Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Slowly getting back into the swing...

Short update, not much to report.

Slowly getting my life back to "normal" after the past couple weeks.  Got my 2013 car back from the body shop after an accident.  Have somewhat of a plan in place for looking for a new job.  Damages to the house are repaired.  From those three sentences you can see what I dealt with in one week  :(

Been touching on Lapdancing 05 here and there, but nothing really concrete.  I now have the complete chapter planned--even a new thought of a scene I hadn't planned!  So once I can actually have the mental attitude to sit down and just write, I am hoping to knock out the whole chapter in a day or two.  Then I can edit and whatnot and get it up on Literotica.

I had originally wanted to get it done and published by the end of March and I may still make that deadline, even with all the crap real life has dished my way...

1 comment:

  1. As they say 'Se la vie'. It happens to all of us, you just had it in one lump...smh
