Monday, November 9, 2015

November Dropbox Permissions (Patreon) set and Update

First, I want to thank ALL of you for your patronage!  Whether you support me through Patreon or even by coming to this site and checking on updates and making comments or e-mails, I do appreciate it.  It's been a rough month story-wise due to my system crashing, but I am finally back up and running.

I have set the permissions for the Dropbox folders for Patreon patrons.  As I've mentioned in the past, it is easier to remove the shares and then re-add them than to edit them person-by-person, so I apologize for the Dropbox e-mail spam you'll be getting.

Everybody should have the correct permissions based upon what Patreon states you pledged and were charged for this month.  There were three people who's payments were declined, so I put them as Tier 1 people until that is resolved.

There should be some newness in terms of the SECONDARY story, and now that things are finally back up and running, I plan on working on the PRIMARY story starting today (Monday).  It's been a rough couple weeks and this weekend I had too many errands to get much done, but now that things are somewhat normal in terms of the computer, I can once more get into the swing of things!

1 comment:

  1. Expanded 2nd story is most welcome and of your usual quality, very high lol. It's good to be a tier 3 patreon fello.
