Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Graphics stuff....

M Crawford made a comment that I wanted to expand upon, as I wasn't happy with my reply, hehehe.

In case many haven't noticed, I'm pretty anal with my work.  Sometimes that is good, as it gets the best quality of work out of me; however, sometimes it is bad, as it can take a long time for something to get published.  That not only pertains to my writings and stories, but also the graphics I work on.

There are three things that actually take time when I'm working on my graphics.  The first is just plain shopping.  Not only do you have to find a model (male or female) that you like, but you also have to find the poses.  Although you can pose the models yourself, sometimes it's more than awkward as the physics of the models don't necessarily comply.  For example, trying to move just a finger on the model can cause her to bend in half, her head fly to the side, and completely distort the model--so typically you find a pose package you like and then try to make small modifications to it.

But not only do you need to find the model, but also the hair, the outfits, the nail polish, the shoes, the skin textures, the make-up.  It gets to be quite an endeavor.  And let's not forget making the scene.  For example, I have several strip club scenes, but none of them are 'just right' so you take pieces of one into another, moving things around, until it's just right

And then, once you have all the textures, materials, and whatnot for the model, you have the camera angles and lighting to consider.  Lighting makes a HUGE difference--and I would even say is the most important aspect of any render.

So once you find everything you like and buy it, you end up having to put it all together in the graphics program.  Whether using Daz3D Studio or Poser, it's all the same.

Finding the right model is the next part of my anal tendencies, LOL.  Not only do you import her, but then you have to play around with her skin, her make-up, etc.  You have to adjust her face--eyes (not only color, but placement on the head, tilt, eye lashes and brows, pupil size, iris size,), make-up, nose, lips, smile, teeth.  Then you adjust other body parts--breasts (size, angle, droop, placement), nipples (size, placement, perkiness), aureola, arms, hands, legs, feet.  It can take HOURS to get her looking how you want.

And then you pose her, bring in facial expressions, bring in lighting, camera angles, scenery.

And even when everything is all done, you find after you render it into an image it's nothing like you wanted, so you go back and play around with the lighting, coloring, etc.

Making a single image can take HOURS or even DAYS.  The image I made of the girl laying down and the other girl's shoe on her head took me about a week to make, and that I already had the image in my head (was working off an actual photograph) and it was a close-up.

To make matters worse, not everything you purchase ends up being what you expect.  When artists advertise their models/clothes/whatever, they demonstrate them in the optimal circumstances.  There have been several times I've spent money on models only to find I can never get them to look like what the advertisements showed.  As such, I've gone to "trying before buying" many models and such.  I don't promote piracy, but a lot of times I'll download pirated copies of a model and if she's what I like and will use, only then will I purchase it.  I will NEVER post anything online that I do not legally own, but because many things are made for Poser and I use Daz, or vice versa, it's often nice to have the bits and pieces to see how they come out first before investing in them.

So I have a bunch of downloaded models, clothes, etc. that I have to install, and then play around with.

So yeah, it just takes time.  Not having a job at the moment gives me at least some time to play with things, but a lot of the work is just monotonous playing around with files and such before I even get into the graphics program, LOL.

What I end up doing is having Word with Lapdancing 06 open, as well as two views of folders of my downloads.  I'll unzip and install several packages, then go into writing, then go back to the files, and bounce back and forth.  It breaks up the monotony of one, but definitely prolongs writing the chapter.

Just wanted to share a bit of what I've been doing...a lot of it is monotonous work that will pay off in the end, but right now there is little to show for it....but I hope to be able to show at least some preliminary images as well as get the stories written!


  1. Wow, didn't realize what actually went in to 3D graphics and I see you really have your work cut out; Hope you don't rack your brains too much, I really enjoy the lapdancing story and am always glad to read what you put on paper.

    1. And I gave the shortened version! Some of it is just mind-numbing and time consuming...like unzipping each of the files I've gotten and installing them. Once I start with the actual modeling, it's like writing, I get completely lost into it and time passes. Other than getting up to refill my drink or go to the bathroom, hours go by without realizing it. Next thing you know, it's bed time, LOL.

  2. Trailers for Lap 6 please. Just give us a clue what she will be going thru....December is sooooooo far off.

    1. Right now all I have is her morning after arriving home...soon she'll be getting ready and heading to the club to meet up with Mary and Denise and start practicing for the syndication party. Of course, that one sentence right there is probably going to be five or six pages, nudge nudge, wink wink...

    2. Got an incredible comic for you. It's like Diamond story. In japanese...don't understand a ward but being a comic....a picture tell a thousand words. There is one pic with 20+ guys laying about exhausted at a strip club while the main character still riding a guy.....wow

    3. Wow, you're right...it looks like scenes straight from the story! Can't understand a word printed, but as you said, a picture's worth a thousand words! Thanks!

  3. Doc;
    That's an AWFUL lot of work to put yourself through, PARTICULARLY with doing it for no pay.... Just your writing, and a picture gallery if you want one to go along with the story, is alllll anyone needs....
    You're killing yourself here, and no need to....
    Time is precious, and you should spend time writing..... hehehehe
    Lapdance 6, and then Annie!! :-) :-) :-)

    1. LOL...that plain truth is I ENJOY doing it...writing, the graphics, all of it. Sometimes I'm in the mood to write, other times to do graphics, and still other times actually enjoy the monotony of unzipping and installing all the graphical models and textures. So it's not "work" or even boring...

      All really depends on my mood for the day, hehehe.
