Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Teasers will still continue!

I've been a bit under the weather this past week, so haven't gotten much writing have defaulted to making a few more 3D graphic images.  For those that have asked and been to my "normal" Facebook site, much appreciated for the kind words and comments!  And for the few that are also into 3D graphics appreciate the words of advice!

As I said I'll still be continuing the teasers, so here's a teaser of the teasers, LOL...I'll hopefully get the rest of them out by the weekend:
  • Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 06
  • Lifeguard Gets Wet
  • Mistaken Identity
  • Sister Cassandra Ch. 01
  • Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise Ch. 03
  • Space Odyessy - Galactic Spy
  • What's in a Name Ch. 01
So there will be a flood of teasers coming soon...and that will bring everybody sort of 'up-to-date' on everything that I'm currently working on!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

2015 Teaser 05 - Grim Fairy Tales 03 - Puss(y) in Boots

This is the third chapter of what is one of my least followed stories, LOL...although I personally like it. 

I started out the series as being a quick spank story--with little preparation, writing both chapters in a day, and tried to keep them short--considering most of my stories are more full-length novels, hehehe.  Even as "short" stories they came out to 4 Literotica pages (about 28 pages Word format)...but they were short for me at least, LOL.

Then I got a flood of complaints about not going into enough detail on the gangbang taking place in Chapter 01, or enough details about the sex scenes in general for either chapter.  Considering I was attempting a SHORT story, and it being an odd time for me (was just recently unemployed), I got into a pissy mood and thought, "they want detail, I'll give them fucking detail!" and started writing Chapter 03.  It will be one of the longer "scenes" I will have ever written, and I AM going into extreme detail about this excerpt is only the beginning of descriptions!  ;)

In this chapter one of the husband's colleagues is getting married, so his buddies offer to host the bachelor party.  His best friend Jason even suggests he may know a girl who used to strip when they were in college as possible entertainment.

The husband recalls Jason and his wife had gone to the same school, and although is wife said she was quite a 'wild girl,' he could not wrap his mind around the possibility of the stripper for the party being his beloved Jessica.  Remember when he discovered a tape of her having a gangbang with his coworkers it was years and years ago, and their marriage was as good as it could be...but he was still left with a nagging doubt.

This scene is when the bachelor party arrives at the extravagant hotel after hanging out at a strip club for a few hours...and the hired "private" entertainment appears.

2015 Teaser 04 - Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01 Part 01/03

And so we come to the next of the unreleased stories...Extenuating Circumstances starring our favorite stripper's little sister.

As I have mentioned in the past, I'm not sure how much I'll incorporate Suzanne and Jen's lives.  Currently what is happening to Suzanne is at the beginning of Diamond's entrapment by Mr. DeWight, so although she knows her sister is a stripper and working for DSA, she has not spoken to Diamond in quite some other than mentioning Jen, the stories currently do not intersect.  That may change, although Chapter 01 merely goes into how Suzanne has gotten into the predicament she has.

This scene takes place around page 10+ where Suzanne is beginning to learn several things about herself.  Like her sister, she is finding she is a bit of an exhibitionist.  In addition, her husband David has confessed he enjoys watching her 'show off' her body to other men.  He has also hinted that he would probably not be upset if she did more than show the men her body, hinting at her possible sleeping with one of their neighbors.

The first and second parts of Chapter 01 are flashbacks.  Suzanne is thinking about how she fell under such straights.

We learn that her husband had been in a skiing accident and broke both legs, and while incapacitated in a wheelchair, lost his job.  Suzanne had only recently started working at a law firm, so money was tight...and they began paying half their bills one month, then the other half the following month, hopping back and forth.  Then they get slapped with a huge fine by their Home Owner's Association, as due to her husband's disability and working late, they could not maintain their lawn.

Their elderly (60-something) neighbor comes to the rescue, as he owns a lawn service and has his men completely overhaul and landscape their lawn.  The elderly widower refuses payment, but then as they are talking, they mention an upcoming neighborhood party.  As the man's wife died many years ago, he usually sits on the sidelines of most parties, and with her husband unable to compete in the couple's competition, the old man suggests she could be his partner.

Uncertain, her husband and the old neighbor convince her to accept.  And then the old man--aware of their money problems--offers to buy her a new bathing suit, as the neighborhood wives typically try to "out do" each other and dress sexy.  Again Suzanne is uncertain, but her husband eagerly accepts and she goes to the pool party not in her usual one-piece, but a string bikini...

This scene is during one of the party's games...Marco Polo...and the women are now blindfolded and attempting to find the men in the pool.  Not only do they have to catch somebody, but for extra points they have to identify them....

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 Teaser 03 - Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing 02 (Bankers' Hours)

This one took a bit more time to put together, as I wanted to include an ENTIRE scene.  It is a non-sexual scene, but it gives a good foreshadowing of events to come (cum?).

When we first left off with Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing, our protagonist--Heather--had recently won a huge multi-billion dollar contract between her financial firm and the largest Argentinian bank in South America.  To celebrate, her and her husband were attending a party one of her old college friends was putting on, an extravagant barn party for the rich and elite.

Heather was dressed as a sexy Farmer's Daughter, while her husband was dressed as a well-to-do redneck, his coveralls too clean and his entire demeanor too refined for an actual country boy.

Unfortunately on the way to the party their car ran out of gas in the Podunks of Georgia.  After waiting for hours in the hot Georgia sun, they finally saw relief in the way of an old pick-up truck driving down the road, driven by two 'good ol' country boys' who offered to take them to the nearest gas station.

While her husband rode in the back of the pickup, our protagonist sat between the two hunky farmhands, who made pass after pass at her, while her husband watched from the back of the pickup.  Having had fantasies about watching his wife with other men, when it came time to go back to their car, it was suggested Heather travel in the back with the two farmhands while her husband drove.

You can read the rest of the story, how the wife fucked and sucked both farmhands, and later discovering they were actually interns for the wife, who had set the whole thing up for her husband's enjoyment.

This second chapter takes place a few months afterwards.  Sadly, the contract she worked so hard to get signed has met some snags, leaving not only her job, but her entire firm in jeopardy.  In order to stop the contract from falling through, her senior partners have demanded she personally go to Argentina and salvage what she can with the contract.  Being such a huge contract and wanting to keep things in their favor, they suggested Heather take her husband as a mediator for the contract, not divulging to the Argentinian bank the true nature of Tim's relationship with Heather, they instead tell her to have him simply be a third-party contractor hired to oversee the negotiations.

This scene is taken early in the chapter, when the couple first arrives in Argentina...

Monday, January 19, 2015

2015 Teaser 02 - Assumptions

While I'm using a random number generator to select what pages to post, I'm not simply taking that page and cutting and pasting it here.  I'm actually seeing what scene that page is involved with and trying to give you the complete I'm going back sometimes one or two pages, to make sure it is a full scene.  That's not to say in some cases you'll understand what is going on, LOL, but it hopefully gives you a feeling towards how the story is written.

This second teaser comes from my currently unreleased Assumptions story, where a woman and her husband go to her sorority and brother fraternities alumni party.  The title of Assumptions comes from vague descriptions of events happening where not only the husband, but also the reader, are left to make their own assumptions on what is happening.  There is obviously a known slut at the reunion party--but is it one of the wife's (Samantha) friends, is it one of the other sorority sisters the husband (Daniel) meets up with during the weekend-long party, or is it even his very own wife!  There are a lot of innuendo's and 'what just happened' types things in the story, and it is something that will leave everybody guessing.

I'm not even certain whether I will end the story with a revelation as to the slut's identity or simply leave it for everybody to make their got it...Assumptions.

2015 Teaser 01 - Annie Babysits the Kids 08

The first in my series of teasers to give everybody a hint at all the stories I'm working on.  Some of them are going to be short--as I may not have a lot written down and some stories currently only being outlines and such--but I hope it gives a fair representation of the stories so everybody can see I'm not just sitting around on my ass, LOL.

This first one (going alphabetically) is an excerpt from the beginning of Annie Babysits the Kids 08.  It is the day after the infamous Pool Party...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Teasers coming...

As a few "Anonymous" messages have stated, I did promise some teasers to everything to start off the New Year.  I haven't forgotten you, it's just there have been several requests on me picking choice scenes that give a good idea of the story, and honestly, I'm having a hard time with that.  I could easily have posted random selections by now, but to decide critical scenes to a chapter when in some cases, that chapter is not even finished, has been difficult to say the least.

For example, Lapdancing Chapter 06...the defining moment in the chapter has not even been written yet...Diamond's syndication party.  The entire chapter builds up to that one scene, and as such, picking any other scene does not give an idea of the chapter.  In addition, there are a few plot twists that would be revealed in that scene I want to avoid until the chapter is out.  In other chapters, such as What's In a Name, the entire story is the defining moment...and there is no one defining scene that 'makes' the story.

As such, although I know it's not what people wanted, I will probably do the random thing and let Fate decide on an excerpt from each story currently in progress (including the small part of Annie!).  I think that will be the easiest and at least will give you all something to drool over, LOL  ;)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Slow weekend....

Spent most of the day working on some 3D Graphics versus writing, so although I worked a little on What's in a Name, it wasn't much to speak of.  Also didn't have much time to put together some teasers from all my stories.  I'm not sure if I'll release one at a time or just a whole shotgun of teasers, but when I can sit down and do them I will...just to give you something to show.

I try to keep my regular images and my 'DocCIS' images separate, but if anybody is interested in seeing some of my work, drop me a message and I can link you to my FB page where I post most of that...most of the 'racier' images will be here, but my regular ones are more prevalent.

Other than living through the cold here in DC, not much happening over the weekend...although it seems to have gone by WAY too fast...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year...

Although I did not do much in terms of writing or graphics over the Christmas-to-New Year's break, I did begin working a bit on writing towards the tail-end of the vacation.  I completely switched gears (again) and worked on What's In a Name.  You may notice a lot more images in the picture widget for the story on the right.  In the last week or so I've written well over 100 pages (Word format, so about 10+ pages Literotica).  Currently this is where my Muse has taken me, and I'm really getting into developing the story.

I'm a bit uncertain how I'm going to break the story up.  It has multiple sections which describe a part of the characters' lives over many years...but each section is a main story in and of itself.  Originally it was going to be based upon CHAPTERS...but right now I'm at 100+ pages and only about 10% done with the FIRST storyline (yup, it's going to be a biggie!) I may break it into PARTS or VOLUMES with multiple chapters in between.

For those that do not want to read back to where I described it (although it's pretty easy going to the TAGS and clicking on What's In a Name),  it is a story about a married woman who is obsessed with titles.  She grew up in the beauty pageant circuit as a child, teen and young woman, so everything is a competition.  Now that she is married and has kids, she is out of that scene, but it had been so much a part of her life, she wants to do SOMETHING to relieve the urge to show herself off.  So she's a bit of an exhibitionist, but the story is more about her obsession to win titles.  In this first 'part' she finds out about a series of contests at a nightclub that all make up the "Ultimate Body" title.  This first story is how she enters the contests (wet t-shirt, best legs, best ass, etc.) held weekly, but keeps it from her husband, asking the help of one of his coworkers...who ultimate seduces her (or maybe she seduces him, LOL).  When in the beauty pageant circuit she often slept with judges so they would vote in favor of her (a common practice according to her) so when she finds out the various co-workers of her husband are judges, she tries to swing their votes her way week after week...

The rest of the series will be her getting other various titles, such as MILF, MILFA, MILFAss, Office Slut, etc.

This story is another one where I'm attempting to have different points of views.  I learned from the last time to not keep things as repetitive, so although I may go into detail with a scene described by one person, when the other is reliving the scene it is more about their thoughts and emotions.  I've always admired writers who could do this and obviously need the practice, so giving it another go.  This way you can hopefully understand what is going on through the main protagonist's eyes (Lindsey), her husband (Jim), and the other various characters.

I felt I needed a new direction.  I had worked on Lapdancing 06 and Extenuating Circumstances to the point where I didn't even want to open them up in Word on my computer, and this was a nice clean slate I could cleanse my palate upon.  Whether it will be the next story released or EC will be I don't know, but right now simply going with the flow...

As suggested in some comments, I will try on releasing a few teasers of each story I've been working on.  Although it would take too much time to go through each and select a representative sample, I'll at least do a select scene for Lapdancing 06 and Extenuating Circumstances...possibly What's in a Name.  But for the rest, it may simply be one-page random selections as putting in the time to find a select passage may take too long...