Monday, March 11, 2013

Real Life sucks...

I haven't had any time to write this past week, so apologize for any updates or lack thereof.  It has not been a good week for me.  I don't like writing personal stuff online, but the accumulation of bad luck which hit me over the past week has my close friends staying away from me for fear of lightning striking me on a sunny day and them getting caught in the crossfire.  This week racks right up there with my wife divorcing me and having to fight for custody and rights to see my kids.  Other than one of my parents passing away, I cannot think of anything worse that can happen at this point.

So yeah, it's been one of those weeks.  Each time I tried writing, my depression got the better of me and although I wrote maybe an entire page over the weekend, that was obviously not what I wanted or expected as I was honestly hoping to get Lapdancing 05 close to completion.  Instead, I spent most of the weekend immersed in games or television trying to get lost in fantasy.  Hopefully things will be looking up soon, but it's going to be a steep climb to get out of the slump I'm in.

Again, apologize for the lack of real updates...


  1. no worries, as i indicated, i'd rather you take your time than rush a story. I'm certain everything will fall into place.

    1. Thanks. I'm trying to keep and open mind, so will just have to see what happens. As I mentioned elsewhere it is sad that a car wreck in a new car is the LEAST of what happened :/

  2. Sorry to hear things aren't going so well for you... :-/

    And yes, wrecking a new car is bad enough in itself, so can't imagine what you're dealing with...
    That said, if you're now going to need to buy another new car, why not take ~that~ money and buy a used 2007-08 Jag XK8 instead.... If ~that~ car doesn't improve your situation :-), things are bleak indeed!! :-(

    But seriously, good luck with things.... Diamond...and Barry ;-)....can wait...

    1. Hehehe, thanks. Thankfully all my new car needed was some body it wasn't the end of the world. And yes, the other part of the week was worse, and still trying to deal with that.

      Appreciate the sentiments!
