Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Patreon Announcement: August = Free Tier Month!

Things have been a bit slow, so to award everybody's patience, as well as an apology, I am making August a "free tier month!"
For those who have not participated in the past, basically I will give you the next higher tier FREE when I do the permissions in August. So Tier 1 people will get Tier 2 access, Tier 2 people get Tier 3 access, and so on.
Although things have been "quiet" in terms of the postings, I have not been idle, but lately I've been working on another author's work to possibly publish illustrations for, so that has taken a lot of my weekend time usually devoted to writing. I needed the rest as the last scene of GGGB2 is mentally straining...keeping track of a gangbang is rough work, hehehe.
This will also give most people a "last chance" viewing of GGGB2 before I pull it from the site for publishing. Once I finish the rough draft, I'll be going over it to send to the editors before publishing, so I am not sure if there will be one more update or not...so catch it while it's available in it's unfinished draft before it goes out on Amazon!
For those not patrons, now's a good time to sign up, as even a $1.00 Tier 1 payment will get you Tier 2 access!


  1. Hi DocCIS, I do not want to be insistent and mainly I want to keep in touch and to fill the forum with comments. But how is GGGB2 going? You said that gang-bang scene is difficult to track. I know you are very accurate... by the way: how difficult was to write the Twister game scene of Lapdancing Girlfriend 5? I think it was even more complex than GGGB2... and yet you managed very well. Hope to hear about you soon.

    1. It's slowly coming together...I actually did a bit of editing with it this weekend.

      The Twister scene I kept a spreadsheet of where everybody was...had columns for R Hand, L Hand, etc., LOL. Although I still had to keep in my mind where everybody was an how they were entangled.

      The gangbang scene in GGGB2 is more of a "how to keep it interesting without rehashing the same thing over and over" type deal. With close to a dozen guys, it involves a bit more of "who is where" hehehe...

  2. I have been waiting for ages to read the next chapter of Lapdancing Girlfriend and I don't want to wait anymore! What Tier of patreon do I need to subscribe to get access to its rough draft?

    1. Hehehe, sorry...I think the draft for Chapter 06 Lapdancing is Tier 2...which if you subscribe on Patreon you can get access to for just $1.00 this month via Paypal...but I'll have to double-check when I get home just to make sure that is the correct tier....

  3. It should mean something that every post begins with an apology for being slow. I used to pay to be a member but at 1 story a year pace, there are so many other author's here that actually write....

    1. I've said this many times before, but apparently it bears repeating...

      Do what you want. That is the beauty of the world, free choice. If there's another author you'd like to support that writes more content, go for it!

      I work two jobs, one full time and one part time. That leaves weekdays pretty much out of the picture for doing any hobbies--which is what writing is. And like any other hobby, sometimes I feel like doing them, and sometimes I do not. Sometimes I like to spend those weekends with family, sometimes I like to do one of my several other hobbies, sometimes I actually just want to veg out and watch TV all weekend and catch up on shows I've missed.

      For the last two months, I've been working on a collaborative project for another writer, and posted the revised edition of Car Show Slut for all patrons. If you compare the story currently on Literotica with my version, you'll see a LOT has been written. But again, with only weekends to write, sometimes it is a hit or miss thing when I want to sit down for a day and do so to write.

      And again, the beauty of the world is free choice. Some people feel 3-33 cents a day is worth the incentive to keep me writing. If you have followed me in the past, you should know it took MONTHS to YEARS to even EDIT a single story...now I've been doing it nonstop when I can, but there has never been that long of a lapse since I started the Patreon thing...as it keeps my incentive going.

      But if it's not at a pace to your own liking, don't subscribe.

      The other beauty of Patreon is you can sign up for as long or short as you like. There are patrons who pay continuously, regardless of how much is updated, and there are those who pay for a month, unsubscribe, and then pay a few months later for updates...it's all in your hands.

      But to reiterate, writing is a hobby for me, so sometimes it is hit or miss on weekends. Sometimes, family comes first, other times, yard work and housework comes first. A hobby is done at leisure for one's pleasure...if I wrote non-stop, it becomes work and not pleasure. And people have noted my writing suffering in the past during those times...so to keep my own frame of mind, I write when I want. If that is too little for some, again, they have the choice to follow other authors who write more of the same quality stories, some people feel it is worth it to have access to dozens of drafts of all my writings and images available to them and see how updates go and my mind works.

      To each their own...I wish you well!

    2. First of all, We here are all fans. If you weren't such a good writer, it wouldn't be so agonizing waiting for the next story. So... Good job.

      With that said, here are my thoughts. When you started Patreon you explained that because people were paying you would have much more pressure for completing a story. I think the frustration of some is that since you started Patreon 2 years ago, the pressure hasn't exactly worked when it comes to new published stories.

      In any event, I will just keep checking in and will be very excited when you do release more work. I especially enjoyed your Amazon title. Can't wait until you have more than one book under your name in there.

  4. Hi DocCIS, could this be the right weekend for GBB2? Don't mean to bother you, although I am tempted to make you angry :-D. Indeed, thanks to the last post I know that you have written an edited version of "Car Show Slut" and I was not aware of it!

    1. I'm hoping...yesterday was doing the whole "buy food so you can eat" thing and such, hehehe...so hoping I have some incentive today! ;)

      And not bothering me at all!
