Monday, February 8, 2016

Update 02/08/2016...FRUSTRATED!

Argh, I am so frustrated and angry at this moment...

And no, it's not because of the Super Bowl (which I did not watch, not being a huge sports fan).

I had planned on devoting all weekend to finishing up Good Girl Gone Bad and getting her posted.  I set my alarm to 5 am so I would not even sleep in knowing my son sleeps until at least noon and I would get at least 15-20 hours of "me" time to write.

So imagine my surprise walking down Saturday morning and seeing him at his computer playing games.

OK, this is not completely unusual as he usually plays all night and goes to bed when I get up...only until I find he got up only 30 minutes ago and him and his friends planned on playing games all weekend.

Not only did I have him sitting next to me the whole weekend, but that let to sheer frustration as I could not even OPEN Good Girl to review I did not want him looking over his shoulder and seeing what I do in my spare time, LOL.

So yeah, it was a completely frustrating weekend.  I am so close to finishing, I knew I could do it this weekend with all the time I thought I it was frustrating to be denied that all weekend  :(

Guess I'll see how next weekend goes...although I already know I have to work most of it, so not having great expectations.


  1. It seems this year is going to be a frustrating one just by the way it's starting out, hope it improves for you and me!

    1. Love my son to death, but sometimes I wish I was living alone again, hehehe. It was really frustrating, because I WANTED to write, was in the MOOD to write...and was denied the whole weekend...
