Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Tenth Day BEFORE Xmas...Teaser 3

So yesterday was a good writing day.  Things just kept flowing and the Lapdancing 06 kept growing.  It's up to 70 pages (Word format) and I would say at this point it's probably 50% or more complete.  There are really only three major scenes PLANNED.  I stress planned because as I've mentioned before, stray thoughts always seem to come in and scenes I never plan may come to light and be written.  There's actually one scene I've been toying with when to introduce, and it may end up here...we'll see.

So far the two teasers have perked a lot of guessing...none of which have been right on, LOL, but that is part of the fun, hehehe.  Particularly not knowing which scene happened first...

Without further jibber's the next excerpt from Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 06:

Hmmmm...I believe somebody was saying the previous teasers were too mild...looks like luck was in favor of you today ;)


  1. Hi Doc. Fantastic. If Teaser 3 is a glimpse of what is to come. It's going to be a bright Christmas. Once again thank you for doing this and sharing it with us. By the way have you tried the Biscoti flavoured Bailey's?

    1. Surprisingly, I'm not a huge fan of flavored liqueurs straight, but I love Irish Creams. Baileys is the best, although I've tried a ton of others, I always go back to Bailey's.

      Haven't tried the others flavors of Bailey's, but I have had ground peppermint sticks added to my Bailey's Irish Cream, which is actually pretty good too.

      I bounce between Bailey's on the rocks, wine (merlot usually, although I'm a big fan of most reds), or Grey Goose on the rocks. Depends on my mood. Typically I sip the Bailey's when writing in general, wine during heavy sex scenes, and Grey Goose during bar scenes or dancing scenes. Not that I drink any of them together...ugh, I don't whatever I start with, I stay with, hehe.

      Also, don't think I'm a lush...I don't drink all the time, probably one once a week if that even. My normal standby is either hot tea or water, LOL. But sometimes my mind needs that extra push into fantasy land ;)

  2. Gotta.....stop.....reading....the teasers......
    I'll be ~exhausted~ by the time you publish the whole thing.... LOL!
    My god, this is starting to get good.... :-)

    1. LOL, weren't you one of those who said they were NOT going to read the teasers? :p

    2. I don't think so, but I'm often mistaken.... Never in doubt, though... LOL!!
      But seriously, I can't imagine I would have...
      I ~shouldn't~ read them, but can't help myself....
      Lapdancing Girlfriend is like "crack" to me.... hahaha

    3. Nah, my bad, was Cap'n mind makes those associations, LOL

  3. My mind is going wild as to what is going on after reading that....Lucky FBI Nick gets more for his role with Diamond, don't blame him one bit!
