Friday, September 12, 2014


So I had an idea for a new story...I know, I know, not another one, LOL.  But this one is a bit of a stretch from my normal erotica.  My heart has always been towards fantasy and sci-fi, and although I have one story that I've been working on for a while that I intend to eventually get posted, I was thinking about something else.

This is NOT going to take the place of my other stories...this is something a bit further down the line and just wanted to bounce ideas off people as it is in the VERY EARLY stages of planning and such.

It is along the same lines as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon V, and so forth.  I was thinking of two factions...not sure yet if they are all based upon one world, two worlds, or a whole "federation" of planets.  There is a war between two opposing factions, and there is a "magical" order on each side trying to protect their faction.

The side are male, the other side are female.  For thousands of years men  have dominated the planet/planets/galaxy/whatever and the women finally had enough and want equal rights.  They do not necessarily want to rule, but to share.  The men see the women only as their workers and playthings.

Think of it as a "sexy Star Wars" type story.

I also plan on illustrating it...even toying with it being more of a comic type series...but I enjoy writing too much, so it would probably be a story with illustrations.

Thoughts?  Again, this is not going to interfere with my other stories, as those are going to remain the priority, and this I am planning on being a big project...just wondering on people's thoughts.


  1. Okay, that's it! You go to your room young man - and finish what you've started!

    (Seeing the progress you made last weekend, you should be able to add another chapter for the new story and finish up Ch. 6!)

    On the brainstorming: Not really the battle between good and evil as is usually the case in sci-fi? All men being chauvinistic pigs to the point that the woman rise up against them... Could be The Jetsons meet Star Wars in a kind of How I Met Your Mother way? Mr and Mrs Jetson telling their oldest daughter about the birds and the bees, each with a very different view on the roles of the genders? A cautionary tale gone wild?

    Have to say that I quite enjoy HandcuffGirl's interpretation of the Star Wars universe over on Literotica, so I'm not against the idea in any way! Good luck!

    - dkg

    1. As I said, I don't foresee this project interfering with anything I'm currently working on...there is way too much I'd like to flesh out first before I would even begin writing. Something like this--at least from the way I'm looking at it--would need quite a bit of background first if it's going to be of the magnitude I am thinking.

      And you are right, it's not the traditional Good vs Evil...this will still be an erotic story, so it will be more along the lines of women's sufferage/rights. I am thinking the women will all be sexual beings and enjoy sex, they just are tired of being on their backs all the time or demeaned into slaves. The men on the other hand see nothing wrong with I can foresee plenty of "interrogations" on captured spies :p
