Monday, February 24, 2014

The pain of writing...

So I've been getting pretty deep into my Assumptions story this weekend.  I'm up to 70 pages (Word format, about 10 Literotica pages) and still going strong.  In fact, a new twist to the plot came to me and I'm following that little rabbit hole to its end.

I've been so engrossed diving into the story my hand is starting to hurt...and not from typing!  As I always said, if a writer cannot enjoy what he's writing, then how can he write and instill the passion into a story!

The thing is, what I KNOW and what the READER will be reading are somewhat two different things.  I'm not going to give anything away, but as the title says, there are going to be a lot of assumptions, not only by the main protagonist of the story, but by the reader themselves.  In fact, I have thought of an ending that will be epic...and leave some people completely baffled and others pissed off, hehehe.

I am debating on whether this will become a series or not.  Leaving it as a stand-alone version is like reading a story with a big cliff-hanger that never completes...leaving the viewer to imagine their own ending.  Such stories always leave me wondering what the author intended...and never really having the closure I seem to need, hehehe.  That is how this story will end.

I have some ideas on further chapters, but again, not sure if they will add as much emotion to the plot that leaving the first chapter as it is without any sequels.  I've even thought of combining this story with another one--my Extenuating Circumstances story, as the main women in the story have a somewhat similar history, albeit pretty loose (went to college, joined a sorority, may have been a bit of a slut/tease)...but then the plot would turn in a complete 90 degree difference...and I'm pretty happy with how both stories stand alone.  Guess that's my answer, that I read it on "paper."

Anyways, hopefully won't get carpal tunnel syndrome before this story is completed!  ;)


  1. Doc, I think everyone's waiting for Lap 6. Haha... getting hopes up can be just as tiring as writing. But I am sure we are all expectant..... big fans of yours waiting patiently with our fingers crossed and our lips blue....cause we can't get carpal tunnel without info..... :P More Previews!!! Yeah!

    1. Hey, I actually updated my Assumptions gallery yesterday...surprised nobody noticed it yet, LOL ;)

  2. LOL. I think it's hard for us to get excited about something we've not read before. You are good but not Steve Jobs "You don't know better so I'll tell you what you really want!" good. :P

    I think we are still looking forward to what we know (Lap 6)....unless you give tantalise us with something from Assumption. Hehe...

    1. Unlike Lapdancing Girlfriend, there aren't really good snippets for teasers in Assumptions. It's one of those "take it all in" type stories...even if it's going to be 10+ pages on Literotica.

      I understand not being excited about something you've not yet read...but then again, at this point, I would imagine people are wanting SOMETHING from me, hehehe, even if it's not what they are waiting for! ;)

  3. Rest assured Doc....the forums will light up like christmas trees once Lap 6 is out.

  4. Wow really quiet. I thought my posting will get some of the regulars out......haha. Still this place would light up with comments of Lap 6 and intense speculations about Lap7. Then the incessant begging for teasers of Lap 7.....Haha....I can't wait to update my tallies of Diamond's exploits. :P

  5. I want the skyrim story to continue.
