Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend Update....03/22/2015

Well crap, thank you to whomever the anonymous messages were nudging me for an update...apparently I forgot to update last week!  My apologies!

Things have been moving forward on Lifeguard Gets Wet...I've been working on her training week in the hopes to get it finished by end of April so the Mystery Artist (that's what I'm calling them from now on until they reveal themselves, LOL) can get the storyboard going.

So far I'm about 50% through the chapter...but already have 2 more chapters thought out if this picks up, expect to see more.  I still plan on getting Lapdancing, Extenuating Circumstances, and Annie (yes, you read that right) out over the summer, but again, since the Lifeguard story is going to be a paid venture, that gets the priority right now.

Other than that, have been working on my 3D Graphics quite a bit...and thing things are slowly improving.  At this point it's more practice, practice, and practice and learning from my mistakes through both my eye and for those who follow my FB account, feel free to criticize anything you see!  :p

Last week was a bit off my game with a cold, but this week has been relatively quiet.  Have family coming up next weekend, so not sure how much I'll get done, but we'll see....

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekend update...03/07/2015

First, saw something that is SO TRUE I had to post it, LOL:

So true, it's almost silly, hehehe.

Although I've been a bit slow posting the teasers and such, I HAVE been writing here and there when I have the chance.  As I've mentioned, the focus right now is on my Lifeguard Gets Wet that is actually going to bring in money ;)  

Things have been somewhat conducive towards that goal...we've had two snow days this week allowing me to stay home and write, and now almost 40-45% completed with this chapter.  I state this chapter as I've decided to expand upon it a bit more depending on readers' feedback and comments, as well as once the illustrated storyboard is posted, how viewers receive that work as well.  Originally the story was going to cover her lifeguard training, and then I was vaguely thinking of a second chapter a year or two later when she is in college...doing something else besides the lifeguard angle.  But this story is slowly being fleshed out and there can be so much more offered by going into her full summer, that it may become a two part story just on her as a lifeguard...then introducing her to other scenarios.

I have received the initial images of the artist's representation of Penny and I could only stare with my mouth open like a fool.  They were fricking AWESOME.  This is the first time somebody's tried to capture an image of one of my girls in an image, and I was simply stunned at how close to her the artist came to my description, and more so, what my very own mental picture was.  We hope to eventually give you all a teaser, but I personally want to commend the artist on their skill!  I do not think people will be disappointed!

This weekend's plan is more writing.  I have several errands to do Saturday so I don't expect to get much writing done, so I'm hoping Sunday will be event-free, but once again, just because things are quiet on my end does not mean I'm not working.  And I've been dabbling a bit with the other stories when I need a break from Penny, so hopefully once this is done, there won't be much time between it and a couple more releases!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

2015 Teaser 11 - What's in a Name

Last of this year's teasers so far!

First, I'd like to say this has been a CRAPTASTIC weekend.  It all started Friday when I got home from work and had a couple calls from my bank...not a good sign.  Apparently somebody hacked my credit card and proceeded to make over $5000 in charges.  The bank blocked most of them, but $900 of charges still got through before then.  I spent almost an hour on the phone with the bank as she read through the list of charges...until I finally told her, "Look, I work from 6am to 6pm...anything during that time is NOT me."  To which she replied, "Oh, then that covers the other 22 charges..." filled out the paperwork to get my $900 back and am getting a new card.

The problem is I only use that card for my 3D it narrows the list down only 3 content stores.  None of them admit they have any problems, but I know it's one of have started using PayPal instead to buy my 3D content.

Then Friday night I lose Internet connectivity.  Apparently my domain controller which controls my logons, the security of my NAS, my internet connectivity, etc. died.  So spent all day Saturday dealing with that...replaced the power supply, no go.  So took it in to the Geek Squad for a diagnostic...will find out tomorrow.  Have a feeling it's one of the hard drives, but I did  not have any spare parts to swap things around to we'll see.

The problem, as I stated, was that machine controlled EVERYTHING.  So it took me about 10 minutes to get my internet connectivity back, then it took an hour or so to get access to my NAS.  Then it took me a couple hours to get my VOIP working without everything trying to authenticate to the dead server.  Needless to say, by the time everything was somewhat back to normalcy (about 6pm) all I wanted to do was watch TV, hehehe.

In other words, didn't get much done this weekend...particularly what I WANTED to do.  Did work on Lifeguard a bit more today, as well as kicking out another render, but it's been somewhat of a lazy day.

So on to the teaser!

This one probably isn't too interesting, as it's right in the beginning.  The story's premise is a wife who used to be a beauty queen being obsessed with titles.  She's been out of the scene for a while and discovers there's a bar holding various contests...and she misses the beauty pageant so much, she considers entering...