Sunday, February 16, 2014

Small update...

Posting mainly to let everybody know I'm still out there, hehehe.  This week my Muse has pretty much been on vacation.  I have worked a little on my 3D Graphics and ended up trashing what I was working on because it just wasn't clicking.  Worked a little on my Assumptions story and again couldn't get into it.  Sort of on autopilot basically.  Even television hasn't really interested me this week, so it's been kind of a meh week.

Hoping my Muse returns and things get back on track...


  1. Doc,

    Glad to know you are well and kicking!

    I know how it feels when it comes to creative stuff. Personally, it takes my marketing director to breathe down my back for me to get going. But once I push through the initial hurdle the juices flow. So I hope you find your muse again.

    It’s not good to just flow without purpose….cause after a while you get used to it. Very bad, when things start to just flow by and you don’t mind it. Hope you get some traction!


    1. Thanks for the kind words. I've been in these types of slumps before, so it too will pass...just don't want people to think I've abandoned things, hehehe. I think a lot of it is just anticipation of starting the new job and hopefully life will get back to some sense of normal soon!

  2. Doc,
    Focus on yourself and get back into the work scene. These stories, although really good, are your release as you stated. Take your time and go out, hang with friends and family, when you're ready, your muse will come back.

    1. Thanks! As I said, these slumps and lack of creativity hit me once and a while. Hell, for all I know it has to do with the two feet of snow dumped on us, it's supposed to hit close to 50, so maybe my mood will perk up!

  3. Doc, if you're in a rut get out and do something different. You're at the stage where Work is work, Writing is work, Your Homelife is work.

    It's time, past time in fact, for you to learn how to flow with nature. It's time to go out and build yourself a snowman
