Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Update 04/15/2015

Happy Tax Day to all US people, LOL!  Thankfully I submitted my taxes back in FEBRUARY because I needed the refund for the first time in over 30 years, I didn't wait until the last minute, hehehe.  I don't think I've ever submitted my taxes earlier than maybe a day or two before they were due...even when it was only snail mail.  Now with electronic filing, it's a lot easier.

Not much to update on the hobby side of things.  Had family visiting over Easter, and then caught a bad cold which led to a bad sinus infection and even two weeks later I'm feeling stuffy.  My sinuses do not drain normally, so even colds can sometimes lead to a lot worse.  There was one time I was out of work for two months and almost hospitalized because it got so bad...they actually wanted to drill a hole in the roof of my mouth so my sinuses could drain...yuck.  I opted for the less invasive treatment of hanging upside down over the tub and shooting warm saline into my nose.  Which triggered a gag reflex and had me retching as gunk drained out of my nose.  Not fun, but I'm no fan of surgery, hehehe.

But enough grossness, LOL.  Although I've been continuously updating my outline for Lifeguard Gets Wet, sadly the last couple weeks have not moved as forward as I would have liked with the storyline.  I've added bits and pieces here and there, but nothing that I would call substantial.  This weekend is earmarked for that so I am hoping to get at least a couple more days of Penny's training completed.  Things are going to ramp up considerably for I mentioned, writing for a storyboard is a lot different than usual, so I have to think in more "porn movie" style than simply my own writing style, LOL.  Having a girl tease is easy with words, but trying to do it in a comic/storyboard is much more difficult...and things need to progress fast or readers feel slighted.  So this weekend is Writing Weekend!

Another thing that has preoccupied my thoughts is my son--who graduates this year--has decided to take a year off and NOT go to college (something I was actually expecting, because he has been pretty lackadaisical in looking for a school these past few months).  But even more surprising, he has announced he wants to move up with me!  Although I have had him and my daughter up for summers, holidays, and whatnot, it's never been more than a few months.  At 18 years old he has decided he has had enough of his mother (something I found out years ago, LOL) and wants to wipe the slate clean in his life and move up with dad.  To put it bluntly, I'm terrified, LOL.  It will be interesting having lived alone for more than 10 years to have a "room mate" even if that is my son.  He is eighteen and legally an adult, but I have had to remind him he is also my son, and will be under my roof.

So needless to say, between illnesses, catching up my missed hours at work and coming home too late and tired to do anything but eat, watch tv, and go to bed, and these other real life issues, both my writing and graphics have taken a hit.  But again, this weekend is looking promising as a "chill out" weekend and short of getting sick again (crosses self and prays), I am going to focus on both hobbies and hopefully catch up for some lost time!

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