As a few "Anonymous" messages have stated, I did promise some teasers to everything to start off the New Year. I haven't forgotten you, it's just there have been several requests on me picking choice scenes that give a good idea of the story, and honestly, I'm having a hard time with that. I could easily have posted random selections by now, but to decide critical scenes to a chapter when in some cases, that chapter is not even finished, has been difficult to say the least.
For example, Lapdancing Chapter 06...the defining moment in the chapter has not even been written yet...Diamond's syndication party. The entire chapter builds up to that one scene, and as such, picking any other scene does not give an idea of the chapter. In addition, there are a few plot twists that would be revealed in that scene I want to avoid until the chapter is out. In other chapters, such as What's In a Name, the entire story is the defining moment...and there is no one defining scene that 'makes' the story.
As such, although I know it's not what people wanted, I will probably do the random thing and let Fate decide on an excerpt from each story currently in progress (including the small part of Annie!). I think that will be the easiest and at least will give you all something to drool over, LOL ;)
Yeah! Looking forward to it! If lady luck rolls up a preview from the past....please re-roll....or we would all be cursing her! :P