise has been in the world, but due to her amnesia imposed by the gods, she does not remember until she is fully involved in the plot. It is also a test of her own divinity. The followers of Cerise will all become her handmaidens--even those that die--when she returns to her mother's side. I may even have the her become a goddess herself, a splitting from her mother's powers to be that of sexual pleasure and release...
I'm letting the game dictate where I go, and what I write. This is pretty open-ended, and as more Downloadable Content (DLC) is added, the story could go on and on! It's more about me catching up with screenshots than anything else!
Next on my "parade of stories" spotlight is my Skyrim piece. I am a big gamer, and have been playing Skyrim since release. In fact, I have played through at least 5 different characters. As with all Bethesda games, I play with mods more than the game itself, LOL!
As I was playing Skyrim, for the several time I thought "what if I wrote about my adventures in an erotic story?" Then I started to think how to do it. At first I rolled a succubus character with a mod; however, that mod just did not give my character the look I wanted. Then I thought of all the sexy armor mods and thought it would be cool to illustrate the story as I played...and I would narrate everything that happened! Obviously there are a few breaks from the storyline (there really isn't much sex in Skyrim, hehehe), but I had to come up with why a girl would be so "free" and "wild" with her body.
Then I would have to explain the Dragonborn part.
This next part discusses what will slowly be revealed in the storyline, so if you do not want to know, do not read any further!
As I thought about it, I dug deep into my Elder Scrolls knowledge. Dragons are an ancient race, and other than those that took sides with Alduin are not necessarily evil. They are actually believed to be created or decedents of Akatosh, one of the Divines or Aedra, who are the gods and goddesses of Tamriel. The Divines are the guardians of Nirn (the world of Elder Scrolls) and have been known from time to time to frolic with the mortal and immortal races.
So, what would happen if the goddess of beauty, fertility, love, and sex in general--Dibella her very self--had a fling with a dragon ages gone by...
And what if that union produced a child...even a daughter? That daughter would share the qualities of the Aedra and Dragons, having the souls and blood of both...
She would in fact, be Dragonborn, although not exactly how humans see it.
The Aedra can no longer set foot upon the world of Tamriel, but they still assist from time to time, helping out mortals through dreams, visions, and their shrines. What if one of their immortal offspring--in this case, the daughter of Dibella and a dragon (Akatosh himself maybe?) COULD set foot on the world of Nirn. The Divines are prevented from direct intervention with mortals, but they can steer events towards the right direction.
Enter Cerise. A woman who has lost her memory, but knows she is somehow involved with Dibella. She herself does not know of her past, other than she is skilled with weapons and has magic (divine magic? Clerical magic?), but Alvor knows she is associated with Dibella in some fashion and for a simple human, a woman who has ties with Dibella and can work magic and weapons obviously is more than a must be a cleric! Cerise latches on to that, not knowing the deeper truth!
Bit by bit, she is aided by her mother, and when she finally gets to Markath (through the Drinking Quest from the addon Interesting NPC's), she will wake up in the Temple of Dibella. As a geas for the Temple, she is sent to find the new new Sybil, whom she brings to the Temple. The Sybil, being the human liaison to Dibella herself, will then tell Cerise who she really is and why she was sent to earth--to prevent Alduin from destroying the world!
This is not the first time Cerise has been in the world, but due to her amnesia imposed by the gods, she does not remember until she is fully involved in the plot. It is also a test of her own divinity. The followers of Cerise will all become her handmaidens--even those that die--when she returns to her mother's side. I may even have the her become a goddess herself, a splitting from her mother's powers to be that of sexual pleasure and release...
In the first chapter we start off as with every Skyrim game, traveling as a prisoner in a cart. After playing through the game so many times, who wants to sit through and listen to Ralof talk for ten minutes about what you've heard multiple times? How to make that more exciting? How about our heroine being gangbanged!
Next we move to her execution. The events unfold with the typical game, and using a lot of sexy addons, we eventually get our heroine outside of Helgen. Is Ralof going to let a woman as obviously sexy as Cerise go without even a kiss? Heck no, she is tied to Dibella, so sex must be involved!
The first story I have tried to remain true to the game, exact quotes, descriptions, and whatnot, so other than the sex scenes, everything is not really original and part of the game. Just as in the game, this "chapter" starts to hint at bigger things to come with our heroine and some of the intricate plots which she may become involved in. It also introduces us to her wild and sexual side.Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise Ch. 02 (Riverwood)
As our heroine enters Riverwood, we begin to get more hints as to her Destiny. Armor and weapons devoted to Dibella mysteriously fall to her possession. She finds strength in sexual entanglements that is unusual for a normal person. She finds she has powers she does not recall, but slowly comes into her own with.
Chapter 2 is more about her awakening to who she may become...Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise Ch. 03 (Whiterun)
Already written, I just need to get the illustrations inserted. As there are a LOT of pictures, I have to sort through them and figure out which ones to use and not use, then size down to Literotica's specifications.
In this chapter we learn more about Cerise, as well as her companion Bree. As with the game, she will get another companion, Lydia, a shy girl who is slowly brought into the sexual exploration that surrounds one so closely tied to Dibella! The Companions also find her intoxicating, sending her on several adventures, but it is here where she is first identified as Dragonborn, called to the Greybeards for tutelage.Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise Ch. 04 (Ivarstead)
Also already written but needing illustrations and editing.
We learn more of Cerise and her background, also finding more followers (all female) who begin to bond to Cerise in ways unusual for just a group of companions. The women will lay down their lives for her, and she for them as the explore barrows and fight dangerous beasts. They meet the Greybeards, finding out more about the dragon language and sent on a quest to learn more!Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise Ch. 05 (Riften)
In the middle of playing/writing this one. Here we will discover a bit different view on the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood--little twists on how they were initially formed and why they were ever brought about. We will also learn more about Cerise. At this point in time, she has 6 of so followers (all women) and the adventures abound!
I'm letting the game dictate where I go, and what I write. This is pretty open-ended, and as more Downloadable Content (DLC) is added, the story could go on and on! It's more about me catching up with screenshots than anything else!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
So a little secret for all of you...
Occasionally I get asked where I get my inspiration. Not necessarily for plots and such, but when I describe clothing, or women, or a particular scene. As many know, I'm somewhat of a stickler for detail almost anal, so when I'm writing a story, I try to have a picture of something similar to what I'm describing so I can make it more accurate.
If you follow my Google+ profile, you'll find my Photos section where I've uploaded in the past various pictures for different stories that gave me some inspiration. As I browse the web, I occasionally find an image that I think "that would be good for x story." For example, Annie's temporary tattoo I took from several images and made myself, and a few people asked to see it in the past.
So take a look...there's even a few "hints" on Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 05!
PLEASE NOTE, these are NOT SAFE FOR WORK images!
If you follow my Google+ profile, you'll find my Photos section where I've uploaded in the past various pictures for different stories that gave me some inspiration. As I browse the web, I occasionally find an image that I think "that would be good for x story." For example, Annie's temporary tattoo I took from several images and made myself, and a few people asked to see it in the past.
So take a look...there's even a few "hints" on Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 05!
PLEASE NOTE, these are NOT SAFE FOR WORK images!
Day 4 of the flu...
So work's been bugging us on taking time off, so I actually went in yesterday...and ended up going home halfway through with a 101 temperature, the sweats, and feeling like crap. This morning have added vomiting to the list...weee!
If I can shake this, hopefully will write some this weekend, but no promises...have let things go for a while around the house and have several things I need to do if I can shake off this bug!
Also appreciate the feedback from some of you reading least I know it's not a complete waste and hopefully it will keep people a bit more apprised on what I'm doing!
If I can shake this, hopefully will write some this weekend, but no promises...have let things go for a while around the house and have several things I need to do if I can shake off this bug!
Also appreciate the feedback from some of you reading least I know it's not a complete waste and hopefully it will keep people a bit more apprised on what I'm doing!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Hate being sick!
Was planning to work on Lapdancing Ch. 05 this weekend and ended up with the flu. Coughing, aching, congested, chills, and a fever. Not fun. Even sitting at the computer was tiring and I ended up spending most of the weekend on the couch watching Lost Girl (Season 2) and Pawnstars, LOL.
My goal is to still get Chapter 05 out the end of the month, but no promises. I've even dabbled a bit with Annie, although that is coming along a bit slower. With Annie, once I start writing, the chapter usually sucks me in until I finish, but Lapdancing is taking a bit of time to make sure all the plot is there as well.
BTW, I don't know if anybody is reading this or if you care to comment, feel free. I've turned off anonymous commenting because I've seen too much spam on other blogs because of it, so you will have to create a Blogger/Google account, but long as you have a valid e-mail there should be no problems. Just curious if anybody is reading this or if it makes a difference compared to my profile updates on Literotica.
My goal is to still get Chapter 05 out the end of the month, but no promises. I've even dabbled a bit with Annie, although that is coming along a bit slower. With Annie, once I start writing, the chapter usually sucks me in until I finish, but Lapdancing is taking a bit of time to make sure all the plot is there as well.
BTW, I don't know if anybody is reading this or if you care to comment, feel free. I've turned off anonymous commenting because I've seen too much spam on other blogs because of it, so you will have to create a Blogger/Google account, but long as you have a valid e-mail there should be no problems. Just curious if anybody is reading this or if it makes a difference compared to my profile updates on Literotica.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
This is another story that was influenced by a post on the Literotica forums. Basically it is a Mind Control story, where a guy inhabits a woman's body. He does this through his dreams, at first unable to control what is going on, but then slowly develops some control over the woman, placing her in various sexual situations.
Dreams Ch. 01 - Melanie's Dream
Dreams Ch. 01 - Melanie's Dream
This is the beginning of the story where the protagonist believes he is going crazy having weird dreams where he is in a woman's body. The story develops to him finding a girl he likes at work and later that night, dreams of her in a nightclub. I have often said if I were born a woman, I would be such a slut, and that is the premise to what happens here. The guy things about how erotic it would be to see Melanie, the woman at work, become a slut. He dreams of her in a nightclub, eventually being seduced by not one, but a pair of guys who take her into a dark corner where they have sex.
After waking up and going to work the next day, he is surprised to find out his dream was actually truth!Dreams Ch. 02 - Tammy's Dream
Our protagonist researches dreams and mind control, wondering what is going on. One weekend he goes to a party at his friend and his friend's wife's house to watch a football game where he observed the married couple teasing each other.
Latter that night he dreams of a fight between them, awaking at a knock at his door at his friend confiding about their fight! Wondering what the hell is going on, he tells his friend him and his wife should make-up and that whatever is bothering them needs to come forward.
He finds out his friend likes to watch and share his wife--something totally unexpected from the normal couple he knows. After his friend leaves he falls asleep again, finding himself in the wife's body where he/she lets her husband display her in their window, eventually allowing a neighbor to fuck her with the husband.
Our protagonist wakes up not believing what he encountered was real until he goes to a website where the whole thing was recorded, finding it had happened exactly how he dreamed!Dreams Ch. 03 - Cassie's Dream
Yet to be written, the premise of this story is Tom, our protagonist gaining more control over his "powers" of persuasion when dreaming inside a woman's body. To test his control, he dreams of his sister's lesbian lover who is visiting due to a convention in town.
What better way to test his true control than by having a lesbian have a gangbang with a group of men?
Friday, February 8, 2013
Lapdancing Girlfriend
Next story spotlighted is my favorite, Lapdancing Girlfriend. This story started originally as a Literotica forum post. It was only supposed to be a standalone story, but then there was so much positive feedback from readers, I had to write more. This story was a combination of reader suggestions and my own twisted sense of where it would go. As I said, it is one of my favorites and one I keep coming back to.
It is also the first story with more than a "significant other sleeps around' plot. The Lapdancing series has slowly developed a background story which, while there is still plenty of sex, abuse, and humiliation, also has an involved plot!
Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 01
It is also the first story with more than a "significant other sleeps around' plot. The Lapdancing series has slowly developed a background story which, while there is still plenty of sex, abuse, and humiliation, also has an involved plot!
Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 01
The first chapter in the series. As I mentioned, it was supposed to be a standalone story, but then a few of both the public and private comments spurred me to write more, where the plot slowly developed in my head.
The story starts out with Dan, a real estate agent who hates that his girlfriend/fiancee has to strip to help pay the bills, but puts up with it. He is torn from the sensuality of seeing his hot fiancee and knowing other men see her as well. Picking her up one night, he suddenly finds himself face-to-face with his most hated rival Chuck. Chuck and Dan go way back, and Chuck was always demeaning to Dan. When his fiancee comes out, Dan pretends to not know her, as he feels slightly embarrassed his fiancee has to strip from money. Then to his horror he finds out Chuck is interested in buying the club--and wants Dan to be his broker! Appalled his rival may be his fiancee's boss, he still pretends he does not know her, but eventually his boss and fiancee move off to a VIP room. As his fiancee has worked at the club a long time, Dan knows the bouncers and is allowed in the Security Room where the entire club is on close-circuit camera. He watches in horror as his fiancee is seduced and fucked by his rival, the story ending where she is talked into signing a contract to continue working for Chuck.
The scary thing is Dan finds out he is aroused watching Chuck fuck Jennifer, ultimately jacking off to the images on the screen...Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 02
Sort of "the day after" story, where we learn Chuck is actually a big-wig in the porn industry, owning a company that commonly exploits women. They find out Jennifer's contract is too binding and that she may have to continue working for the club. They also discover she signed a contract to do more than just strip, and in fact, become one of the leading porn actresses of Divine Silk Attractions, Inc., Chuck's company!
Jennifer goes to work early to practice, finding the place in a shambles. There are construction workers everywhere and the club is being refurbished. She wants to talk to Chuck about getting out of the contract and finds out Chuck is out of town, but left instructions the girls are to perform for the construction workers--and even worse, are told they must earn a high amount of tips.
The girls are appalled, but end up doing what they are told. Jennifer gives a few special dances to the workers, ultimately being finger-fucked by one of the foremen in front of his workes.
We find out more about the contract and such, but Jennifer realizes she may be in this for good, beginning to fear her relationship with Dan is over.
Meanwhile, Dan finds out Jennifer was actually drugged with some sort of Ecstasy, explaining how she had let Chuck fuck her at the club. This is typical of Chuck's treatment and Dan vows to get revenge somehow.Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 03
This is really where the plot starts to move forward. Dan and Jennifer continue to pretend they do not know each other, so when Dan again visits the club, he watches as Chuck convinces her to strip completely naked (something she normally does not do) and let several customers feel her up.
After her erotic and extremely physical lapdance (where she cums from a stranger fingering her), we find out there's a cop in the club who wants to arrest Jennifer! Chuck pulls some legal magic and railroad's the cop from taking her, but the cop still wants to talk to her. Chuck sends them to a VIP room where he tells Jennifer she needs to make the cop "happy" in order to get out of any legal issues.
Jennifer goes into the VIP room and strips for the cop, ultimately giving him a blowjob as she realizes she has become the sex slave of Chuck, not knowing how she will get free of the contract.Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 04
This is a long chapter, which I originally did not even know how it would end. The second half just came to me as I was writing, a spur of the moment thing which deepens the plot considerably!
Another day, and Dan and Jennifer go over the contract she signed, finding out it is worse than they thought. There is no way they can possibly get out of the contract! Jennifer realizes she may ultimately lose Dan, as she has signed her fate over to become a porn star, signing a contract that lets Chuck tell her to fuck whomever, whenever he wants.
The doorbell rings and they find the cop Jen sucked off the previous night standing at the doorway. Speaking privately to Jennifer, he learns of her being forced/seduced into the contract and confesses he is with the FBI, looking to put Chuck away for life. He is leery of telling her this because he knows Dan and Chuck go way back, their families even going on vacations with each other. Jen tells the agent about Dan's hatred, and the agents is not convinced at first, but finally he talks to Dan, learning of the mental abuse Dan suffered not only in childhood, but even college. The agent tells them if Jen is willing, she could become an informant for them and put Chuck away for life! Beyond his porn business, they learn Chuck is a drug dealer, a murderer, a crime lord, rapist, and worse. Both Jen and Dan realize if Chuck is put away for life, her contract worries are over, and she could easily get out of her enslavement!
Dan is reluctant to let her agree. In order to become an informant, she would have to follow through with becoming a porn actress in order to spy on Chuck, but Jennifer says she would be forced into it anyways, at least this way there is an ending in sight.
Meanwhile the agent is contacting his boss to let them know about Jennifer possibly becoming an informant. The branch chief is reluctant to agree, saying the girl could "spook" at any time and blow their years of undercover work. He tells the agent she needs to prove she is willing to do anything...
In the end, Jennifer fucks the agent in front of Dan, to prove she is willing to do whatever it takes. The agent finally is convinced and tells her and Dan to meet him at their private headquarters the next day. There, Jennifer is given a bunch of spy equipment, as well as being seduced and fucked by the branch chief--while Dan is busy helping out one of the computer nerds outside. Jennifer also does a striptease for the entire task force, ending with her going home in order to fly out to Los Angeles the next day to DSA corporate headquarters where her life as an informant and porn actress is to begin.Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 05
I won't spoil this for anybody, but it's becoming huge. In the first 5 pages she is felt up by several guys, fucked by one, and blatantly shown off in front of everybody...and that's before she even arrives at the adult entertainment company's office! This is still a Work In Progress which I am hoping to finish end of this month, although cannot promise anything.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
First Meeting
The next in my "spotlight of stories series" on Literotica is First Meeting, which was a request from another author, p_c352006 (not her real name, LOL) whom I correspond with on stories. I've edited several of her stories for her and she asked that I come up with a sexy story if we happened to meet up sometime. Obviously fantasy takes over from reality, but it was a fun short story to put together between us. At the time was traveling quite a bit for work, so this was a fun little "what if" scenario.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Director Jekyll & Ms. Hidesnothing
Director Jekyll & Ms. Hidesnothing Chapter 01
Although this wasn't the second story I was writing or written, it is the second which I published on Literotica. I cannot even remember where the idea came from it's been so long. It is a story of a wife and husband who sometimes swing. The husband has a fantasy of watching his wife with another man. That's the backstory, what little there is!
The premise of the story is they get invited to a ho-down costume party in south Georgia. The wife dresses up as a hot farmers daughter and the husband as a farmhand. Their car breaks down and eventually two studly farm-hands come and pick them up to get gas. The husband has to sit in the bed of the pickup while the wife is sandwiched between the two hot guys. Eventually they start to sneak a couple gropes, which the husband sees through the window. Arriving at the gas station, while the guys are getting supplies, they talk and the husband tells his wife to "go for it" with the two studs. He drives the truck while the other three now are in the back...and a good time is had by all!
In the end, the studs actually work at the same office as the wife, and she faked that car breaking down to fulfill her husband's fantasy.
This was originally a single story; however, I wanted to expand it by at least one other chapter...
As the wife is a financial executive, she is sent to smooth out a contract issue in Argentina. The wife uses her "femininely ways" to get what she wants and to score deals, which landed her a big contract with a major banking firm in that country; however, now there is the threat of the deal falling through, so she is sent there to "do whatever it takes" to prevent that from happening. (I think you can see where this is headed!)
As with all major deals, a third-party consultant has to witness the proceedings...and the husband is actually a consultant! So he goes with her, but they do not let anybody know they are married, made easy as the wife always uses her maiden name in business. The Argentinian bankers who feel women do not belong in business ultimately make her, the snooty cock-teasing executive bitch, their sex slave.
The husband, being the third-party consultant watches it all as she has to "convince" each of the bank executives to vote to keep the contract.
Not sure when I'll have Chapter 02 done, other stories (particularly Annie) are higher priority at the moment, but it will be coming!
Although this wasn't the second story I was writing or written, it is the second which I published on Literotica. I cannot even remember where the idea came from it's been so long. It is a story of a wife and husband who sometimes swing. The husband has a fantasy of watching his wife with another man. That's the backstory, what little there is!
The premise of the story is they get invited to a ho-down costume party in south Georgia. The wife dresses up as a hot farmers daughter and the husband as a farmhand. Their car breaks down and eventually two studly farm-hands come and pick them up to get gas. The husband has to sit in the bed of the pickup while the wife is sandwiched between the two hot guys. Eventually they start to sneak a couple gropes, which the husband sees through the window. Arriving at the gas station, while the guys are getting supplies, they talk and the husband tells his wife to "go for it" with the two studs. He drives the truck while the other three now are in the back...and a good time is had by all!
In the end, the studs actually work at the same office as the wife, and she faked that car breaking down to fulfill her husband's fantasy.
This was originally a single story; however, I wanted to expand it by at least one other chapter...
As the wife is a financial executive, she is sent to smooth out a contract issue in Argentina. The wife uses her "femininely ways" to get what she wants and to score deals, which landed her a big contract with a major banking firm in that country; however, now there is the threat of the deal falling through, so she is sent there to "do whatever it takes" to prevent that from happening. (I think you can see where this is headed!)
As with all major deals, a third-party consultant has to witness the proceedings...and the husband is actually a consultant! So he goes with her, but they do not let anybody know they are married, made easy as the wife always uses her maiden name in business. The Argentinian bankers who feel women do not belong in business ultimately make her, the snooty cock-teasing executive bitch, their sex slave.
The husband, being the third-party consultant watches it all as she has to "convince" each of the bank executives to vote to keep the contract.
Not sure when I'll have Chapter 02 done, other stories (particularly Annie) are higher priority at the moment, but it will be coming!
Annie Babysits the Kids
This was the first erotic story I wrote, and was actually a rewrite. I read the story on the Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository back in the old UBB days of the that dates the story! I believe the original was first posted around 1990-ish. I had liked the story so much, I wrote my own version. Being a bit of a stickler for English and a knack for writing, my rewrite I thought was pretty well done, but was different from the original.
The story resurfaced around 1998 by Miguel Owen, the original author. I contacted him asking if he minded if I rewrote his story and showed him my version. He liked it so much, he stated it would be nice for me to make it a series.
Oddly enough, his wife found out he was corresponding me and sent me all sorts of threatening messages about his "addiction" and how they were trying to overcome it and pretty much told me if I ever contacted him again, she would track me down and do bodily harm! He did send one final message telling me to keep the series alive and to continue, LOL.
The story originally started off about a girl who teased some boys that she used to babysit and then they coerced/blackmailed her into having sex with them. I expanded the theme to have the story be told from her fiance's perspective. Her fiance loves her very much, but enjoys showing her off. In fact, he finds watching her (from the window in secret as she babysits) he finds he enjoys seeing other men enjoying her assets as well. He tries to tell her of his philosophy that there is a difference between love and lust, but she is still shy. Meanwhile her blackmail/humiliation continues at the hands of the boys she used to babysit.
I held off a few years, being shy to post something so raw on the Internet, but finally bit the bullet and posted Chapters 01 and 02 on Literotica where it received quite a bit of good reviews. Encouraged, I began Chapter 03, and the rest is history.
I have not written much on the series on over a year, but I DO plan on continuing it. I actually have several stories I've written on Literotica since then, so will talk about them as well.
Here are links to the stories. If you like them, please vote for them favorably. I accept all feedback, positive or negative, but if you are just going to type "you're sick" you need not bother, your post will be deleted.
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 01
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 05
The story resurfaced around 1998 by Miguel Owen, the original author. I contacted him asking if he minded if I rewrote his story and showed him my version. He liked it so much, he stated it would be nice for me to make it a series.
Oddly enough, his wife found out he was corresponding me and sent me all sorts of threatening messages about his "addiction" and how they were trying to overcome it and pretty much told me if I ever contacted him again, she would track me down and do bodily harm! He did send one final message telling me to keep the series alive and to continue, LOL.
The story originally started off about a girl who teased some boys that she used to babysit and then they coerced/blackmailed her into having sex with them. I expanded the theme to have the story be told from her fiance's perspective. Her fiance loves her very much, but enjoys showing her off. In fact, he finds watching her (from the window in secret as she babysits) he finds he enjoys seeing other men enjoying her assets as well. He tries to tell her of his philosophy that there is a difference between love and lust, but she is still shy. Meanwhile her blackmail/humiliation continues at the hands of the boys she used to babysit.
I held off a few years, being shy to post something so raw on the Internet, but finally bit the bullet and posted Chapters 01 and 02 on Literotica where it received quite a bit of good reviews. Encouraged, I began Chapter 03, and the rest is history.
I have not written much on the series on over a year, but I DO plan on continuing it. I actually have several stories I've written on Literotica since then, so will talk about them as well.
Here are links to the stories. If you like them, please vote for them favorably. I accept all feedback, positive or negative, but if you are just going to type "you're sick" you need not bother, your post will be deleted.
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 01
Introduction to Annie and her trials and tribulations. Introduces the main characters and how she got into the predicament of having sex with two guys from her old high school and how her fiance discovered what was going on and how he enjoyed it.Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 02
The is a very similar story from Chapter 01, but was written 100% by myself, whereas Ch. 01 was a rewrite. The original writer wanted to go more hardcore BDSM; however, I did not like where it was leading, so kept it more of a humiliation/blackmail story. We learn a bit more about her fiance and what drives him, as well as how she enjoys the attention from the other men.Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 03
This chapter took me a long while to write. In fact, I got so much feedback from fans wanting to see what I had written, I relented and released it into three parts. That's the last time I will do that, as it seems to have missed something with the breaks.
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 03a
This part starts off with the boys calling Annie up and forcing her to take them to the mall, where they strip her in the parking lot and leave her in the car. They return with a slutty leather outfit they force her to wear as they then all go into the mall to shop for Annie's new wardrobe! Annie begins to discover she enjoys the attention she is getting dressed as a slut for the two boys.
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 03b
In this chapter the boys start showing Annie off to the public and even in stores. They they drug her and leave her alone in the food court where her fiance's friends find her. All of them have secretly desired her, and also believe the same philosophy as the fiance that woman are meant to be enjoyed. There is a different between making love and fucking. As such, they seduce the drugged woman, where she ends up giving mass blowjobs to all the guys in the mall men's bathroom!
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 03c
After her sexcapade with her fiance's friends, the boys pick Annie back up, where she is drugged some more. The do some more clothes shopping--her smelling of sex and cum--to both her embarrassment and excitement. Eventually the chapter ends with Annie having a gangbang with several people from the mall in a furniture store!Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 04
This chapter Annie tries to resolve the issue of being engaged and a slut to other men's desires. She still loves her fiance, and the turmoil in her mind is overwhelming. She then receives a package where she discovered the boys had taped her gangbang in the mall! As she watched her drugged self on the screen, she is both aroused and ashamed, so goes for a drive to clear her mind. Events proceed to where she is stared at by some construction workers further arousing her. Due to the construction, she decides to take her car to the car wash. She is hit upon by a guy who gives her a "tour" of the car wash where she is put on a platform and taken through the car wash like a car! At each stage one of the car wash people end up having sex with her, until she has done the entire car wash personnel. The chapter ends where she is blackmailed by her fiance's friends who took pictures of her gang blow job at the mall!
Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 05
This is a LONG chapter! Annie's mind continues to be in turmoil through her actions of being a slut and in love with her fiance, still not believing he could really want her to be this way. The story changes to the first work day after the mall gang suckfest where the fiance's friends all work together and they tell him about an amazing girl who sucked them all off. Having read her diary, the fiance knows what happened, and eggs his friends no to tell more and more. The guys finally state they are having a pool party and that the fiance and Annie should come--them using the pictures from the mall to convince her. I go into a bit more detail on Annie's relationship with the friends. Meanwhile she is seduced further by the boys over the week, becoming a complete slut for them, still trying to rationalize this is how her fiance wants her to behave.Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 06
This chapter sets up Annie to housesit for the family of one of the boys blackmailing her. They order her to accept. She has sex yet again with them...Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 07
The long awaited Pool Party which is alluded to in Chapters 04 and 05! The friends of the fiance have an elaborate plan to get him to leave. He is fully aware and prepares in advance, so he can watch what happens! Annie proceeds to be used and abused throughout the entire pool party by all the guys--including two professional porn stars! The story ends with her fiance returning and telling her how much he wishes she would show herself off to the guys--even to the point of doing something naughty with them. Still torn that her fiance could really want her to behave like she has been, only behind her back, she ends up making love to him.Annie Babysits the Kids Chapter 08
This is the chapter I am currently working on. It is the House Sitting episode where she becomes the true slave of the two boys blackmailing her. The entire week she is forced to dress like a slut, service the two boys, and general be a sex slave. I plan on the chapter ending with a birthday party from one of the boys' friends where she is told to treat all the guests "nicely" and ends up being auctioned off to fuck the birthday boy--while everybody watches in on a camera!Future Chapters
I have at LEAST a total of 10-17 chapters planned for the whole series! Her adventures are not over, even though I haven't written about them in a while, I will post here and on Literotica when they are submitted!.
Monday, February 4, 2013
New blog!
So I thought I would start blogging my artistic side...I've been writing amateur stories (erotica) for years and recently began dabbling in 3D Graphics. I'll be posting random thoughts about those and various and sundry things from here on out...
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