Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekend update...03/07/2015

First, saw something that is SO TRUE I had to post it, LOL:

So true, it's almost silly, hehehe.

Although I've been a bit slow posting the teasers and such, I HAVE been writing here and there when I have the chance.  As I've mentioned, the focus right now is on my Lifeguard Gets Wet that is actually going to bring in money ;)  

Things have been somewhat conducive towards that goal...we've had two snow days this week allowing me to stay home and write, and now almost 40-45% completed with this chapter.  I state this chapter as I've decided to expand upon it a bit more depending on readers' feedback and comments, as well as once the illustrated storyboard is posted, how viewers receive that work as well.  Originally the story was going to cover her lifeguard training, and then I was vaguely thinking of a second chapter a year or two later when she is in college...doing something else besides the lifeguard angle.  But this story is slowly being fleshed out and there can be so much more offered by going into her full summer, that it may become a two part story just on her as a lifeguard...then introducing her to other scenarios.

I have received the initial images of the artist's representation of Penny and I could only stare with my mouth open like a fool.  They were fricking AWESOME.  This is the first time somebody's tried to capture an image of one of my girls in an image, and I was simply stunned at how close to her the artist came to my description, and more so, what my very own mental picture was.  We hope to eventually give you all a teaser, but I personally want to commend the artist on their skill!  I do not think people will be disappointed!

This weekend's plan is more writing.  I have several errands to do Saturday so I don't expect to get much writing done, so I'm hoping Sunday will be event-free, but once again, just because things are quiet on my end does not mean I'm not working.  And I've been dabbling a bit with the other stories when I need a break from Penny, so hopefully once this is done, there won't be much time between it and a couple more releases!

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