Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Where my Muse takes me....

Taking off last week from writing definitely helped, as my mind has been full of scenes and plot twists.  Unfortunately, few of them concerned Lapdancing Girlfriend, LOL.  Although I've been slowly plodding through the transcriptions and corrections of what I've already written, I have not done much in the way of anything "new" for our girl Diamond.  Instead, a lot of my thoughts have been on my new story Extenuating Circumstances.

I was sick with food poisoning last Wednesday, and then there was the long Labor Day weekend, which I spent quite a bit of time working on my 3D Graphics.  I've been keeping my "naughty" 3D graphics under the DocCIS.author nom de plume, while keeping my more "mainstream" stuff on my gaming name.  I am trying to keep the two separate, so although I've worked on a lot of graphics, none of them will show up here unless they deviate into the deviant, hehehe.  But rest assured it's all in practice for illustrating my stories, so I hope they will eventually show fruition and I'll be able to post some rough drafts here soon.

As to the writing side of things, as I mentioned I've been working on Extenuating Circumstances.  I am about 3-5 pages from finishing Chapter 01, and my mind has been flooded with images and scenes of Chapter 02, which is basically an extension of Chapter 01.  The first part of the story is really three chapters, her reminiscing on how she got into her predicament telling of two main instances that have led to her circumstances, and the third finally fruition of why she was reminiscing.

How is that for obscure, LOL.  I really don't want to give too much of what is going on in that story away, but it will probably the next story that sees the light of day first...followed by Lapdancing 06.  I know not what a lot of people want to hear, but I follow where my Muse takes me...and right now it is finishing that as it's hot on my mind...


  1. Need to give that muse of yours somekind of injection of something, make her go 90 mph and make you finish something for us! Sorry to hear about that, food poisoning can't be very inspiring for erotic stories, so you're excused on that account!

    By the way, what happened to the Assumptions story? Seeing these teasers flashing by on the side of my screen... with your 3d graphics you have made sure to have a full plate!

    - dkg

    1. Yeah, I have too many fricking stories waiting to be finished...and the thing that's even more upsetting is most of them are series...even the new ones. I have a Halloween story that I'll be posting for the contest come October 1st...it's complete, just need to wait until it can enter the contest. Then there's Assumptions, Extenuating Circumstances, and a few others that are series, not to mention the current series I am working on such as Annie, Lapdancing, Skyrim, etc. Too much to write, not enough time in the day and weekend!

  2. Glad to here that taking a week off from writing helped you find your muse.
    Looking forward to your next story to be posted.
    What ever that story maybe.
