Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year...

Although I did not do much in terms of writing or graphics over the Christmas-to-New Year's break, I did begin working a bit on writing towards the tail-end of the vacation.  I completely switched gears (again) and worked on What's In a Name.  You may notice a lot more images in the picture widget for the story on the right.  In the last week or so I've written well over 100 pages (Word format, so about 10+ pages Literotica).  Currently this is where my Muse has taken me, and I'm really getting into developing the story.

I'm a bit uncertain how I'm going to break the story up.  It has multiple sections which describe a part of the characters' lives over many years...but each section is a main story in and of itself.  Originally it was going to be based upon CHAPTERS...but right now I'm at 100+ pages and only about 10% done with the FIRST storyline (yup, it's going to be a biggie!) I may break it into PARTS or VOLUMES with multiple chapters in between.

For those that do not want to read back to where I described it (although it's pretty easy going to the TAGS and clicking on What's In a Name),  it is a story about a married woman who is obsessed with titles.  She grew up in the beauty pageant circuit as a child, teen and young woman, so everything is a competition.  Now that she is married and has kids, she is out of that scene, but it had been so much a part of her life, she wants to do SOMETHING to relieve the urge to show herself off.  So she's a bit of an exhibitionist, but the story is more about her obsession to win titles.  In this first 'part' she finds out about a series of contests at a nightclub that all make up the "Ultimate Body" title.  This first story is how she enters the contests (wet t-shirt, best legs, best ass, etc.) held weekly, but keeps it from her husband, asking the help of one of his coworkers...who ultimate seduces her (or maybe she seduces him, LOL).  When in the beauty pageant circuit she often slept with judges so they would vote in favor of her (a common practice according to her) so when she finds out the various co-workers of her husband are judges, she tries to swing their votes her way week after week...

The rest of the series will be her getting other various titles, such as MILF, MILFA, MILFAss, Office Slut, etc.

This story is another one where I'm attempting to have different points of views.  I learned from the last time to not keep things as repetitive, so although I may go into detail with a scene described by one person, when the other is reliving the scene it is more about their thoughts and emotions.  I've always admired writers who could do this and obviously need the practice, so giving it another go.  This way you can hopefully understand what is going on through the main protagonist's eyes (Lindsey), her husband (Jim), and the other various characters.

I felt I needed a new direction.  I had worked on Lapdancing 06 and Extenuating Circumstances to the point where I didn't even want to open them up in Word on my computer, and this was a nice clean slate I could cleanse my palate upon.  Whether it will be the next story released or EC will be I don't know, but right now simply going with the flow...

As suggested in some comments, I will try on releasing a few teasers of each story I've been working on.  Although it would take too much time to go through each and select a representative sample, I'll at least do a select scene for Lapdancing 06 and Extenuating Circumstances...possibly What's in a Name.  But for the rest, it may simply be one-page random selections as putting in the time to find a select passage may take too long...


  1. Hooray.....hoping for a Lap (whole scene) preview this weekend....What a treat after a year long wait. :) Cheers Doc...Happy New YEAR!

    1. Not sure it will be an ENTIRE scene...have to leave you wanting more, LOL ;)

  2. :) Doc, after more than a year...give us a few pages out of the 100+ not just a paragraph or 2. We are way past the point of wanting more...we are already dried up corpses. :P

    1. LOL, don't want to give out TOO much! :p And it's usually at least a page in Word...which is at least 5+ paragraphs! :p

  3. Glad your following your muse and don't worry about a write better when you follow your muse....just my opinion.
